Exercise before you were pregnant...

VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
edited December 2015 in Social Groups

I was wondering, what exercises and level of fitness would you wish you could have been before you got pregnant (or if you were at that level of fitness, please describe)?

It seems like my husband and I are seriously considering trying to start a family in July or so. Right now, I don't really do much in terms of fitness. However, I've heard during pregnancy, it's safer to do exercises you're used to doing vs starting out all new stuff.

So I am looking for recommendations of what you found might have been helpful to continue into pregnancy. Weights? Running? Elliptical/stairs? Yoga? All of the above? How often and how long were your exercise sessions - in other words, what is a good routine?

Walking is pretty much the only think I have down pat. I know it can be personal preference, but I'm looking at options.



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I was pretty fit/active before getting pregnant both times. First time I was more into cardio (intense aerobics) which I didn't really continue into pregnancy. This time around pre-pregnancy I was more into weights, yoga and some cardio (aerobics, stairclimber, walking, etc) so I still continue that through my pregnancy, modified obviously. The only thing I have stopped doing is ab/core work and HIIT.
    I keep my sessions short, 25-40 min max. If I have the energy I lift 2-3x per week, with one day cardio, yoga, and walking.
    I think even if you weren't very active before your pregnancy, incorporating gentle yoga, swimming, etc. is safe (as long as there are no restrictions on activity from your doctor)

    Good luck :)
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    From a cardio perspective I found/find using a stationary bike to be one of the best things during pregnancy. I developed really bad SI joint pain in my pregnancy and running became impossible, walking was even excruciating, and even the elliptical and rowing machine aggravated it. I also couldn't do a lot of the lower body weights (squatting, lunging, hip thrusts, etc. due to the pain). Stationary cycling though was pain free and a great way to maintain my fitness. I'm sure swimming would have been good too, but I hate swimming. I have also found strength training to be really important (now that my SI joint pain is better I can do lower body stuff again). I find the TRX suspension trainer to be incredibly beneficial as my balance is really off in the third trimester and with the suspension trainer I am still able to things like single leg squats and skater lunges etc. Plus I can get a full body workout with one simple little piece of equipment.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Do what you enjoy! I like running, so I run. Find something that gets you excited! Maybe it's a new class at the gym. Maybe rock climbing. Maybe Barre! Just find something and try to be as consistant as you can! Start slow and build. I love to run, and prepregnancy was running 6x a week, about 6 miles a day. But I started with 3-4x a week, 1-2 miles a day!! So don't be afraid to be a beginner and just do your best!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    When not pregnant I like to run, and I ran a 5k race in early pregnancy and was going to do another half marathon in March, but like someone said earlier I find running hard when pregnant. I too get pelvic pain and I always get a bit bump - and even before that appears those sore boobs make running uncomfortable. In fact, I realised I was pregnant with number 3 when I found myself holding on to boobs for support on the treadmill. So now I use my stationary bike every day and I also like swimming when pregnant - both for exercise and relaxation. I will also start antenatal yoga in January.

    However seen that you are not pregnant yet, I would continue doing what you enjoy for now and you can easily swap if/when you find that becomes difficult. Any fitness gained now will help you!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Before I got pregnant (only 7 weeks ago!) I was lifting heavy weights and road cycling. I've switched to a less intense weight lifting program and have swapped road cycling for the elliptical and spinning classes. I really love cycling so I'm a little bummed I won't be able to do it for over a year! It will be spring 2017 before I get back on my bike.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Thank you, everyone :) It's really useful to know these things.

    @LisaTcan Which program did you switch to? I do enjoy weights more than most other exercises and was thinking I'd take it up again (... because... New Year's resolutions and stuff...).
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @VeryKatie I switched to Strong Curves from Strong Lifts. The weights are much lower and it just felt more conducive with pregnancy than a barbell based work out.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    @VeryKatie I switched to Strong Curves from Strong Lifts. The weights are much lower and it just felt more conducive with pregnancy than a barbell based work out.

    Woohoo! I already own the SC book and was doing SL (a while ago... need to get back into it). So that is convenient.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    @VeryKatie I switched to Strong Curves from Strong Lifts. The weights are much lower and it just felt more conducive with pregnancy than a barbell based work out.

    Woohoo! I already own the SC book and was doing SL (a while ago... need to get back into it). So that is convenient.
