Struggling with Weight Loss!

PKU and weight loss seem to be difficult for me to balance. It seems I either need to diet to manage PKU or diet to lose weight. Choosing both is difficult for me. Of course, I lost weight once going on formula religiously but now I'm in a rut. ...a PKU weight-loss rut. I'm not willing to go off my PKU diet but want to shrink my waistline. Any suggestions?


  • arkham_ma
    arkham_ma Posts: 62 Member
    It isn't easy. I've been pretty successful, though I've been kind of stuck for a while now, but all I do is track my calories and protein, and do my best to keep under my calorie goal, between eating and exercise, and keep my protein where it needs to be.

    Sorry I don't have any earth-shattering, innovative advice, but weight loss does come down to calories in-calories out. I stick to that, and it works...sometimes more slowly than I'd like.

    And yes, the protein restrictions sure don't help. Trying to balance protein and calories can be a struggle some days. Fortunately for me, as I have vPKU and am on Kuvan, I have a pretty high tolerance, so it's probably easier for me than most.