Weekly Weigh-In August 16-22

SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
Here's to another great week. If it's a loss. Awesome. If there is no change. That's great too. If there's a gain. Tomorrow is a new day new start.


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    I'm down 1.8 today!

    SW 240
    SW for challenge...230.2
    Loss for challenge 5.6
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member

    Only down 0.2 this week. At least it's still down!
  • cathrynw
    cathrynw Posts: 24 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hey All, I'm going in the wrong direction. I was on vacation eating salty food all last week. I'm sure it will go down some but I'm holding my weigh in accountable anyway.

    Starting weight MFP: 219
    Challenge start weight: 212.4
    Goal for this challenge: 193.4
    This week's weigh in: 219.8

    Goal this week is to get myself to the gym!
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Starting weight 250
    Challenge starting weight 201.8
    Goal for challenge 180
    7/7/15 weight 201.8
    7/14/15 weight 201.6
    7/21/15 weight 200.4
    7/27/15 weight 201.6
    8/4/15 weight 198.8
    8/11/15 weight 196.6
    8/18/15 weight 196

    Down .6 to an even 196, but I'm sure sodium is holding another pound hostage. I'll wrestle it away by next week. I'm happy to be down at all, I had a very high stress and no exercise week, so this loss is purely food related.
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Eninad wrote: »
    Starting weight 250
    Challenge starting weight 201.8
    Goal for challenge 180
    7/7/15 weight 201.8
    7/14/15 weight 201.6
    7/21/15 weight 200.4
    7/27/15 weight 201.6
    8/4/15 weight 198.8
    8/11/15 weight 196.6
    8/18/15 weight 196

    Down .6 to an even 196, but I'm sure sodium is holding another pound hostage. I'll wrestle it away by next week. I'm happy to be down at all, I had a very high stress and no exercise week, so this loss is purely food related.

    I still squee a little everytime I see your numbers. Eeee!!!!! <3
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Well guys I finally get to post a loss. I have plateaued for f couple months so I didn't post here.
    SW (feb 28) 294
    SW (this challenge) 232
    CW 227

    I have managed to drop 4 pounds since this challenge started. I only have 2 pounds to make my doc happy but I want to see Onderland so bad I am of course not going to stop there. I am hoping to be around 210 in October when I go back to see the doc.

  • yesIcan155
    yesIcan155 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all! I'm ready to get back to it after slacking for a while. I went from 184 at the end of the July 4 challenge to 191 today. I swore I would never see 200 again, so its time to get moving and logging again.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Welcome back Jessica.
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    edited August 2015
    No way is 200 coming back before you get on the wagon. Welcome back Jessica!
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    Down .8 for this weigh-in. That's just over 5 lbs for this challenge and 18 since february. Slow but steady!

    Have a great weekend everyone. Be healthy!!
  • cathrynw
    cathrynw Posts: 24 Member
    @seeahhter787 great job!!!! @edellaratta keep up the great work!!!!
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    cathrynw wrote: »
    @seeahhter787 great job!!!! @edellaratta keep up the great work!!!!

    Thank you!!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Thanks cathrynw.
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