
I thought I would introduce myself :-) I am a mom of two little boys, one is 8 months old and the other is going on three!! Ready to get this baby weight off and feel good and healthy! Ready for a new start! We are planning a vacation in June so I am hoping to lose at least half of the weight by then!


  • txlisafit2016
    txlisafit2016 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a mom to an 16 year old son and battling health issues and I need to lose around 50 pounds and I'm hoping by this time next year it will be gone.
  • abamberg
    abamberg Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm a mom to a three year old and a full time working mom in a super stressful job. Looking to finally get the baby weight off in 2016.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Hi, I did introduce myself on another thread, but it seems to have gone...
    I'm Sarah, 34, living in Gateshead in the UK. I've been on the weight loss journey since I was a teenager (I would LOVE to be as "fat" as I thought I was at 16...!) but it was only in October 2014 (when I almost got to my heaviest ever) that it started to work for me. (clean eating and HIIT / weight training)
    I have lost 13kg (30lb approx) since then but been gaining and losing the same 5lb since July...! (must stop eating too much rubbish!) I thought a weight loss group would add an extra bit of accountability for me and I love getting to know new people on here!
  • im_simply_karen
    im_simply_karen Posts: 50 Member
    Hey :) I'm Karen & I'm 20 years old. I'm in school for premed and am trying to loose 24 pounds while juggling college life.
  • krbkrat
    krbkrat Posts: 85 Member
    Hi there - I'm Kristi and I live in Virginia, USA :). I've gained about 50lbs (scary...) since 2011. I'm 36 years old and I'm trying to get back to my 2011/12 self. This used to be so I would look better (...vanity) and feel more confident, and these are still important to me, but I have REALLY started to notice the physical side effects of carrying too much weight (reflux, knee pain with exercise, out of breath easily...). I am 5'7" (170cm) and 189.4lb (85.9kg) this morning. I was 136lb (61.6kg) in June 2011. Looking forward to getting to know y'all and getting to our goals together! -Kristi K.
  • jbussey97
    jbussey97 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Jamie! I'm 18 and recently went through a lot and it (along with a very concerning past) led me to attempt suicide. My doctor recommended that I preoccupy myself with something productive in my free time to help reduce negativity and pull me out of my major depressive disorder. I've chosen to lose weight to get the body I've always wanted. This is important to me because I was always bullied for being "healthy" (as I like to call it).
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Hi Jamie,
    It might be worth checking out the goals tab on the spreadsheet (see "spreadsheet for results" thread) to help you set some healthy goals each week.
    I try(!) to focus on healthy habits rather than the scales as those damned things have a mind of their own sometimes...!
    Good luck!
    S x