How's everyone doing!!??

erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
This is day four for me and today has been a blah day. With back to back meetings and an office where there is food everywhere can be challenging but I'm sticking to it so far. How's everyone doing today? Any words of wisdom or just words of encouragement would be nice!!


  • owlett5
    owlett5 Posts: 10 Member
    Hang in there! I know that it's not easy but remember, it's worth it! Almost a week in and I weighed myself and I've lost weight! That alone is quite the motivator.

    I know what you mean about temptation everywhere. I just got mailed a huge bag of chex mix from my relatives. It smelled so good! Lucky my boyfriend was more than happy to be my garbage disposal
  • kendra5
    kendra5 Posts: 6 Member
    Do the people at work know you're working on your weight? I used to have people forcing stuff on me but I told them I am really trying to get healthy right now and they stopped. There still is food lying around everywhere but it's easier to walk by when you don't have people trying to force you to eat something.
  • kendra5
    kendra5 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't weigh in until tomorrow but according to my home scale I should be down another 5 pounds. Also today had two co-workers tell me I'm melting away. I can't see it at all yet but I know it will work if you just stick to it.
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    Good job Kendra! Today I get weighted in and I'll let everyone know how it goes. I'm slowly telling people that I'm really focused on losing weight and I've been restricting what I eat. So far people have said they support me. I just don't want to get into details because a lot of people won't understand and I don't feel like justifying myself. Another thing is my family they do support me but there always someone that says Liz if you have a little it won't hurt like ugh.
  • owlett5
    owlett5 Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck! How'd the weigh in go??
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you I going to need all the luck I can get. It went well. I lost 6.5 pounds! Which is exciting. I can't wait till my clothes starts feeling loser.
  • owlett5
    owlett5 Posts: 10 Member
    Grats!!! That's fantastic news!
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    You're doing great ladies! Watching the numbers on the scale go down was the greatest motivator for me. I also hit the goodwill stores and my favorite clothing stores (clearance racks) and bought myself lots of "pretties" to shrink into. It's been so much fun to discard my old clothes and start wearing my "shrinkies". That keeps me very motivated. I'm packing up my 2x, 1x, 20's, 18's and 16's for the goodwill stores. I have a rack of 14's, 12's and 10's, XL, L and M's. Right now I'm wearing between a 12 and 14 jeans and between a L and XL shirts. I haven't work this size since I got married 27 years ago! I will tell you that when I wore this size all those years ago, I weighed about 30 pounds less than I do now. So much of my shrinkage is due to exercise even moreso than weight loss. So as soon as you can exercise- do so! Just a small warning if you haven't been warned already, after the first couple of weeks, weight loss will slow down to 2-4 pounds a week. When this happened to me, I was devistated and not prepared. I figured I'd be losing 5 pounds a week the whole way through and it's just not the case. So enjoy the bigger number weight losses while you can, but don't think you're doing something wrong- and don't get discouraged- when the numbers go down to around the 3 pound mark. That's how it happens.
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you Lisa!!! Your such an inspiration. I can't wait until my close start falling off lol. And thanks for the heads up because I can only imagine losing 6 pounds and than only losing 2. Back when I would try to loss weight on my own that would have been a blow for me and I would probably have given up but I joined this not for weight loss although it's nice that I'll be losing weight along the way but I joined to learned better habits and build a better relationship with food and that's what I truly want to get out of this program. Today is day ten and it's been a hard ten days and it's crazy when I'm around food and don't eat it I feel like I'm losing something when I'm not able to eat the food which is so f***** up. I need to not feel that way but I've been going strong and keeping at it. I want to finish this program successfully and with saying that I didn't cheat so bad.