
soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
Good Morning Ladies!

So, I'd like to explore Inositol a bit more. I know it was mentioned in a recent thread, and I did some searching to see what I can find. So, I have an idea of what it's supposed to do though I'm still a bit unclear. Everything I read says that I should be taking this for my PCOS/insulin resistance. So, I went ahead and ordered some from Amazon to give it a try.

What I'm wondering is: what kind of results have people seen since taking Inositol? Weight loss? Lessened excess hair? Reduced hair loss? Increased fertility? Also, what kind of doses are you taking? I know everyone is different so this will differ with each person. Just curious as to individual experiences with it.

(If these specifics have already been covered, I apologize. So, if you can direct me to a previous thread on this I'd appreciate that too.)

Thanks so much!


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I actually had to stop taking it. Low levels in pill form were absorbed slowly enough, I liked the effects. When I started taking the higher doses in more available powder form, it wreaked havoc on my system.

    But I was taking continuous birth control pills to stop my cycles altogether. Inositol saw that as a problem to FIX and tried to fix it. I had not considered that PRIOR to increasing my dosage, so I felt really stupid.

    THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO EVERYONE. I tend to be that one person all the random, rare, annoying things happen to!

    So, since not having cycles (POP) and not getting pregnant are currently at the top of my priority list, I'm not messing with the rest of it. My hormones are chaotic at best...

    I look forward to getting back to leveling out everything. I just have to figure out what else can change before I get there. But once I do, Inositol is at the top of my list.

    From what I remember, most folks take a combo of the myo-inositol (better for PCOS) and the other form, which I"m sad to say I can't recall... I've heard that effective ranges for most PCOS symptoms are 4-8 grams, I think... Good luck. I know you'll get a ton of other responses too...
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »

    Thanks so much for the link! I had done a bit of searching but hadn't found this one in the list.
  • Neener21
    Neener21 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been taking inositol the pill form since august, along with other pills. I take one pill every morning. I have lost close to 40 lbs so far. The excess hair have lessened and doesn't grow as fast as it use to. I haven't had a period since march. As soon as I started taking medication and losing weight my period came on and stayed for 6 days.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    I'm also on Metformin, so it's hard to tell which benefits are from the Metformin vs Inositol, but I see great benefits in carb craving, period regulation, and facial hair with the combination (although my facial hair growth issues were never major, I notice a big improvement on my abdomen area).

    I do give the Inositol credit for vastly improving my insomnia issues and anxiety issues, though. I started Inositol about 3 weeks before metformin, and could totally tell a difference by the end of week 2 in that arena. I did a pretty quick dose raise up to a total of 4g of Inositol a day (2g in AM & PM).
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks for the input :) I'm excited to give this a try.

    I'd be interested to hear if anybody else has had issues while taking Inositol while on birth control. I'm looking to help my insulin resistance, hair, etc. but at the moment have no interest in getting pregnant.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Thanks for the input :) I'm excited to give this a try.

    I'd be interested to hear if anybody else has had issues while taking Inositol while on birth control. I'm looking to help my insulin resistance, hair, etc. but at the moment have no interest in getting pregnant.

    From what I've heard, it does not cause problems if you aren't trying to stop your cycles (mine are continuous pills so I don't have periods right now) or if you use something more localized like a IUD... Because I have pelvic organ prolapse, my options there are far more limited. the Inositol only tried to fix me not having a cycle, not made my BCP ineffective. IF that makes sense.
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    From what I've heard, it does not cause problems if you aren't trying to stop your cycles (mine are continuous pills so I don't have periods right now) or if you use something more localized like a IUD... Because I have pelvic organ prolapse, my options there are far more limited. the Inositol only tried to fix me not having a cycle, not made my BCP ineffective. IF that makes sense.

    Oh, I see. That makes more sense. Since mine isn't continuous and I get a period every month it shouldn't try to "fix" that ... hopefully lol
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Since reading up on this board (and the thread linked), I am sold. Ordering my inositol today! You all are very helpful. :)
  • Welcome2theHellmouth
    What dosage would be good for the capsule form? There are a lot of different choices.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited November 2015
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    From what I've heard, it does not cause problems if you aren't trying to stop your cycles (mine are continuous pills so I don't have periods right now) or if you use something more localized like a IUD... Because I have pelvic organ prolapse, my options there are far more limited. the Inositol only tried to fix me not having a cycle, not made my BCP ineffective. IF that makes sense.

    Oh, I see. That makes more sense. Since mine isn't continuous and I get a period every month it shouldn't try to "fix" that ... hopefully lol

    Trust me when I say that my fiance is uber-fertile. While with a former partner, they managed to conceive while she was on the pill and they were using condoms, so I have to be extra careful.... Even when the inositol wreaked havoc on making me have cycles, I never had any problems with accidentally conceiving, and my hormone levels currently show that conception would theoretically be possible, should we be interested, so it didn't mess with all of that side of it...just enough low level hormone interference for the cycles...

    As long as you start slowly (I was on a pill that was 500 mg for 6-9 months BEFORE I switched to the powder - with no ill effects), you should be able to monitor things and prevent any risks there.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    From what I've heard, it does not cause problems if you aren't trying to stop your cycles (mine are continuous pills so I don't have periods right now) or if you use something more localized like a IUD... Because I have pelvic organ prolapse, my options there are far more limited. the Inositol only tried to fix me not having a cycle, not made my BCP ineffective. IF that makes sense.

    Oh, I see. That makes more sense. Since mine isn't continuous and I get a period every month it shouldn't try to "fix" that ... hopefully lol

    It might still change it a little. It might make your cycle a little shorter or longer, and might change the number of days your period itself lasts. Just FYI.