Motivation Monday

I got up at 5am this morning to get my workout in i am feeling awesome!! I did piyo this mornig to get my hips to loosen up a bit. Whats everyones motivation today?


  • katerina9240
    katerina9240 Posts: 10 Member
    Up at 6 am to get my workout in. 21 day fix total body cardio. Feeling my sore muscles throughout the day is my motivation :)
  • shelly0412
    shelly0412 Posts: 7 Member
    Total body cardio for me too today, but I haven't done it yet... I have been working out at night. My motivation is an upcoming trip to the Virgin Islands in a few months! I will reward myself with a new swim suit or 2 ;)
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    I am trying to do a mornign yoga and weights at night. I strive for that but it hasnt happened just yet.