Beginner: MFP not syncing Jawbone steps

Hey all - I am sure there are discussions out there with this issue but I have searched for quite some time and can't seem to find an answer to solve my problem. MFP is not showing my step from Jawbone and adjusting calories as needed. I changed calorie settings to the negative calorie option. Jawbone UP is showing my MFP meals/water. I have disconnect and reconnected the two. Any other suggestions? I would love for these two apps to work together for me! Thanks :)


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If you see your aggregate meal data in MFP, then your accounts are connected. If you enabled negative calorie adjustments in your diary settings, then you should see an adjustment in your diary under cardio exercise.

    To see your steps, in the MFP app go to More (Menu) > Steps and check Jawbone.
  • carmeng808
    carmeng808 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also having problems. I just got my UP24 and the app on my phone can see my meals from MFP, but no steps are going from UP to MFP. I've read all the message boards and can't find an answer.
  • Sometimes it just takes time for it to sync and give you the adjustment. They tend to have a lot of server issues on their end, I've noticed, but it always ends up syncing. If you are still having problems days later, email them for support and they will give you directives.
  • BigSpinda513
    BigSpinda513 Posts: 1 Member
    I seem to have the opposite problem. I purchased an Up 2 & the steps & exercise sync just fine, but the meals don't go from MFP to the Up app. My food scores are 10/10 every day!
  • VibrantVet
    VibrantVet Posts: 1 Member
    I seem to have the SAME PROBLEM @BigSpinda513. I have the UP2 & the steps & exercise sync, but the meals don't go from MFP to UP. My food score does not even come up. Have you found a solution?
  • eneely77
    eneely77 Posts: 2 Member
    My steps are syncing to my fitness pal but my meals are not sycing over to up2. Frustrated.
  • erinlizawoody
    erinlizawoody Posts: 1 Member
    I went to the more tab and clicked steps. My Up wasn't set to sync there. That did the trick.
  • jello_bob
    jello_bob Posts: 5 Member
    My Up24 isn't even showing up in the Tab where it lets you select where to get your steps from... I just bought and synced it this morning. It used to show my old Fitbit tracker but I've since removed that... Now the only option is iPhone or add a device. When I go to "add" Jawbone, it is already showing as connected and only shows me "Disconnect" and "Buy"... help?
  • robinmarkz
    robinmarkz Posts: 93 Member
    edited January 2016
    It's not working. Known issue, apparently. So, I switched to Misfit because I have a Pebble Time, and it's not syncing to my fitness Pal, either, but their site has been down sporadically and I think they are working on it right now. There must have been some coding change to which other apps are trying to adapt. I don't know what's going on, but Google Fit is syncing just fine! I hope this is fixed, whichever app is responsible.

    Thank you.

  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    Could just be that MFP isn't receiving data from the Jawbone and other servers, but is from the Google Fit one if that's what is syncing for you.

    TBH, been through this enough times to know to just let it be and let them fix it. Meh. No point worrying and getting frustrated over it as it won't help them fix it any faster. It'll get fixed and sync eventually :)
  • monkeychuckles
    monkeychuckles Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm a new owner of UP2 having come over from using Fitbit. I've used MFP for several years successfully with Fitbit.

    I've been reading up on all the UP sync issues. I use MFP primarily for food diary and weight tracking (using Fitbit scales via HealthKit I think). I can see meal/calorie and weight updates in UP but my (feeble) workout activity entered in UP doesn't appear in MFP.

    Does this fit with everyone else's experience? And does anyone have an idea if and when this will be fixed?

  • daremightythings
    daremightythings Posts: 247 Member
    jello_bob wrote: »
    My Up24 isn't even showing up in the Tab where it lets you select where to get your steps from... I just bought and synced it this morning. It used to show my old Fitbit tracker but I've since removed that... Now the only option is iPhone or add a device. When I go to "add" Jawbone, it is already showing as connected and only shows me "Disconnect" and "Buy"... help?

    Try hitting disconnect and closing out the app and then repeating everything. I had to do that with mine recently and now everything is working smoothly.
  • SpideRaY
    SpideRaY Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same problem yesterday after breakfast MFP stopped sending the food data to my Jawbone UP. I only noticed this morning. In the past I have had issues with the MFP android app not sending to my main website account since then I have change to the iOS app and touch wood this Apple app always seems to send to the main website. Regardless I also checked that the MFP app was synced to the main website this unsurprisingly works. You can force a sych from the app to the website using the Sync option in the more menu option on the last <Home> <Diary> <Progress> <More>

    I have also just disconnected the UP app in the main MFP website and re-established the link and re-selected UP as my step tracker. This has worked in the past and I had hoped that severing the link and re-connecting would have forced the food data to be sent, however this doesn't appear to have worked which is truely annoying. I also tried creating today's breakfast as a meal then removing the whole meal and then adding it again on the main website. Sadly this didn't force the send to UP however it obvioulsy sent this data to the MFP app on my iPhone.

    Despite the fact that the MFP servers don't appear to be sending food data to UP, what is even more frustrating is that I added several more steps to my band sych'd it to the UP app and swithed to the MPF app and watched Jawbone steps appear on the MFP app's Home screen almost instantaneously . My question is how on earth can the data link work one way but NOT the other ??? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated come on MFP coders sort out this bug on your software that seems to happen every few weeks.

    I have created a facebook group for Jawbone UP users and published all my testing and fixes that sometimes work when you have tried everything else @
  • SpideRaY
    SpideRaY Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2016
    I there just tried something in an attempt to get MFP to force send food data to UP. I noticed that my breakfast data from MFP was already sent to UP but none of the other meals were showing. I decided to add an extra 43 kcals from a 100ml orange drink that I forgot I had. I did this via the website and almost instanteoulsy this appeared on my UP app along with all the missing meals. So yesterdays calorie burn is now showing as correct on my UP. However this didn't work for today's breakfast which is still missing. I will leave it one hour and see if has woken up the MFP servers and API to send today's meals so I am now half happy.

    I also noticed that even 4 days later MFP can still adjust your meal data in the UP app. I just added the same 43kcals to breakfast on the 29th January so see if it works from UP to MFP . On this day for some reason UP didn't write to the MFP API at 11:59pm as usual the last time is sych'd was 11:39pm it did send a calorie adjustment as normal but it was incorrect also it didn't send the UP step data to the MFP app. Sadly his didn't work I guess there are still many bugs that need ironing out with the 3rd pary connected apps in both directions. I would love a force send/retrival of data on the main MFP website or on the APP instead of this labourious disconnection of app in the hope that this will force an update.
  • SpideRaY
    SpideRaY Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2016
    If found this on MFP informing users how this link works or should work and I was also told in one of my cases when exactly the same this happened last year in July 2015 when I used to use the Andorid UP/MFP apps @

    Jul 28, 2015 03:56PM

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us. My apologies for the confusion. Unfortunately if past data from Jawbone did not already sync over to MyFitnessPal, there is not a way to retrieve that information. The way our API works, the partner program is responsible for sending us any data created within their program. Once we receive this data we display the information in your Exercise Diary for them.

    We're sorry we could not be of more assistance at this time. If there's anything else you'd like me to address. please don't hesitate to reach back out.

    All the best,
  • robinmarkz
    robinmarkz Posts: 93 Member
    Well, I have a Pebble and I am making Misfit my tracker again. I feel bad for those who purchased an UP band; their money should be refunded. I gave Jawbone a second chance but no go. Food is not showing at all, and steps are incorrect.

    As I said, most folks here actually purchased the UP band. This is a serious consumer product issue.

    Thanks to MFP for responding. Thanks.

    I am going back to my Klingon watchface. (Yes, they have that.) At least I get both date and time! And probably Stardate. ;)

    Seriously, it's hard to believe they haven't fixed the issues and that new issues have appeared since. Back to Misfit.

  • annk18
    annk18 Posts: 85 Member
    scasper02 wrote: »
    Hey all - I am sure there are discussions out there with this issue but I have searched for quite some time and can't seem to find an answer to solve my problem. MFP is not showing my step from Jawbone and adjusting calories as needed. I changed calorie settings to the negative calorie option. Jawbone UP is showing my MFP meals/water. I have disconnect and reconnected the two. Any other suggestions? I would love for these two apps to work together for me! Thanks :)

    My steps are showing, but MFP is not making any adjustments for my steps, unless I set it as an exercise, or have reached my 10000 step goal. Is this normal or can it be changed?
  • skv99
    skv99 Posts: 27 Member
    I have this issue now, any help on how to get this to work?