Breastfeeding mamas?

I'm a first time stay at home mom and looking to connect with other breastfeeding mamas who are losing weight! Feel free to add me, I'm new to this :)


  • MrsWeeaygus
    MrsWeeaygus Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi! I'm trying to USE MFP more so I'll def try to keep up with this post. :smile: I'm post-op VSG and have a 3 month old. I'm breastfeeding as well. It seems to have made my weight loss stall.
  • crunchketo
    crunchketo Posts: 49 Member
    Trying to wean but tough with a toddler! He's 3 1/2 and craves mommy time.
  • LorieJ35
    LorieJ35 Posts: 16 Member
    Mine is 6 months and starting to really focus on losing the extra weight. Need to lose 50 before she turns 1, or that's the goal anyway. Add me too. :-)
  • bigmamalo
    bigmamalo Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm new too! I'm a second time stay at home mom, my youngest is 3 months and I'm breastfeeding and struggling to lose any weight!
  • lnoal
    lnoal Posts: 28 Member
    Hi ladies! I have a 6 week old baby and 2 big boys (5 & 7). I'm just gearing up to start getting more active and be more mindful of what I eat. I have about 25lbs to lose and I'm very eager to get out of my maternity pants!!
    Look forward to seeing you on the boards!
  • MissMeaganLyn
    MissMeaganLyn Posts: 61 Member
    My boy is almost a year and we're also breastfeeding. Probably will for a while as we both enjoy it. With my first the weight came off so easily but this time around I'm doing ecological breastfeeding and still haven't gotten back to my monthly cycle which I think is throwing my weight loss game off.
  • LorieJ35
    LorieJ35 Posts: 16 Member
    So has anyone experienced a drop in.their as soon as they cut back? I'm debating if it's what I'm doing or that she has just been taking less lately. I.pump once a day so I see that has dropped.
  • ashleyfreeman17
    ashleyfreeman17 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I have a 3 month old and a 6 year old. I am breastfeeding as well. What has helped me keep my supply up is eating high protein foods (cottage cheese, natural sliced turkey) and food with good fats like avocado.
  • jjterruso
    jjterruso Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Does anyone know how many calories to add to target if breastfeeding? Have a 3 year old and 5 month old and looking to lose the last 10 pounds!
  • bigmamalo
    bigmamalo Posts: 8 Member
    My midwife said never cut calories she told me I can only change what kind of calories I take in so I'm eating 2000 calories a day and burning off as much as I can working out, so far I haven't had a supply drop, but I'm only loosing about a pound a week working out 40 to 60 minutes a day :( But I have heard of people eating 1800 a day and being ok, but it's not worth the risk if a supply drop for me.
  • LorieJ35
    LorieJ35 Posts: 16 Member
    Even 1 lb a great. You are moving in.the right direction and you will get there! I think I need to add more calories back in. I've been trying to be conscious of eating more healthy, but my totals for the day have been around 1200. Not enough for breastfeeding. Just hope I'm not starving the lo.
  • verawesome
    verawesome Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I have breastfeeding babies turning 2 and 4 at the end of this year. I have gained 11 lbs since the beginning of this year! Wah. Every time I start trying to be more active I notice I gain weight and I'm sure it has to do with my body wanting to hold onto my fat so I can still produce milk. So cutting calories is not good! Feel free to add me. :D
  • I'm new to this too. My third baby is 2 months and I'm so sick of stretchy pants! I had 2 babies in less than 2 years so I feel like I haven't worn real clothes in a long time! You can totally add me! Do you all log your nursing as working out at all?

  • majajurca
    majajurca Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP too. My baby is nearly 1 year old and I'm still breastfeeding. I'm trying to exercise every day (at least walk the dolg) and now I've decided to cut back on food or eat healthier. Feel free to add me ☺
  • rebeccamarie333
    rebeccamarie333 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! I have a 3 year old and 4 month old. Currently breastfeeding, I thought that would make weight loss go super quick and easy, but so far it's slow going.

    Did you know you can add nursing to your diary? Just search 'nursing' and select 'exclusively nursing' or 'nursing part time' for babes on solids too. It will put a deficit into your calorie goal, 500 for exclusively nursing!

    However, I've noticed the app has stopped applying the -500 when I add it which is a bummer, but if you login on a computer you will see your totals are properly adjusted.
  • ElysaErkman
    ElysaErkman Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Im new to MFP and am looking for a way to help me keep track of what I do to lose weight while breastfeeding my almost 8month old. Have been having trouble with post-partum depression while trying to balance having 2 kids 2yrs and 2 days apart. I drink lots of pepsi cause it helped in the beginning (I was avoiding anti-depressants for personal reasons). So now I am coming out of my foggy state and want to get back to looking and feeling healthy. Any other mommas here deal with something similar?

    I see in the post above that I can add breastfeeding to the diary. Thats great to know! I am not watching my calories as much as using this to help me track what I eat and keep me walking a couple times a week.
  • amirahfatty
    amirahfatty Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone

    I gave birth to my son 6 weeks ago. I've gained a whopping 42lb!! I am breast feeding and trying my best to eat healthy and work out. Lost a couple of pounds so far. Just hope I can keep going and get back to my pre pregnancy weight!
    Feel free to add me, I can do with some support too x
  • angjlee
    angjlee Posts: 1 Member
    I have a three year old and a 2 month old. Need to lose a good 20 lbs. I find breastfeeding has me hungry all day!
  • jos82
    jos82 Posts: 18 Member
    hi everyone!

    I have an almost 2 month old and need to lose 20-25lbs, feel free to add me
  • Cmd013
    Cmd013 Posts: 2 Member
    2 weeks out from my third c-section.
    Cannot wait to start working out and eating better. I started at 120 and gained 52lbs this pregnancy. Which is actually less than my previous two. But I agree, breastfeeding does not help drop weight (at least it doesn't work for me). With my last son I didn't lose the weight until we were done nursing,