Mamas! Update us on the kiddos & your daily routines??

wifeyolivarez Posts: 33 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
I joined this group but haven't really got a feel for any of you mamas and everyone's situation. I think it would be a good idea to update everybody on your kids, how old they are, and the routines that we have all gotten into in order to live a healthier lifestyle. I am a mom of three! I have a 7 year old girl, a two year old boy, and a four month old girl. My kids are all healthy and great so I have gotten into a comfortable routine where I wake up, clean the house, get the kids breakfast & my oldest off to school. Then I work out between 10 and 11 which is my kids nap time! I have also cut calories and try to eat healthier while getting my family on board. I would love to hear the routines of other moms!


  • amarie210
    amarie210 Posts: 47 Member
    I haven't found a routine yet! I have a 14 year old and a 4 month old. I'm a SAHM currently but will be going back nights and weekends soon. I try to get a workout DVD done in the morning but it often gets pushed to the afternoon..or not at all :/ My husband and I do walk together every night with the baby. I keep making plans to walk first thing in the morning but I always find excuses to skip it. Hopefully we'll get into a nap schedule soon and I'll develop some kind of daily routine.
  • wifeyolivarez
    wifeyolivarez Posts: 33 Member
    amarie210 wrote: »
    I haven't found a routine yet! I have a 14 year old and a 4 month old. I'm a SAHM currently but will be going back nights and weekends soon. I try to get a workout DVD done in the morning but it often gets pushed to the afternoon..or not at all :/ My husband and I do walk together every night with the baby. I keep making plans to walk first thing in the morning but I always find excuses to skip it. Hopefully we'll get into a nap schedule soon and I'll develop some kind of daily routine.
    That walk at night is a great workout, and an accomplishment all on its own! Having a 4 month old I know how hectic it is!! As long as you eat a healthier diet you will be just fine!

  • ashleyfreeman17
    ashleyfreeman17 Posts: 34 Member
    I have a 6 year old and a 2.5 month old. With it being summer break, I haven't gotten into a routine yet because some days we all sleep late/special days, etc. BUT I am excited for back to school next week to get into a routine. But my son loves to bike which is awesome because then I am running behind him pushing the baby in the stroller. If my husband isn't too exhausted after work we take the kids out for a walk after supper too. Some days I pop in a JM dvd if I don't get out during the day and it is night time. It is all about being flexible! Lol
  • WildGing
    WildGing Posts: 77 Member
    I'm a first time mom to an awesome (almost) 9 month old. We're still trying to figure out a routine - every time we get into one, something changes and we're switching it up! I work full time, so I try to get my exercise in on my lunch break so that I can spend more time with my daughter after work. My husband is a stay at home dad, so he's ready to hand her off by the time I get home anyway! lol

    I'm really focusing on getting my family's diet revamped - more veggies, less processed foods - especially now that my daughter is starting solids. Do any of you seasoned mamas have tips on getting babies to like vegetables? She's not a fan at all - I've been mixing fruit in, but I'm worried that if I keep giving her sweet food all the time she'll be picky later. This is what I get for eating all those Oreos while pregnant! XD
  • wifeyolivarez
    wifeyolivarez Posts: 33 Member

    I'm a first time mom to an awesome (almost) 9 month old. We're still trying to figure out a routine - every time we get into one, something changes and we're switching it up! I work full time, so I try to get my exercise in on my lunch break so that I can spend more time with my daughter after work. My husband is a stay at home dad, so he's ready to hand her off by the time I get home anyway! lol

    I'm really focusing on getting my family's diet revamped - more veggies, less processed foods - especially now that my daughter is starting solids. Do any of you seasoned mamas have tips on getting babies to like vegetables? She's not a fan at all - I've been mixing fruit in, but I'm worried that if I keep giving her sweet food all the time she'll be picky later. This is what I get for eating all those Oreos while pregnant! XD

    Hmm the only advice I would have about getting babies to like vegetables wouldn't really benefit you because its too late. I have always started my babies off with vegetables and then introduced fruit later but seeing as it's too late for that I would say try to give a variety. I have noticed babies usually like squash, sweet potatoes, sweeter veggies!
  • amarie210
    amarie210 Posts: 47 Member
    WildGing wrote: »
    I'm a first time mom to an awesome (almost) 9 month old. We're still trying to figure out a routine - every time we get into one, something changes and we're switching it up! I work full time, so I try to get my exercise in on my lunch break so that I can spend more time with my daughter after work. My husband is a stay at home dad, so he's ready to hand her off by the time I get home anyway! lol

    I'm really focusing on getting my family's diet revamped - more veggies, less processed foods - especially now that my daughter is starting solids. Do any of you seasoned mamas have tips on getting babies to like vegetables? She's not a fan at all - I've been mixing fruit in, but I'm worried that if I keep giving her sweet food all the time she'll be picky later. This is what I get for eating all those Oreos while pregnant! XD

    If she will eat veggies mixed with fruit, I would continue that but gradually decrease the amount of fruit you mix in. Worth a try!
  • rebeccamarie333
    Hey, great post! I'm also feeling a bit disconnected from everyone. Great idea!

    I'm mom to a three year old and three month old currently on maternity leave. My family just bought a rec pass so I am hoping to get into a gym routine and start swimming. The plan is for DH to go in the mornings and for me to go when he gets home from work. He plans to get dinner ready and watch the two kids - we'll see how that works! I also like walks and hikes and I've been doing that more now that the days have gotten cooler.
  • rebeccamarie333
    WildGing wrote: »

    I'm really focusing on getting my family's diet revamped - more veggies, less processed foods - especially now that my daughter is starting solids. Do any of you seasoned mamas have tips on getting babies to like vegetables? She's not a fan at all - I've been mixing fruit in, but I'm worried that if I keep giving her sweet food all the time she'll be picky later. This is what I get for eating all those Oreos while pregnant! XD

    Have you ever heard of 'baby led weaning'? It's a way to introduce little ones to solids so they can explore and experience texture at the same time as taste. The idea is you just give the baby the same things you eat without mashing or purée-ing.

    It isn't for everyone as it can be nerve wracking to watch the little one gag (the tongue thrust reflex is still very strong at this age to prevent choking), and they likely actually consume less calories this way because they are just knawing and experiencing food, but 'food before 1 is just for fun' and they should be getting their nutritional requirements from breast/bottle still anyways.

    Here is a link to get you started if interested:

    Good luck!
  • JMo0412
    JMo0412 Posts: 10 Member
    Great idea! I'm a mom of two girls, 13 and 4. Both my husband and I work full time jobs so it gets a little hectic in our lives. My husband and I both have memberships to our local gym and try to go in the evenings when the little one is settled for bed.

    My main thing lately has been watching what I eat since I have not been able to go to the gym as much as I would like lately. I'm a big believer that you cannot out workout a bad diet. So even when I can't get to the gym, it helps me stick with my goal.

    Feel free to add me!
  • ANSL_Mom
    ANSL_Mom Posts: 28 Member
    I am a mom of 4 (10, 8, 6 & 4). I also work full time so planning workouts is a must. I am lucky that I can bike to and from work daily. I do all of my gym workouts at night. Tuck the k in and run off to the gym. My husband and I split up the weekends so we can each get something done and we invested in T25 so we can do a workout at home when things get to busy to leave the house or work/travel schedules tie one of us at home.

    I joined I Quit Sugar earlier this year and have made big changes to my life. It has flowed into what and how I feed the kids, husband isn't there yet but it gives a good foundation.

    We also like to keep active with the kids. Having a family has forced us to get creative. Over the summer the kids all had swim lessons at the same time. I was able to use the first 30 minutes to run on the indoor track in the building.

    Feel free to add me!

  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Mom of one full time and two when my step daughter is in town. My youngest and full time kid is three and my other is 11. I work full time, but being in home health I have fairly flexible hours. I run three times a week when I'm on my game- t-th-sat. That way I only having to plan out two days during the work week. Lately I've been able to run in the evenings because you husband quit his job, but he's looking again so I'll have to see how long that lasts.
  • chloecsl
    chloecsl Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a Stay home mom with two boys at 5 & 3. I've a fixed routine since they were babies, of cos the routines have to slowly adapt to the changes as the boys grow up. Fixed routine is a must for me so I can better manage my time & it's much easier to manage the boys too. I send the boys to school in the morning then straight go jogging in nearby park. I jog 3-4days a week, every Wed is Power Yoga class day. Sometimes I yoga two days per week if less jogging due to weather. I cook our own lunch and dinner from Mon to Thur, Fri to Sun eat out. By cooking at home makes my meals healthier and I can better control what I eat. Also less temptation from outside food and snack. The boys eat all the home cook food with me. I make it a point to get ready in my sports wear while getting the boys ready for school so I can go straight to workout after dropping off them in school so that's no excuse for me not to workout.
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    edited September 2015
    Well hi!

    I'm a SAHM with two boys, ages 7 and 3. The younger one makes enough work for 3 preschoolers combined!! I work from home doing closed captioning to make a bit of extra money. My husband works in sanitation.

    Morning routine, if you can call it that.. lol.
    My alarm goes off at 7... get up the big monster. Try to not wake the little monster... fail miserably. Try to keep the little one off the bigger one so he can get dressed.
    Get kids downstairs, feed, insist that the little one eat at least a *little* bit of his breakfast so he can grow up big and strong. Send biggest off to school.
    Spend the day trying to convince Thing 2 that peeing on the potty is cool and that he should do it too... fail miserably. Welcome Thing 1 home, check for homework. Make supper, insist the little eat at least a *little* bit of his supper so he can grow up big and strong. Marvel at how well Thing 1 eats and wonder how you managed to make that happen.
    Spend the evening keeping Thing 2 from beating up Thing 1 every 5 seconds. Keep trying to convince Thing 2 that going potty is cool and he should do it too.
    Showers and/or baths. Thing 2 bedtime. Thing 1 bedtime.
    Mommy and Daddy sit and enjoy sweet, blissful silence <3
  • asl85
    asl85 Posts: 9 Member
    Monday through Thursday my husband and I are awoken by our 6 month old around 5 AM (oy). We take turns getting ourselves ready for work while the other takes care of him. He sets up my pumping parts for work while I nurse (<3). I sometimes throw some dinner in the slow cooker. I drop off the little guy at daycare then go to work. I have 30 min to an hour between work and daycare pickup so I try to get in a quick workout before I pick him up. I then just play with him, give him a bath, feed him and get him to bed. Then eat dinner, pack up my food for tomorrow, shower (if I have the energy lol), watch TV and go to bed as early as possible. On Friday my son and I grab breakfast together then I drop him off at the gym's babysitting hours while I work out. We have a playdate or go to a Mommy and Me class in the afternoon. I follow his cues for naps which are totally unpredictable, sometimes he straight up refuses to nap when I know he's tired. I clean around the apartment when he naps at home or run errands if he sleeps in the stroller. Saturday morning I go to a kickboxing class while hubby spends quality time with our son. In the afternoon we're all together hanging out. Sunday I don't work out, I just focus on running errands, prepping food for the week, loafing around and spending time with the family.
  • jkner4
    jkner4 Posts: 14 Member
    I am mom to two girls, ages 5 & 8. My routine is usually: Wake up at 6 to go to the gym. My husband takes care of morning routines with the girls, so they are usually dressed and eating breakfast when I get home. I get ready and head to work. I am lucky to have a grocery store with a fabulous salad bar that I walk to a couple times a week, and I bring a fairly healthy lunch when I can. I recently got a standing desk and I love it! I pick the girls up at the after-school care around 5, then head home for dinner. Evenings are fairly chaotic, then bed.
    On days when I need to be at work later than 5, I wake up and do an exercise video (Jillian Michaels, usually), then I take the girls to the bus stop.
  • ragenhay1
    ragenhay1 Posts: 158 Member
    edited November 2015
    I have two boys five years and three months. Monday to Friday I get up at 7 make a protein shake as I get my son ready for school. We are out the door at 750 to get my husband to work. I drop off my oldest at 8:30 and had to the gym for group fitness Classes which start at 9:30. My baby hangs out in the daycare while I go to class and I actually get to shower everyday :) we pick up my oldest at 11:30 then the baby and I nap while my older boy watches shows in the afternoon. I take weekends off from the gym but still watch my intake. I've been doing this for a little over a month now and it is working well. I had 70lbs to lose and I'm already down 15 so 55 more to go! Oh and I'm in Canada so we get a year off for maternity and parental leave. I'm going to lose the extra weight during this time!
  • abertrand87
    abertrand87 Posts: 36 Member
    my daughter is turning three this month and I have a 8.5 month old boy. Right now, I go on the treadmill during my son's first nap and it works! (5 days a week) My daughter is staying home with me (indefinitely) at the end of the month and i'm nervous how my routine may change!!

    I had post partum depression with my son and it was really hard to get the motivation, but I've beat it and have been working out and watching what I eat for 2 months now (on MFP for one) and it's really working! I'm not in a rush to lose it - better to be realistic but I've learned A LOT about what a proper portion size is!
  • ARBells
    ARBells Posts: 5 Member
    I have a one year old little girl. I work 30+ hours and am a full-time student. My daughter had a condition called Gastroschisis when she was born so it took us quiet a while to figure out a routine with going back and forth to the hospital to see her. She's all healthy and home now so I think we have got it down. But as they say, when you think you've got a schedule is when they change it on you.
  • demoi177
    demoi177 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 27, have a 4 yr old son and 2 weeks old identical twin boys. I have lost 27 lbs thanks to breastfeeding since my c sec has me couch locked. Still have 20 lbs to lose and a lot of excess skin since I stretched so much. I use p90x and android app that helps me increase my pushups from zip to 100 in 1 month (I'll start those again after my 6 week checkup).

    :) proud of my stretch marks from my singleton and the lack of stretch marks from the twin pregnancy...

    Currently 144 lbs down from 171 and still losing!
  • ardentsunshine
    ardentsunshine Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a SAHM, and my kids are 10, 8, and 6, so they're all in school. I'm back home from dropping them off by 9 am, which is when I eat breakfast (usually, unless I wake up starving), then change into workout clothes so I can get it done. I have upwards of 100lbs to lose, but I try not to think about it otherwise I'll get too overwhelmed.