Have 100lbs to lose.

Hi, my name is Cara. I'm 34 year old Mom of 3. My kids are 3yrs, 18months, and 4 months (our surprise). I am homemaker who has a habit of putting the family first and not really taking care of herself. Unfortunately, its come to my realization, as I get bigger, I'm not able to give my family as much and soon I may not be here to give them anything at all.

I do not have Chris Powell's book. I started watching Extreme Weight Loss Edition a few weeks ago and was very inspired. I did a lot of research on his plan and his previous book to try and understand the carb cycling. My husband and I just started the plan yesterday and though its not easy with us being on different schedules, I think we will get in the groove this week.

I have 100lbs to lose and am doing a HC, LC, LC, HC, LC, LC, LC with cheat schedule. Its a little modified from the plans laid out in Powells book, but with my husband only needing to lose 20lbs and needing a lot more calories because of his job, he is doing a HC, HC, LC, HC, HC, LC, LC with cheat schedule and its allows us to eat 5 out of 7 days the same and address our different needs. We'll see how it works.

Hope the group grows or members get active!


  • myrahonbarrier
    myrahonbarrier Posts: 191 Member
    How's it going this week? I am VERY pleased with the program and really are not finding it hard to follow at all (as my chicken is boiling away on the stove)
  • I'm doing really good! I feel like its easy to follow and, the weight is coming off. I have been tempted a lot and allowed myself some cheats, but over all am winning most of the battles. :) The only thing I can say about this plan is that its kind of expensive for me, due to the eating 5x per day and all the protein. Tuna fish has been my friend. Lol
  • cheerbear2241987
    cheerbear2241987 Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you it can be expensive, I have used newman's marinara and found a cheap cheap version of it and thought there is no way it has less cal/carb etc.. I checked everything and it was better in EVERYTHING. I am kinda scared to stray off it for the off brands but if it has less of EVERYTHING you would think it would be okay?

    Had a cheat meal today and did terrible overall on calories, this is week 2 and first time I've gone over 1600 even with my cheat meals :P

    what do you all think?
  • kly_91
    kly_91 Posts: 2 Member

    Had a cheat meal today and did terrible overall on calories, this is week 2 and first time I've gone over 1600 even with my cheat meals :P

    what do you all think?

    In the book, it says to allow yourself to get up to 2200 calories on "reward" day. It's very important to eat the things you enjoy, but to learn control and moderation. I've been at this on the turbo cycle for 4 months now, down 54lbs, abs my reward day is always 2200. The main thing I've noticed, is it's better to just make that burger or that battered fish at home, where you can control the sodium. Once i started calculating the sodium in restaurant foods, it was no surprise why my blood pressure was so high, and why I always felt so crummy. My reward day is Saturday, and I always go for frozen yogurt instead of buying overran
    Ice cream. It's just about making those conscious decisions when rewarding your good habits all week :)