August Aspirations



  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all. I have been so busy lately but still doing well. I have cheated a little but remained committed to logging everything (which is huge for me!) Despite a few cheats last week I still lost 2 pounds so I am super happy about that. I was feeling so bloated and I was constipated to boot and really really really did not want to weigh in. But I did and I am so glad I did. I have 106 days until the big day.

    My fiancee and I got into a little "discussion" because I feel like I am taking on all of the wedding prep responsibility myself. I had some wedding tasks on our weekend to-do list and he grumbled about them. But we managed to get his suit and both of our wedding bands as well as pick up some materials for my Step dad to craft our arch thingy that we will be exchanging vows in front of.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Congrats Jools on the loss! Sounds like Jill is doing pretty well, too (TOM is always a struggle, great attitude and hopefully this week is back to normal on the scale). Rachel, glad to see you back; it's tough to keep up with the logging when you get busy so major kudos. Congrats on the loss!

    I've had those "discussions" too. Glad you were still able to be productive. I'm grateful because my fiancee is off work for the week (and last Friday) and is being very helpful (set up appointments with DJs and is calling hotels today). He's willing to do things, but he's not necessarily willing to change his routine much to do them so need to take advantage while he has availability. Hope prep continues smoothly and your fiancee is able to pitch in more to take some stress off of you. How's everyone else's planning coming along? Jill's almost to 4 months out, right?
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    paid my deposit today, almost didn't because of 'discussions'!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Yep, 4 months. Totally stressing over the last couple days. I've had a headache non-stop :(
    I can relate on the fiancee front. Even the things I assign to him, I end up doing. But he attends all the appointments and supports me by just acting happily and appreciative, so that's good enough for me. I can't really expect more since it's just not something he cares about as much...
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Jill, hope you're feeling better. I guess it's nice to know that it's a general fiancee thing rather than any of our specific significant others that they aren't all that interested in wedding planning and it falls on us. I figure the "discussions" are good practice for marriage; they're going to happen, the important part is that afterwards, you still want to spend the rest of your life with the other person.

    On a goals front. I completely failed on workouts this week. I'm hoping tonight and tomorrow morning, but haven't done a real workout since Saturday :-( . On the up side, I've been pretty good on food and actually seen some great losses on the scale (only 0.6 away from goal for the month this morning). I'm hoping I don't blow it all this weekend (tailgate for football game tomorrow, then going away with fiancee until Tuesday). Planning at least one good hike during the vacation and the resort has a gym so hopefully will balance the tailgating.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    brisingr86 wrote: »

    For me:
    SW: (Aug 3): 162.0 (a little high from pigging out on my birthday)
    W1 (Aug 10): 160.4
    W2 (Aug 17): 158.6
    W3 (Aug 24): 158.6
    CW (Aug 28): 155.6

    Realized I didn't post progress this week really. I'll be away on the 31st for a true final verdict for the month, probably will need to use 30th as my last of the month.
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    edited August 2015
    Can you believe, I STILL have my headache. I feel like it might be responding a little bit to meds now. I was shocked that Tylenol 3's didn't seem to help at all. I've debated going to a dr, but it's not severe enough to really put me out of commission...still able to work and all. If I keep my head still it's ok, but if I bend over it's almost unbearable. If it continues a few more days, I'll def have to see a dr about it.

    Great job on the food and the loss so far! This morning I was 0.6lbs away from my August goal, too. So close!
    I'm going to use the 29th (tomorrow) as my final weigh in for the month because that makes it 4 weeks and I also might not be able to weigh on the 31st.

    Where are you going on vacation? Have a wonderful time tailgating and during your time away with the fiancé.

    I have a coworker who recently got married and her man was way more into the wedding planning than she was, but I think that's pretty rare. For their engagement, he had her change into a dress that he'd had custom made. Like, what?! I think we are all experiencing the more typical fiancé behaviour. A big thing for me was to just come to terms with what kind of support I should expect from my fiancé versus my sister or my girlfriends. By adjusting my expectations, I've avoided getting disappointed during the wedding planning. Feeling like he didn't help me in any way was one of my big issues with him from the early days of our relationship, and he hasn't really changed, but my definition of "help" has changed with respect to him, and that has made all the difference. Don't know if that made much sense, but yeah, basically we can't expect our guys to be as involved because they simply don't care about all the little details like we do.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    sw: 171
    w1: 168.6
    w2: 168
    w3: 165.8
    w4: 165

    Using today as my last day of the month, as again another difficult food weekend coming up! cinema today, and then beach barbecue tomorrow, and Monday is a holiday too! But I'm quite proud of my achievements this month, only 2lbs off my goal, and 5lbs from a healthy weight :)

  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Week 4 update:
    Goal: continue walking to and from work and try to keep averaging 20,000 steps each weekday
    w1: my weekday average was 18,510, so not bad.
    w2: I was over 20,000 3 days, and around 15,000 on the other two days.
    w3: I think I only hit 20,000 once, maybe twice, this week, but did more than 10,000 each day, so that's ok. Weather wasn't good, and it was a busy week. Didn't get any runs or other workouts at all, so I want to try to pick it up a little more.
    w4: I didn't get to 20,000, but did hit 15-19,000 every weekday this week. No other exercise though.

    Goal: stick to my calorie limits all weekdays (I'm a bit more lenient on the weekends)
    w1: I stayed under my limit Monday-Friday. woohoo! I'm going to really try to stick to this all month, and try to keep at least 1 weekend day totally on goal.
    w2: Success! I went crazy over last Saturday, but stuck to my limit since then.
    w3: Success! I stuck to goal every day except Sunday, when I went out for brunch and dinner. Since it wasn't a binge, I'm ok with it.
    w4: I went over on Tuesday. I'd done well all day and then snack attacked in the evening. Did pretty well the rest of the week in terms of calories, but not really nutrition.
    - SW 137, GW 134
    w1: 136!
    w2: 134.8
    w3: 136 I'm up a bit, but it's my TOM, so I'm not going to stress. I've been feeling super bloated all week and was up to 138 some days, so if I'm good this weekend, I think I should be ok by next week. I hope!
    w4: 135.8 Kinda disappointed that I'm almost 2 lbs over goal and lost only a lb all month. I've seen 134 a few times during the month, so today's weigh-in might have been up due to water retention or whatever. I know it's just a tiny difference on the scale, but I was still pretty disappointed to see that number on the scale when I was really hoping to hit my goal. Gotta tighten things up in September, for sure!
  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Boy oh boy it feels like I have been away forever! I fell short of my goal by 1.6 lbs. Yesterday was my housewarming/engagement party that I was supposed to be no more than 155 by. Oh well… I have 91 days left and if I get just under 150 by then I will be thrilled! I am at 156.6 so 7 lbs in 3 months… heck yes I can do it!

    What is the deal with these fiancé bums??? I know my honey loves me more than anything… then why can't he just volunteer to help with something? I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this phenomenon. Maybe there is some male gene that prevents them from wanting to get involved in wedding planning?