im sprialing downward

even though i am making progress in my weight loss. very slowly i might add.
My back pain and foot pain has gotten so severely bad its hard to simply walk from my living room to the kitchen, let alone do daily activities or exercise.
i do have a dr. appt for my foot. tomorrow. i sure hope he will help me.
im scared with the amount of pain im in, that i will end up in a wheel chair or something. that's like a death sentence.
im currently 377lbs. and have a lot to lose.
my name is hope btw, im new the the group. i didn't even know that MFP had groups until a couple days ago lolz.


  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    Hi Hope, I understand how you feel. I have a bad back which limits me to what I can do. I also have a bad knee that adds to my problems. I've been in my weight loss journey for about 14 months now. I stared at 395 and currently at 324, it's been slow. The first year I lost 60 just by changing my diet. I started exercising at the one year mark. I mainly swim. It's easier on my joints. But financially it's tough having to pay but for me I had to make it a priority. Maybe you can find a video for chair aerobics or try a recumbent exercise bike. Just try it to see if the bike doesn't hurt your foot. Even if you sit and lift weights. Anything that gets your heart rate to go up is activity. Good luck.
  • KrysKiss87
    KrysKiss87 Posts: 124 Member
    I have bad knees, which sucks when my favorite thing to do is go running. I know what it's like to have difficulties getting the exercise I need. The BEST exercise you can do if you have body restrictions due to injuries etc. is to swim. It takes the stress off your joints and allows you to get a full body workout without all the aches and pains. Also try something low impact like chair exercises as mentioned above. There is a ton that you can due to get your heart rate going and burn those calories without risking further injury. Just remember that you are stronger than your obstacles. Don't let your REASONS for avoiding exercise become your EXCUSES for avoiding exercise. Stay strong and keep it up! Good luck! Add me if you need an accountability partner.
  • SnakesLadders79
    SnakesLadders79 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I started at 377 too and want to lose about 210lb, so I know how you feel! I also have a bad back but find its getting better as I lose, even though I've only lost 10lb so far! As suggested above, try swimming and/or aquafit, I love both. If you want to add me please do, in fact anyone can, I'm happy to help where I can and need all the help I can get haha!