Protein for Sore Teeth

skattersIA Posts: 13 Member
Hi everyone! I am jumping back on the bandwagon. Surgery in January of 2013. I got within 9 pounds of my goal weight... and slowly have climbed back up. I now need to lose another 50-60 pounds. I am very ashamed of this... but it is reality and all I can do is start anew. (I am looking for friends, so feel free to add me!)

My question is this... I am having a lot of work done on my teeth. My mouth is very sore most of the time. Can anyone think of protein sources that I can eat without too much chewing? My go-to's right now are yogurt, cottage cheese and rotisserie chicken.



  • blairmundy
    blairmundy Posts: 219 Member
    Peanut butter, salmon, protein shakes, increased protein skim milk.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    scrambled eggs, tuna or chicken salad

    Sounds like we are alot alike. I had my surgery in November 2011 and got with 18 pounds of my goal. Stayed there for about 6 months before slowing creeping up about 20 pounds over 1-1/2 years then I started a new job that is less active (and more time and stress which leads me to grazing :( ) So I too am back on the bandwagon and low carbing it while watching my calories too.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I have no more suggestions than what you got above, but had to jump in here to tell you that you have nothing to be ashamed of. What courage it takes to admit you backslid and to do something about it! Be proud of yourself for taking back the control and getting back on the bandwagon! Good job kiddo!
  • duffslove
    duffslove Posts: 125 Member
    Deviled eggs, well any kind of eggs really. The powdered peanut butter and string cheese or light babybell bars when u warm them up a few sec some aren't really chewy, makes it more of a cheese soft. I do a lot of canned white premium chunk chicken..13g per 2oz..maybe some refried beans with shredded cheese, turkey chili (usually ground turkey can cook up pretty soft for that)
  • skattersIA
    skattersIA Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the great suggestions! I do eat a lot of eggs, for sure. I had given up on my quest bars - but I will try them again warmed!