How is your BBG Journey going so far?

Today I did Week 1 legs and cardio of the bikini body guide and it killed me. I will definitely feel that in the morning but I really feel accomplished! How is the guide going for you guys? I am trying to eat healthy too! I started a teatox called Teami and it is really good.


  • I just did week 1 day 1 today and I am pooped! I couldn't even get through the whole thing :(
  • daniquintana5
    daniquintana5 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh don't worry I was the same way! I felt like poop but i just did week 1 day 2 and I already feel better! Keep going!! :)
  • leviathas
    leviathas Posts: 37 Member
    I just finished 12 weeks of BBG 1.0 and the results were insanely awesome. It's so motivating to get stronger and more fit as the weeks roll on. I'm so into it I've restarted the program and am seeing a huge difference in improvement from the first round! So, keep going!! It's so worth it :)
  • Timcsi06
    Timcsi06 Posts: 3 Member
    I did week 1 workout 2.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I'm looking to start in November. Feel free to add me if you want to help support each other :)
  • cristi_rawr
    cristi_rawr Posts: 9 Member
    Starting on Monday, so excited!!
  • kem0036
    kem0036 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been trying to start and keep putting it off! Glad to find others who are starting!
  • yacksonne06
    yacksonne06 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on the second on week 16. It's still as hard as the first day I started but I love having a straightforward guide that I can follow at the gym. Good luck to everyone starting it. It takes a while to get into but once you do, it's worth it. It honestly took me over 5 different attempts to keep up with the guides so I wouldn't get easily discouraged
  • jkirby0036
    jkirby0036 Posts: 18 Member
    Just restarted this week. I always make it Through week 2 then something happens and I miss week 3 and kinda fall off. I'm honestly going to try my best. Hoping this will help me stay focused.
  • daniquintana5
    daniquintana5 Posts: 6 Member
    I am restarting week 1 today because with thanksgiving and everything i was thrown completely off track but I just downloaded her sweat with kayla app and I am going to make sure to get through the whole guide this time!
  • krstorms
    krstorms Posts: 2 Member
    @daniquintana5 I just started the the app last week. Def haven't been eating the best. Trying to find some support to eat well and complete the workouts. I love the app with the timer! Are you following the eating plan?
  • daniquintana5
    daniquintana5 Posts: 6 Member
    @krstorms I dont follow the eating plan that much because I feel like for some of the recipes you definetly need an aqquired taste but I occasionally do use some of her recipes, I love the poached egg with avocado and toast in the morning! I have been trying to eat the best I can too lol I havent slipped yet but whenever I do have a craving or something I just eat something that I know isnt that bad and can fill me up.
  • caterinahart
    caterinahart Posts: 18 Member
    one word; Thanksgiving!


    Back on track soon!
  • SailorSaturn21
    SailorSaturn21 Posts: 2 Member
    I purchased the guide way back in September and could not consistently do it. I'm trying it back up again and finished pre-training week 3 and it's a killer. I'm trying to lose 40lbs by July/August for my 10 year high school reunion. It's hard to stay motivated so I'm hoping I can find other girls in similar situations and maybe we can support each other :). Feel free to add me!
  • prudence1414
    prudence1414 Posts: 2 Member
    Does anyone still visit this group ?!
  • mardiscipulo
    mardiscipulo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new here and just wanted to know if anybody was still using this. I want to be a part of the BBG community online but I'm still hesitant to start an IG to post fitness progress. I started BBG a couple of times and then lose motivation to keep going. So I was hoping to find other gals to help with accountability especially on those days where I just don't feel like I can do a HIIT. Hopefully there are still a couple of you out there on this journey. I'm starting week 2 1.0 on Monday June 13th.
  • snehad123
    snehad123 Posts: 119 Member
    Done with first week. Gained 2 lbs somehow. I hope its just muscles! gonna take measurements now
  • amahony504
    amahony504 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started yesterday; I did 3 circuits (full of circuit 1, and 1.2 of circuit 2) and HOLY HELL am I sore...I teach yoga 2-4xs a week and am a half marathon runner and this might be harder than yoga school and my 3 half marathons combined, lol.

    I ate McDonalds after cuz I was starving, haha, now I'm serious about needing to tone up my food too- it isn't healthy!!!

    Hows everyone doing, I am going to do day 2 today. Do you think its better to take a rest day between? If so, today would be my rest day, but I'm eager to keep going.
  • yalva009
    yalva009 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Anyone still doing BBG? I'm on week 3 of pretraining. :smile: Just looking for accountability with someone else doing the program.
  • aquadolly_
    aquadolly_ Posts: 19 Member
    @yalva009 Hi there! I'm doing the 12 week BBG challenge that just started on the 9th ;) If you would like, send me a friend request.