Check in 9/7- 3-6month olds

Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
Moms of not quite newborns, how's your progress?

Starting weight/goal weight/current weight loss:
Highs/lows of the week?
Planned changes to your regimen?
GTKY: Do you miss the days when your baby used to only drink milk? Or do you like the task of making meals?


  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    I'm not busy making meals yet since Beachnut jars are doing great right now :)
    The hardest part for me is not having time for myself at allow. I have 5 month old twins and a full time job!
    My food is on target thankfully but exercise is a thing of the past :(
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    Cut and paste fail! I'm pretty sure your 3-6 mo olds shouldn't be eating anything but milk still! Oops.... But you've got that load of fun to look forward to!
  • amarie210
    amarie210 Posts: 47 Member
    My eating had been great...until today. I couldn't stop eating! I also have been struggling with wanting to smoke. I had quit cold turkey 2 weeks before we found out we were expecting but lately I really have been missing it.
    No baby food yet...but I can hardly wait to start! I really want to make and freeze most fruits/veggies but we'll see how that goes.