Hows everyone doing?



  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    Congratulations marallewis! I'm curious how you and the others avoid the desire to eat/snack while on the replacements? Is it easier/harder than you thought it would be?
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    edited August 2015
    Kate---Blending the shakes are the only way to go! Nice little blender. If my Oster blender dies I'll look at the Toastmaster! I found the Pineapple-Apricot gets really frothy. I really like the Chocolate and Vanilla (mixed at times with flavorings and spices for variety) as puddings but made into shakes. I have tried the Lemon Pudding too but it's not The consistency is really thick. I put in once cup of ice and then add water to the 16 ounce mark and then blend. The puddings are not frothy at all. Much richer flavor too.

    Lisa---Congrats on starting your journey! I totally binged the weeks leading up to my start date! I have been taken off of my diuretic, acid reflux and blood pressure pill! I can relate when you talked about your vacation. Being overweight and carb addicted is so tiring. My arthritis was so much worse before this diet too. You will love the health benefits! Thanks for the "Go Big Red" shout out! We love our Cornhusker football here for sure!

    Maral---Congrats on the 50 pounds down!! I'm down 41 after 8 weeks. In our program they DON'T want us to exercise while we are in the reducing phase. I'm worried about muscle loss too as I have a fat analyzer and know I am losing lean body weight. I asked at my monthly visit with the PA and she didn't seem to have anything to say but discouraged me from using the analyzer! I wasn't impressed with her lack of knowledge on the subject when I asked her about how much lean body weight loss is considered normal.

    Lisa---Regarding desire to eat/snack while on the replacements, I have found keeping up on my water intake helps. We are also allowed 10 extra carb grams (total 50g) so chewing gum, sugar free jello, pickles, bouillon are all allowed and they have helped too. Having said that....I have also done a lot of research on ketogenic/ketosis dieting, (LCHF) since starting this diet as I had never heard of losing weight from eating low carb before. I was and still do crave actually "chewing" and some days I am challenged with wanting a little more variety and I get tired of the monotony so I have taken 1-2 bites and/or had VERY small portions of protein/fat foods with no carbs so I stay in ketosis and I have still lost weight at a rate I am happy with so that has helped. I told my PA this in private, not in my weekly group and she wasn't too bothered. I read in this "Drinkers" group another person say in their program their doctor allowed small protein real food snacks when they felt hungry or wanted something in addition to their meal replacements. That program also had most of their ladies on 3 shakes a day and the men on 4 shakes a day. When I have had a protein snack, I try to only have 3 shakes.
  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! I'm not new either. I started the New Direction program last July and had great success losing 70 pounds. A change in my insurance prompted me to move into the Outlook program (2 shakes/day and 1 meal). I've lost another 10 pounds on that program. Yesterday, I switched to what my center calls the "Individual Plan" where I no longer attend weekly meetings, but I do meet monthly with a nutritionist and get more attention. My plan still includes 2 shakes and 1 meal. With thirty more pounds to lose in order to achieve my goal weight and having hovered around the same 3 pound range for a couple of months, I am approaching this new phase in my weight loss journey with renewed vigor, but an open mind also.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for checking in 110tolose! 80 pounds down is great!! That's gotta be frustrating to have had insurance changes and then a stall for 3 months. I hope you can find what works for you to get the last 30 off.
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    I go in tomorrow for my big consult and to get my "shopping" done. I was really impressed with my first meeting last week, which ended up being a one on one with me, a PA and the bariatric doc (all women). Julie, are you in the Lincoln area? (Im a Husker too) My doc was pushing big for exercize starting week two- once ketosis is achieved- so I can gain and maintain muscle mass and not lose valuable muscle that helps to burn fat. She also said she likes to introduce 1 meal as soon as possible so we can start learning healthy eating habits ASAP while still under regular supervision. Tomorrow we'll discuss my 20 page questionaire, weight loss goals and our approach to them. We'll discuss the results of my initial blood tests and we'll customize the program for me. Then I'll "officially" start the replacements on Thursday. Im so excited and scared. I'm ready to get this show on the road!
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    HuskerJulie, I sent you a PM.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for reaching out Lisa! I live in Omaha.

    Your clinic is run so much different from mine. I have never seen a bariatric doctor, just the PA in my meetings but I would like to! They seem to be for those patients doing the bariatric surgeries. I don't feel the PA I see really gets all the science behind ketosis, just restates the basics and yet I'm very interested in the science part as I am an RN!

    The registered dietician who leads our class is super sweet and supportive but gets her science facts wrong sometimes! I have done lots of research on ketogenic diets since starting, it's all VERY fascinating. I had always been a die hard Weight Watcher devotee and never researched any other kind of diets before so I was unfamiliar with the concept of ketosis. I've learned that many people continue ketogenic diets even after losing weight due to the other side health benefits. I asked our RD about modifying the New Direction maintenance portion when I get to that point and eating a low carb/high fat diet with no sugars/starches so I could stay in ketosis and she said I couldn't do it, that I would eat too much fat, that it was unhealthy, that it was not realistic and not sustainable. Hmmm...I just said okay. Still I know of many people have lived on LC/HF or Paleo-Keto diets and stayed in ketosis for years and decades with great success (even children with epilepsy and people with diabetes) so I was a little taken back that she couldn't say anything positive about it. Being in ketosis has REALLY helped my painful joints so much due to it's anti-inflammatory properties and my acid reflux is gone now too, I have no swelling in my feet or hands! I don't have sugar cravings and don't miss the peaks and valleys of hypoglycemia before and after my meals! I have learned so much about what makes us fat by Gary Taubes (author of Good Calories, Bad Calories and this video , and how the food industry is so tied up into money and poor nutrition, see this video by Tom Naughton

    A couple weeks ago we were going over the topic of fats in class. Now for a long time saturated fats have got a bad rap but the science is coming around more this past decade that it's inflammation that causes heart disease and that we don't have to fear fat like we have been told for years. Our RD said "eating saturated fats is like pouring fat down your sink and clogging up the plumbing."
    It's just not so. Read here:

    I attended another day for class one week and before class I was sharing how I prefer to use a blender and ice with extra water than the shaker container and another lady said that the RD told their class that they could not use a blender because it would destroy the protein!! What??!! I do appreciate the behavior portions of the education because that is my weakness.

    Rather than eating one meal sooner, we TALK a lot about meals so we know how to eat when we are done and she follows the diabetic exchange program. She is all about tracking but really feels strongly that we can't rely on using MyFitnessPal and that we need to learn the exchange program as a foundation. I know it's part of the New Direction program but seems a little outdated to me when we now have such easy apps on our phones like MFP! I just keep my mouth shut so as not to be negative around others in the class.

    One more weird thing she said and then I'll quit my "rant". We had a lady doing VLCD so no meals and she was going on a vacation with her family and wanted to switch to the LCD just for her vacation (where you eat a meal but they eat carbs so they are not in ketosis). The RD said she couldn't do it, that she had to stick with the meal replacements. I suggested she do a modified LCD during her vacation and just eat protein and very low carb veggies, etc and stay under 50gms like they tell us to do with the meal replacements) so she would stay in ketosis and the RD said no, that even if she did that it would knock her out of ketosis. That was just flat out incorrect but I kept my mouth shut.

    I can't say for sure what I will do when I reach maintenance but I have learned a lot by watching LOTS of YouTube videos and joining the Keto-Adaptation Facebook group. I appreciate NOT having to cook and grocery shop during all my research so I will continue with New Direction for my weight reducing portion, after that I may not continue with my RD for the 2 year after losing portion.

    I am also curious what other people have been told about exercise but will start a new thread. This is LONG already!
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    Well, to be honest, I've only been to my clinic once. However, I was referred there by a family friend who is also doing the diet. She was having a lot of health issues due to weight. She lost 60 pounds- and those negative health issues- and is on the maintanance program. When I saw some of the things she was posting about her "program", I contacted her privately. I'd been debating about seeing a bariatric doctor and getting info on gastric bypass procedures, but just wasn't sure I was ready (or would qualify) for something that drastic. When she told me about her doctor and the program, I immediately felt hope!

    I really do appreciate that my new doctor wants to treat the whole woman/person and feels education about eating and weight is her mission in life. Right away she talked about how people want to do things the "easy way". She then explained that the body is no different. It wants energy for fuel and is going to get it the quickest and easiest way. The easy way is with carbs. You can eat all the spinich you want, but if you eat it with potatoes and bread, it's going to burn the carb calories from the potatoes and bread and break down the spinach last. And if those spinach calories aren't needed, it will store them as fat. If a person wants to lose weight, then you need to make sure you're eating the foods that will are going to burn as fat, and not easy, inefficient fuel. I think I'm paraphrashing her correctly. There was SO MUCH information at that first meeting!

    Thanks for sharing those videos. They just back up everything my doctor said.
  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    Is that bit about the blender ruining the protein true? I always use a blender to mix water, ice, hot cocoa mix and powdered peanut butter. Our nutritionist even used a blender in a recipe session.

    I don't want to give up using my blender.
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    The back of my packets mention using a blender on low to avoid excess foaming. I should think if it were a big no-no, that we would be specifically instructed not to do it.
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    Well, I had my physical and my EKG and everything else today. No big surprises, other than my vitamin D deficiency for which I'll need suppliments. I got all of my first weeks product. Tomorrow I officially begin my journey.
  • michellkieffer
    michellkieffer Posts: 1 Member
    Im new to the group. I just started last Wednesday and have lost 4 pounds so far. I'm doing 4 shakes this week and as I understand it will go to 3 next week. So far 4 has been ok, but worried I will be hungry with just 3.
  • marallewis
    marallewis Posts: 18 Member
    So, I reached my initial weight goal and the PA moved me from VLCD to LCD. Eating 1 meal and 1 snack a day. It is hard! I'm really struggling with making decisions about what to eat. My Dr. said I should do LCD for about 6 weeks and get my metabolism back up and then maybe do another round of shakes.... has anyone done that?! It was news to me that I would go off, and then back on again. I'm just under 200, and at my skinniest adult weight (training half marathon - running 5-8 miles a day) I was 175lbs.
  • oooooKATEooooo
    oooooKATEooooo Posts: 32 Member
    Ill be 4 weeks in tomorrow.
    I do 4 shakes (3 shakes plus 2 bars) per day. Initially dr said go down to 3 per day after a month. I KNOW I will be starving. Even 4 per day not easy for me (yet?). I may stick w 4 as I'm seeing abt 5# loss per week and I'm fine w that. I've also just added in walking.
  • marallewis
    marallewis Posts: 18 Member
    Kate: I had trouble going down to 3 replacements a day -- so I would do a couple days at 3, then have a 4 day, and then get back on 3. I was misunderstanding thirst for hunger - so keep drinking, and I was allowed to eat calorie free dill pickles and a diet soda, which would substitute as a snack when I was dying around 4pm every day. I'm not a soda drinker, but a diet cream soda felt like a treat! Good luck!
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    I am not quite two weeks in and down 10 pounds. I'm on 3 replacements and 1 "snack" bar. I don't feel hungry at all. I WANT to eat- but not because I'm hungry. I'm realizing now just how much of my life I spent "grazing", a cookie here (or a handfull), a piece of cheese there, all day long! So I find myself wanting to get something to eat, out of habit or boredom. I'm not hungry at all though. Im exercizing, mostly walking, but did one exercize video. I think Im just now starting to go into ketosis. The first week was easy peasy, even with exercise. This week I feel drained of all energy and am sleeping long and hard! So right now Im exercising according to how I feel. I did renew my membership at the community center to hope to start back on the treadmill and swimming laps later this week.

    Keep up the good work everybody!
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome Michell! I hope you've had a good start!

    Wow! Michell, Kate, Maraal and Lisa all have said you are supposed to go down to 3 shakes. I asked about going down to 3 because some days I'd sleep later in the mornings on my days off or get busy in the afternoon doing errands or I wasn't that hungry. The dietician said "If it happens that's fine but don't let it happen often. It's very important that you get 4 shakes a day."

    I have been tracking my body fat at home on a monitor I bought on Amazon and was concerned because I was losing lean body weight on the weeks I had more "3 shake days" than "4 shake days". I was worried about that. If I exercise and don't have enough calories it will go after muscle but I need to exercise to keep the muscle!
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Lisa---I read it takes only 3-4 days to deplete your glycogen stores and enter into ketosis if you are eating low carb but then it can take weeks to be fully efficient at burning fat it can take a few weeks. Hopefully you will feel better soon. I think it's wise to listen to your body about the amount of exercise you do. Our muscles use glycogen that is stored in the muscles (and liver) but not to the degree we had it before I would think so you have probably burned all that off after the first week. The body still does rebuild it's glycogen stores but maybe slower than you are burning it off? I lost 11 pounds my first 2 weeks and like you wasn't hungry but just wanted to eat our of habit and desire!
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    I didn't "go down" to three shakes. That how I was started: 3 shakes and 1 bar. I didn't realize so many of the clinics do things differently. I was told if I felt I needed more than the 3/1 I can have celery, cucumbers or a few pickles. Boullion broth if I feel salt depleted. So far I've not had to do any of those. I've been tempted with the celery and I have pre cut celery "snack packs" in my fridge waiting if I need them. I realize though that my temptation to have them comes more from the desire to snack and munch than from any hunger. So far I've resisted because I want to break my habit of wanting to snack. I'm sure I'll break down at some point, but right now while my will is strong, I'm trying to resist. I feel like I'm detoxing, in a way, so I hope to throw those old habits out the window as well.

    Julie, you're right. I went in for my 2nd check up a few days ago. I was told I pushed myself too hard with the exercise. Even though I physically CAN do those heavier exercises, I wasn't taking my caloric intake and bodily changes into account- thus being wiped out of energy. I was told to slow it down to a more relaxed level and build up slowly. So instead of trying to do a full areobics video and 2 miles on a treadmill followed by 50 laps in the pool, I went with my adult daughter to the park and took a nice stroll on the trail, a mile and a half, but we did it leisurely. Even with that I had to sit down towards the end because I got dizzy. It's weird to be so limited, but it's temporary, right?

    You've done so great with your weight loss, Julie! I hope I can get similar results. I was down 10lbs at my Tuesday appointment. I'm down 2 more since then. I had to go to the goodwill and buy 2 pair of jeans in a smaller size. It had to be a thrift store because I know I won't be wearing them long, right? I was so happy! I had lost about 10 pounds last spring before I went to Europe, so my jeans were already saggy. This recent -10 made it a necessity in order to avoid a wardrobe malfunction, ha ha! It was such a great feeling and a wonderful motivator. This is a lovely RESULT! I carry most of my weight in my upper body, so I'll be extra happy when I start shrinking shirt sizes!
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    edited September 2015
    You are doing GREAT Lisa! It sounds like you are making good adjustments. That's so exciting to get smaller clothes! I luckily have a big closet so I've been able to save clothes from sizes 16-22! Some are not in style anymore though! HaHa! I have gone down 3 sizes and that's neat. I should check out the Goodwill soon. You're right, it doesn't make sense to spend too much on clothes we won't be wearing long!