Garmin 305 - MFP Manual Posting Cals Consumed For My Sport.

theGarinator Posts: 58 Member
I'm road biking to consume calories to control my diabetes and improve cardio vascular fitness. I'm using MyFitnessPal. I'm Type II diabetic.

My 305 (set for my body parameters) gives me 300KCal consumed jogging and 1400 Kcal consumed road cycling for same amount of time, i.e. 1hr (per respective activity in settings on my Garmin 305)
MFP always doubles these values when I chose 'add calories consumed' manually instead of logging calories directly from my Garmin 305.

Can anyone explain the discrepancy? I cycle cause I burn far more calories, and it's way more fun.



  • jmcd68
    jmcd68 Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2015
    Do you have MFP & Garmin Connect syncing? I cycle and use Garmin Connect with MFP. I sync Garmin Connect & MFP (and Fitbit) and it seems to work well. Maybe i misunderstood your question but if you were syncing you wouldn't need to manually add anything...