
MaeJ86 Posts: 1 Member
Hi, all:

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I found this group today, I see there aren't many members. That's ok though, hoping to connect and be encouraged, if you're out there and still using MFP!

A quick version of my husband and I have been married 5 years and TTC for almost 3 years. We finally conceived 4/2014 after about 18 months, but had an early MC at 6 weeks. We went to the fertility specialist to get tested and just as we were wrapping up the testing, discovered we were miraculously pregnant again, before we began any treatments. However, at 25w6d I delivered our daughter still, just after Christmas.

The doctors aren't sure what happened and say that it's not my fault, but I am overweight and do have BP issues. So while we are TTC again...I am trying to eat better and exercise more to give our next little one a little help, if I can!

Would love to hear more about you, and I'm sorry for your losses/fertility struggles. It's a hard, hard road to walk. xxx


  • sljansen
    sljansen Posts: 8 Member
    Hi MaeJ86! Welcome! Sorry for your losses.

    I've had 3 miscarriages within the first trimester in the last 3.5 years. The last 18 months I've struggled with unexplained infertility. Although it's frustrating, I've really benefited from trying to get healthier to improve my fertility.