Made to Crave

snowbirdy Posts: 26 Member
Is anyone out there reading Made to Crave?
If so, have you found it encouraging/helpful in your journey?


  • snowbirdy
    snowbirdy Posts: 26 Member
    no one out there at all? wow
  • Owl600
    Owl600 Posts: 13 Member
    No, I'm not reading Made to Crave, but I might read it now! I just looked it up online and it looks like an interesting book!
  • snowbirdy
    snowbirdy Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the reply! I just signed up for the 21 day challenge and they email me "lessons" each day for 21 days. Very eye opening for me. I was hoping to hear some feedback on how it's helped others, their thoughts etc., so please feel free to message me if you read the book/sign up for the email messages. God Bless!
  • captjac97
    captjac97 Posts: 17 Member
    I have read the book and I have the devotional on my Kindle. It is really good. I enjoyed it. I may just start reading it again and join you! I have just gotten back in the groove of trying to lose weight again. MyFitnessPal is a great tool for me to use and I love it. good luck to you!
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    I've started reading Made to Crave again slowly. The first time I wizzed through it (as I do most books) and then re-read it if I think it is worth it. I've found much of what I've read slowly so far very helpful and would recommend it. Worth mulling over and considering if what she concentrates on in a particular chapter is relevant.
  • snowbirdy
    snowbirdy Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I appreciate the feedback.
  • reba020
    reba020 Posts: 55 Member
    I have read it before and it is amazing. I am reading through it again right now and actually applying what it says. Very eye opening and encouraging book!
  • Kreider86
    Kreider86 Posts: 105 Member
    I am only one chapter into it, but seems to be speaking to my heart so far! Hope you enjoy it!
  • captjac97
    captjac97 Posts: 17 Member
    Anyone ever feel like they have so much going on that they can't really focus on one thing? Like "Made to Crave" book? I am in the middle of like 4 books. I so need to stop and focus on one thing at a time and do that one thing well. Saying "Yes" to too much stuff? Any thoughts from anyone on this?
  • jmnicholas
    jmnicholas Posts: 58 Member
    I think we prioritise what we deem to be important, so it is important to read things like 'Made to Crave' intentionally, so set aside time each day/week for that book only. As I always have multiple books on the go, it is usually that I need to allocate time to the ones which are important, and use the others as 'fill-in' ones...But saying 'no' is something which is really difficult to learn. I'm working on it with food, and acts of service, and at work, but it is difficult...