Regular Check-in Buddy?

mrsking218 Posts: 157 Member
Hi All,

I would love to find a mom buddy with similar stats to me who is looking to get in shape this fall and would be up for regular (daily, weekly, whatever works) check-ins. Here is my info:

Height: 5'6
Current Weight: 185lbs
Aim: Lose 30 - 35 lbs
Love: Clean eating, cooking (getting more into it!), walking/hiking, dark chocolate and wine :)
Kids: 2 year old son, thinking about trying for #2 - hence the weight loss goal

If anyone is in a similar situation and would like a regular check-in buddy, feel free to message/friend me!


  • Veeedot
    Veeedot Posts: 122 Member
    That's a great idea. I'll be your check in buddy :) and anyone else if you want to add me.
    My info:

    Height; 5'5.5"
    Current weight; 191lbs :(
    Goal; to be 140lbs
    I love dogs (I have 4), being out and about in the countryside... I also love wine! :D lol.
    I have two boys 6 and 2.

    I'll add you :)
  • reneemichael
    reneemichael Posts: 80 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'd like to join this as well.
    I'm 5'6
    Starting weight (20 days ago on Aug. 12) - 182lbs
    Aim - 150lbs
    I am currently weighing myself on Wednesdays and taking measurements every other Wednesday
    Current weight lost - 6lbs
    I am a former teacher, current stay at home mom to a sassy 3 year old little girl

    I'll add you both.
  • reneemichael
    reneemichael Posts: 80 Member
    I just saw and joined the fall challenge so my weigh-in day will change to Tuesdays.
  • Veeedot
    Veeedot Posts: 122 Member
    Hi reneemichael, great, its nice theres so many people joining :) well done in losing 6lb :)
    yeah starting tomorrow :)
  • kimboyee
    kimboyee Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I have a 19 month old son and as an older mom, am finding its not as easy to get the weight off as it was the first time around.