Weekly Challenge 11/2

I'm scraping for ideas guys! If you have any ideas, please voice them!

I did find a fun one for a "photo a day" challenge. I'll post a new discussion daily this week with a new photo subject! Examples: your sweaty picture, your exercise shoes, a healthy meal.

We'll go with your favorite workout song today! Post a screenshot of your favorite song to workout out to. Your ultimate go-to that gets you pumped!


  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member

    Something about this song just makes me push myself! And I swear my Spotify can tell when I'm wearing down because it always comes on at the perfect moment.
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    I can't screenshot; no smartphone! :(

    Favorite workout song though? Hands down it's RuPaul's "Jealous of my Boogie." Goddamn if that song wont get you up and moving and feeling super-fabulous. Catwalk stomp all the way through your workout routine! :smiley:

  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    I have a list lol can't do just one-

    Taylor Swift "Shake it Off"
    Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow"
    Britney "Work B"
    Queen "Another One bites the dust"
    Tupac "Hit Em Up"
    Salt N Peppa "Push It"

    just a few lol
  • erebar
    erebar Posts: 77 Member

  • natyack
    natyack Posts: 56 Member
    I'm on my computer so I can't screenshot, but "Peanut Butter Jelly" by Galantis is my current favorite! It's upbeat and happy and techno. Perfection!
  • nmester
    nmester Posts: 17 Member
    I'm on my laptop so I can't screenshot but currently one of my favorite work out songs is Kesha's C'mon
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    I'm so sorry for not keeping up with this one! I didn't even go to work yesterday. Starting to feel better today though and I have a good challenge I found for next week!