Just Starting!

erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
Hi Everyone!
Today is my second day on this program and I am so happy that I found a community of people on this site who are also doing this and have gone through it. I feel way more encouraged now. One of the hurdles that I am facing is telling my co workers who love to go out for drinks after work and in the office there are people always offering food or asking me to lunch. I really want to succeed in this program so any words of advise would be so much appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance!!!!


  • kendra5
    kendra5 Posts: 6 Member
    I would say to tell them that you need time to get adjusted to your new plan and just can't go with them at this time. At some point you may be able to hang out and resist temptation but that takes a minute. I went out Friday night and only drank water the whole night. The bartender jokingly told me to get out since I wasn't doing rounds with my friends. They likely won't understand but you have to be willing to sacrifice right now.
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    I would have jokingly told him that I'm a recovering lol.
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    Here's where you have to know yourself and understand what you CAN and CAN;T handle. I avoided going out as much as possible. I also talked with my doctor to learn strategies for when I do go out. Having a specially made salad (no cheese, no croutons, no carrots) and a small piece of grilled chicken breast with a side of steamed veggies. For drinking, get water with lemon- so you're still getting some flavor and the lemon (or lime) gives the appearance of a drink. Be honest with those close to you. You're working hard to improve your health and you'd really appreciate their assistance. Avoid the places where temptations are the greatest (work break rooms) or whatever. It's tough, but very soon you'll be thanking yourself- a LOT! Good luck!