2015 MFP Vuelta Espana Challenge - Results Thread.

TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the Prizegiving ceremony.

First Up, We have the Sprinters Jersey - The Green Jersey - this is based on the highest average speed over the entire Vuelta duration. Riders who fail to complete the course, either by declared illness, injury or by simply not logging their final bunch of rides are not eligeable for consideration to this category.

This Jersey was won with an average of 30.01kph - the only person to break the 30kph barrier this challenge, a very close thing between her and her riding partner at an average of 29.4kph... Our Jersey winner this year is... @MrsCentralCaliCycling


Congratulations Rosie - fantastic riding, especially considering the weather conditions and smoke you've been encountering in your area..

Second Jersey is the Blue and White Polka Dot Jersey - the "climbers jersey" - based on the GPS logged ascent as per Strava links. This years winner clocked up an amazing 18,248metres of ascent - despite saying in the third week that he was "finally getting his climbing legs back again" after a crash earlier in the year which resulted in a broken Clavicle and a missed TdF.


Well done Allan @veloman21.

and so, to the big prize...

This years winner clocked up 1,673.2km, a clear 257.4km in front of his nearest rival.

Ladies and Gentlemen - Our Red Jersey Winner this year is....


Congratulations Daniel, a damned good effort, late in the season.

Honourable mentions on the GC have to go to our second place rider, Allan, especially in light of this being a comeback after his broken clavicle (he only got the all-clear to ride a couple of days before the start of this challenge...) and a brilliant effort from our new rider @m1xm0d3 coming in a close third.

Also - In-keeping with the vuelta's own jersey competition, I've been running a "Combined Jersey" competition based on points for the three main jerseys - everyone gets points from 36 down to 1 point based on their position in the three jersey competitions. Riders that are excluded from the sprinters competition as detailed above get =36th place in that competition. The "all rounder" is the person with the highest overall points combined... It's a bit complicated, but if you check the logging spreadsheet, it makes a little more sense.


Our All-Rounders competition winner is rider #311 - @Dahamac


- Unsurprising really, with a win on GC, and second in the KoM he was always likely to be well placed. Again, a honourable mention needs to be made of our new rider @m1xm0d3 - only his apparent lack of hills in his locale seems to have let him down.

And Finally - the Team Competition...

This was a close battle between three of the teams - Team Pastana, Twinkie Scoff and Team Pie. Sadly, it seems that this challenge Team Lotta Jumbo's didn't really get into the swing of things - however, despite having 2 team members away for over half the challenge each they still came very, very close to hitting the overall distance total.

However, and despite my "enforced absence" for the majority of the challenge, along with other team members suffering crashes and trips to the Hospital ER, it gives me some measure of pleasure to announce that the winning team for this years Vuelta Challenge is



That's it folks for the riding sections of this year's Grand Tour Challenges... All that remains is to thank everyone for their participation, and to hope that 2016's challenges are a far more uneventful and injury free endeavour than this year has been.

As to the "Graham Watson" prize for the Vuelta... I'm currently trying to find a victim willing volunteer to provide an independent judge for the images amongst my fellow moderators on a photography website. Hopefully I'll twist someones arm enough soon, and I'll add results ASAP.


  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    oh - and as always - full stats and details are available in the all-singing-all-dancing spreadsheet...


  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Well done to all the Jersey winners and those who made it to the end without breaking anything, I'm very envious! :)

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    edited September 2015
    Jakess1971 wrote: »
    Well done to all the Jersey winners and those who made it to the end without breaking anything, I'm very envious! :)

    I did the first 9 days without breaking sweat*, if that counts...

    *as testified to by my average speed of under 20kph even though I never touched the MTB this challenge...

  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Cheers TBY, for a very well ran challenge (as usual). Congratulations to all the Jersey winners! MrsCCC, keep that Jersey warm, I'll be coming for it next year!
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    Congrats to all who survived this Vuelta Espana, in the pro ranks and on MFP!

    I almost lost heart when my favs in the pro ranks started dropping like flies or getting hit by motorbikes :-s

    However, I admit the competition on MFP encouraged me to ride further and harder than I would have ridden otherwise. I hope the training will pay dividends on Oct 10 when I ride Brunderick's Revenge (http://audaxatlanta.com/index.php?option=com_attend_events&task=view&id=151&Itemid=38). I am hoping to beat my time last year of 10h45m and get as near 10h as possible.

    m1xm0d3 (whom I shall call Mike unless I hear otherwise) really had me jumping in the last week and then all of sudden or so it seemed Veloman21 started climbing mountains. Congrats to both of you.

    BTW, I am envious of our California Couple and would love to make it out to there side of the continent and join in on a group ride. Congrats on the Sprinter's Jersey Rosie!
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    A special shout out to "The BIG Yin" who again proved to be the most valuable player on the team despite having a 'little' setback with his ticker. I'm glad to know you are still kickin and would love to do a Cogal with you fellows across the pond if I ever make it home to Scotland (somewhere near Aberdeen us McKindley's originated).
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Thanks again for another fun challenge...
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Thanks for the nod guys. I wish I had put up an even larger number but in the last week I had a 4 day hiatus due to a saddle issue that had to be ironed out before a century ride, I just couldn't jeopardize that ride. All in all, great fun and congrats to everyone that took part and to the whole Team Pastana!!!
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Another grand, Grand Tour. Well done and many thanks to Mark (and Clive) for organising and running another great event. I wasn't expecting too much and did not even know if I would be able to ride until 2 days before the off, so I'm very happy with a podium finish for the Red jersey and just managing to catch Daniel and defend and retain my polka dot jersey. The challenge really helped me focus on my recovering my fitness levels and I'm definitely much further ahead than I would have been otherwise.

    Congrats to Daniel for some excellent, sustained riding for the red jersey, Rosie for winning the green jersey and to Susan for riding every stage!!

    Very happy that Team Pastana was able to pull off the team win, especially in light of Mark's ailment. It did feel rather like "winning one for the Gipper"
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Another great challenge! Hopefully next year's will be less eventful for many of us. Still, it was fun and it definitely encouraged me to ride when I might not have otherwise. I feel like I let Pastana down in the last week but the team still managed to pull off a win.

    Great job everybody, especially the jersey winners!
  • Thank you Mark once again for creating a wonderful event for us all to participate. Hopefully next year we will not lose so many to injury and illness.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Thanks again Mark (And Clive). I would love to have ridden more, but I think without the challenge, I would have ridden far less. Thanks or the inspiration. :smile:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    And... somewhat belatedly, the Graham Watson Thread Results...

    In third Place...

    @jillyian with "Sunset Paceline"


    In second place...

    @banshee1013 with "This is how I ride in the dark"


    and our Winner....

    @Kupe with "First Spring Ride"


    Judges Comments on the Entries.

    "A difficult choice this time - made harder by the diverse nature of some of the shots, very hard to rule it down to a shortlist, never mind to pick a top three... but all three of the winners achieved one thing - they made me want to be there to capture the moment myself..."

    So... I guess that's a wrap for the Grand Tour Challenges 2015 folks. All that remains is to thank everyone for participating, and a special thanks to Clive for helping out in the first couple of tours, then basically doing all the entry work for the final 2 weeks of the Vuelta while I was "indisposed"... It's been a roller-coaster ride this year, dealing with ongoing illness and injuries, whilst trying to keep my riding going and join in with all of you in these challenges. As to 2016... Well - It's difficult for me to commit 100% to running the challenge at this point in time I'm afraid - there's a possibility that I may need to make some rather radical lifestyle changes in the near future, driven by my recent health scare, but I'll keep everyone informed as things progress...

    For now, There's the "Foglia Morta" to round off the classics challenge on the 4th October (which I won't be able to join in with I'm afraid... :'( ) and then we're into "winter mode" - depending on my "cardio rehab" program, I may be able to come up with something to help while away the miserable weather - though it may not be quite as full-on as last year - though if someone fancies setting up any challenges, I'm happy to "consult" and pass on any hints/tips/spreadsheets/past data that may help...
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    All great shots, the winner for me was the pink lit up wheels :)

    With the Winter challenges I think a Zwift based one would be great, however we need plenty of interest.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    TheBigYin wrote: »
    All that remains is to thank everyone for participating, and a special thanks to Clive for helping out in the first couple of tours, then basically doing all the entry work for the final 2 weeks of the Vuelta while I was "indisposed"... It's been a roller-coaster ride this year, dealing with ongoing illness and injuries, whilst trying to keep my riding going and join in with all of you in these challenges. As to 2016... Well - It's difficult for me to commit 100% to running the challenge at this point in time I'm afraid - there's a possibility that I may need to make some rather radical lifestyle changes in the near future, driven by my recent health scare, but I'll keep everyone informed as things progress...

    I'm always here to help/assist mate - you know that... I sincerely hope you are back with us in 2016!?

    I hope the lifestyle changes aren't too radical that will prevent you turning a crank again? Onwards & upwards with the rehab & lets see what the new year brings eh?

    Can I say "Thank you" for establishing and running these fabulous challenges, both one-day classics and grand tours alike. If you do decide to hang up your disco slippers it will be a very sad day for me and a lot of other folks on here too!