August Aspirations

gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
Ok, I'll start. I would like to propose that we put our name in each post… at least until we get familiar w/ one another. I want to be able to comment on your guys' stuff and use your names to personalize and it is a pain to go back to the original thread all the time. What do you all think about that? I want to feel like I am getting to know you all… ya know?

Any who… My goal for August is to stick to my calorie limits every single day… log everything in MFP… work out at least 3x a week… and to weigh no more than 155 by the time August is over.


  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    My aim for August is to be on the edge of a healthy weight range for my height, so to lose 8 lbs and track everyday! Excited for this one as the changes really start to make an improvement
    SW 171
    GW 163(160 is a healthy weight for my height)

  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    My goals for August:
    - continue walking to and from work and try to keep averaging 20,000 steps each weekday
    - stick to my calorie limits all weekdays (I'm a bit more lenient on the weekends)
    - SW 137, GW 134

    Hope you ladies are having a great weekend and start to August! It's going to be a great month!

    - Jill
  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Jools- are you following any particular diet plan or just sticking to calorie goals? Hitting that "healthy weight for height" mark is huge! I'm teetering there myself. You can do it!!

    Jill- sounds totally doable! Once I get to within 5 pounds of where I want to be I plan on doing the same... good during the week but looser on weekends. Since that has been a slippery slope for me in the past I am planning on adding in logging on the weekends too (no matter how bad I eat!). Are you still logging on the weekends?
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Rachel, I do log on weekends even if it's just sloppy quick adds. A big thing for me has been to learn how to log without judgment. Even if I eat way over my cals, I log it and don't let myself feel badly about it. No good days, or bad days, just days that I eat more or less.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Rachel-Thanks for getting this started! On board with you for the 155 target and would love to hit the workout 3x/week goal too. You can totally rock the logging. Weekends are always the toughest, but sure you can make it happen.

    Jools-Great goal, but don't let yourself get discouraged if you aren't able to maintain a 2lb/week loss. I think it's tougher to lose as we get closer to that "healthy weight" goal. Aim to get as close as you can this month and maybe the rest in September. (I'm in a similar position about 10lbs away from "healthy BMI".) Let's get healthy!

    Jill- You've been killing it on the steps so fantastic goal. Definitely with you on being loose on the weekends, but careful not to destroy your hard earned progress (my personal issue). You've been doing amazing so I think you have way better control.

    I completely failed on my weightloss goal for July and started the month with birthday indulgences, so unfortunately, I have the same goal (get below 155). I need to remeasure, but I think I did still lose at least an inch. I'd like to lose another 2 inches off of waist and abdomen each. Setting a goal of at least 20 minutes workout at least 4 days/week.

    Good luck everyone!

  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Thanks for the support guys! I know the weight loss may slow, at the moment I stick to my calorie goals, only eat back half the exercise calories, try to not eat too much wheat/carbs, keep the protein up and hit the weights! I'm scared for September as I start a new full time job which I don't think will leave me any time for the gym, so thinking of investing in some kettle bells for home - anyone workout at home?

    Weekends also my problem, this weekend i've got a dinner invite on sat so hoping not to over do it, and eating out on sun!

    Good luck everyone!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    I do all my working out at home (or outside). I do tracy anderson metamorphosis videos. Very little equipment needed. Just light weights at the beginning.
  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Rachel, I do log on weekends even if it's just sloppy quick adds. A big thing for me has been to learn how to log without judgment. Even if I eat way over my cals, I log it and don't let myself feel badly about it. No good days, or bad days, just days that I eat more or less.

    That is something I am still working on. I find myself thinking "how can I possibly make this meal that I do not know exactly what is in it look like it's not too high calorie when in fact I know it is"… Work in progress.

    Sarah, you gotta enjoy your Birthday (and other special occasions)! The more you try and refrain yourself, the worse you will ultimately feel… In instances like that I usually try and make some rules for the celebratory day, like; low cal breakfast, work out, and decide if I want an indulgent meal or if I want to eat a salad and have cake and a drink. After all, what's life if you can't enjoy it? (Not saying you can't enjoy it if you aren't eating high cal but the act of restricting yourself when you really don't want to is torture!) 20 min of workout/4 days is totally doable!

    Jools, that's tough w the new job. Maybe there will be some opportunities for you to get in a couple of 10 minute walks on breaks? I have struggled with working out at home. I know many people who do it though. My fiancee swears by T25… it is a full body video program that is 25 minutes a session.

    My work week has been easy peasy. I was kinda bummed that I only lost 1.5 pounds this week but a loss is a loss. I have worked out 2 in the past week and have actually wanted to work out more but my fiancee is out of town and I'm on single Mommy duty until tonight. But I have my gym clothes on right now, my babies are going to daycare, and I have the day off… so I will hit my goal of at least 3. I'm worried about this weekend. My fiancee comes back from being gone all week for training and it is my ex-husband's weekend with the kids… I keep finding myself fantasizing about wining and dining all weekend (amongst other things, lol). But then I catch myself and think of my calorie goals. Sigh… Under ordinarily circumstances I would just loosen up my restrictions for at least part of the weekend but… I really wanted to have no cheating until 9/5.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    edited August 2015
    sw: 171
    w1: 168.6 (the kids were at activities this week so managed quite a few workouts!)

    Thanks for the workout video ideas. I have a nel McAndrew one which is good, but I think i will invest in a couple more. I'm scared about this weekend too Rachel, we're going to my friend's for dinner tonight and then having a day out tomorrow, really don't want to destroy my hard work, I guess we could focus on small portions of nice things?!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Week 1 update!
    Goal: continue walking to and from work and try to keep averaging 20,000 steps each weekday
    w1: my weekday average was 18,510, so not bad.
    Goal: stick to my calorie limits all weekdays (I'm a bit more lenient on the weekends)
    w1: I stayed under my limit Monday-Friday. woohoo! I'm going to really try to stick to this all month, and try to keep at least 1 weekend day totally on goal.
    - SW 137, GW 134
    w1: 136!

    Great week 1, Jools! Good luck with your eating with the social plans. Enjoy yourself and let us know how it goes! I am probably going to overdo it tonight...and I have all-you-can-eat brunch plans for tomorrow...
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    how are you managing 20k steps?! I only average about 9k a day :(
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    edited August 2015
    I walk to and from work, which is 7500 steps (5.6km) each way. That plus a walk at lunch and/or in the evening does it.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Week 1 progress: Counting Sunday-Saturday, did not make 4x exercise/week, but I did do more than 45 minutes for the three workouts I did do, so I think that's still a win.

    Sounds like Jools and Jill are rocking their goals. Rachel, how's it going?
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    edited August 2015
    sw: 171
    w1: 168.6
    w2: 168

    Not much off this week. Bit disappointed but anyway, still going down! So, difficult weekend again. Meeting friends for lunch today, and going to a baking festival tomorrow! Let's see how I manage.

    Also bought a kettle bell yesterday so I can do some kind of weight workout at home, my old 2kg hand weights just won't do anything now!

    How did everyone else do this week?
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hey, any loss is great, Jools! A baking festival sounds fun...and dangerous! Pastries and baked goods are totally my weakness! Good luck.

    Week 2 update:
    Goal: continue walking to and from work and try to keep averaging 20,000 steps each weekday
    w1: my weekday average was 18,510, so not bad.
    w2: I was over 20,000 3 days, and around 15,000 on the other two days.
    Goal: stick to my calorie limits all weekdays (I'm a bit more lenient on the weekends)
    w1: I stayed under my limit Monday-Friday. woohoo! I'm going to really try to stick to this all month, and try to keep at least 1 weekend day totally on goal.
    w2: Success! I went crazy over last Saturday, but stuck to my limit since then.
    - SW 137, GW 134
    w1: 136!
    w2: 134.8
    Yay! I'm so excited to be under 135. I had such a hard time getting under 140 for the longest time, but the next 4 came off pretty effortlessly.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    You're doing amazing Jill! I've been trying to cram a few more steps in everyday, made my daughter run a mile around the block with me last weak after dinner to get more steps in (she's only 7 so did pretty well)! Yeah, I'm having the weekend off, bu will be back to proper logging on Monday.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Jill and Jools doing well. How did you do with the baking festival Jools? Or giving things a couple days to settle out before weighing in (congrats on the continued progress, second to Jill that any loss is great). Jill congrats on reaching your <135 milestone. All that walking is definitely paying off. Rachel, how did your week go? How was the weekend with fiancee back from training and kids away?

    For me:
    SW: (Aug 3): 162.0 (a little high from pigging out on my birthday)
    W1 (Aug 10): 160.4
    CW (Aug 17): 158.6 (I might actually make my goal this month! Although I stayed under calories yesterday, I was pretty high on sodium so hoping some of this is actually water weight)

    Workout goal: 4x/week at least 20 minutes
    Once again, I only got to the gym 3x this week, but put in 60 minutes each time, so I think I'm still doing ok. I did have one night that I just did some strength activities (I think at least 30 minutes), so I guess that should count towards my 4x/week. Got in a good workout yesterday and got into work early today so hoping that I can get stuff done and get a good gym cardio session in tonight.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    You're doing well this month Rachel! Yeah, I had the whole weekend off in the end, but back at it today, with a little extra deficit to try and even out by Saturday! Had a great lunch at Yo Sushi today, I love that they have the calories no everything :)
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    I'm going to do my Week 3 update now since I'm heading out of town and won't have a chance tomorrow.

    Week 3 update:
    Goal: continue walking to and from work and try to keep averaging 20,000 steps each weekday
    w1: my weekday average was 18,510, so not bad.
    w2: I was over 20,000 3 days, and around 15,000 on the other two days.
    w3: I think I only hit 20,000 once, maybe twice, this week, but did more than 10,000 each day, so that's ok. Weather wasn't good, and it was a busy week. Didn't get any runs or other workouts at all, so I want to try to pick it up a little more.
    Goal: stick to my calorie limits all weekdays (I'm a bit more lenient on the weekends)
    w1: I stayed under my limit Monday-Friday. woohoo! I'm going to really try to stick to this all month, and try to keep at least 1 weekend day totally on goal.
    w2: Success! I went crazy over last Saturday, but stuck to my limit since then.
    w3: Success! I stuck to goal every day except Sunday, when I went out for brunch and dinner. Since it wasn't a binge, I'm ok with it.
    - SW 137, GW 134
    w1: 136!
    w2: 134.8
    w3: 136 I'm up a bit, but it's my TOM, so I'm not going to stress. I've been feeling super bloated all week and was up to 138 some days, so if I'm good this weekend, I think I should be ok by next week. I hope!
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    sw: 171
    w1: 168.6
    w2: 168
    w3: 165.8

    Yay, made a loss even after having the weekend off last week :) Well done Jill, it's hard to keep will power at TOM!