Alittle about yourself!


What was your starting weight, you current weight, you goal weight, your height and age etc?

Heaviest weight: 202

Starting weight: 198.6

Currently weight (as of 12/24): 186.6

Goal weight: 155

I'm 5'4 and 27 years old (28 in February). I have a little less than 32 lbs to go and I'm down 12 lbs as of last week since September. I work full time and a mother to a 6 1/2 year old boy. I been married for 9 months but been together with my husband for 8 1/2 years. I just started Insanity on12/20 and loving it so far. So excited to kick start this weight loss!


  • weighting2findme
    I am 38 years old, 5'9. My starting weight was 305.6, my current weight is 246.6(maybe less, but haven't weighed in again yet). My goal is 165/170 range. I'm a single mom of a ten year old son who's my world, and my inspiration(besides myself) for a healthier me. I work full-time, have my own hair braiding business part time(for now), and I'm working on my first novel with a goal of completing by my birthday in April(as birthday gift to myself). Just happy about how far I've come on this weight loss journey, and looking forward to more success.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    Hi! I'm Stacy and I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm hoping it will help me to be more serious about my logging than I have been lately.

    My heaviest weight was 262 back in 2010

    My starting weight this year was 254

    My starting weight on MFP was 235 on 6/30

    Current weight: 215.8

    Goal weight: 150

    I'm 5'2" and am going to be 40 on 1/10 and I feel better than I have in a long time. I started losing weight in March because I was getting near the end of nursing school and wanted to be able to start my career in a healthy place. I want to be able to work on my feet all day and not hurt from head to toe. I also don't want to tell a patient they should eat healthy and exercise if I'm not willing to do it myself. I got married in November and my husband has now started to work out and watch his portions too, boy does that make things easier.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I am 38 years old, 5'9. My starting weight was 305.6, my current weight is 246.6(maybe less, but haven't weighed in again yet). My goal is 165/170 range. I'm a single mom of a ten year old son who's my world, and my inspiration(besides myself) for a healthier me. I work full-time, have my own hair braiding business part time(for now), and I'm working on my first novel with a goal of completing by my birthday in April(as birthday gift to myself). Just happy about how far I've come on this weight loss journey, and looking forward to more success.

    Wow, you have a lot of great things going on. Congratulations on making the choice to be healthier and being an even better roll model for your son. Happy to meet you!
  • weighting2findme
    StacyChrz wrote: »
    I am 38 years old, 5'9. My starting weight was 305.6, my current weight is 246.6(maybe less, but haven't weighed in again yet). My goal is 165/170 range. I'm a single mom of a ten year old son who's my world, and my inspiration(besides myself) for a healthier me. I work full-time, have my own hair braiding business part time(for now), and I'm working on my first novel with a goal of completing by my birthday in April(as birthday gift to myself). Just happy about how far I've come on this weight loss journey, and looking forward to more success.

    Wow, you have a lot of great things going on. Congratulations on making the choice to be healthier and being an even better roll model for your son. Happy to meet you!

    Thank you Stacy... Happy to meet you as well :)
  • sllingenfelter
    sllingenfelter Posts: 27 Member
    My name is Samantha and I am 21 years old.

    My starting weight: 220

    My current weight: 218

    My goal weight: 120

    I when into a depression after I had surgery two years ago and have put on 100 pounds because of it. I hope to lose weight and become a happier person this year. I am also tying the No White Diet this year to start out my recovery. I know friends how has a lot of success with this diet.
  • sarahhamilton101
    My name is Sarah I'm 26

    My heaviest 177 (I was pregnant)

    My starting weight 173

    My current weight 142

    My goal 120-125

    I'm 5'2 happily married with 2 boys hoping for a 3rd soon but no rush I'm happy losing weight right now and Im not ready to start gaining yet. I suffer from beinge eating I went to the doctor in October and he gave me something for my depression and since then I have felt so much better and I have my eating under control. I love it I'm starting to feel better about myself and am able to get out and play with my kids more without getting so tired. I'm so excited to lose the rest of this weight!
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    Hi all,
    Its great to meet all you young people. I am 45 and 5'8.

    My starting weight on 1/1/15 was 193 (87.5Kg)

    Currently this morning i was 178 (80.7kg). I was down to 171.2(77.7kg) in November but back up now due to holiday and festive season. (over 6lbs gain)

    My Overal goal is 154.3 (70kg)

    So as of today i have 22.7lbs (10.3kg) to lose to get to goal. Which i think i should be able to achieve by the end of May.

    I follow the 5:2 WOE and also intermittent fasting.
  • Bossrae
    Bossrae Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Raedean I'm 31 years young

    My Heaviest weight 290

    My Starting weight 285

    My Current weight 268

    My Goal weight 180

    Hi I'm 5'7 with three beautiful kids. Just recently married the most awesome man ever 5 months ago tomorrow. I have not always been heavy but due to me not being as active as before the weight started sticking around. I find myself out of breath trying to run and play with the kids. I know I need to do something, so since October I have started working out to Shawn T Hip-hop Abs. I love it I can see the weight coming off and it's fun dancing. So joining this challenge is great motivation to keep me going. Good Luck Everyone.
  • TissaP
    TissaP Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2015
    Starting weight: 221 (Sept. 2015)
    Current weight (as of 12/28): 201.0
    Goal weight: 145

    I'm 5'8" and turned 40 last March. I have a husband and a 10 year old daughter. After a healthy childhood, fell into awful food habits as an adult, along with a stop to pretty much any exercise. My heaviest was in the 230s. My knees are shot, I have high BP, and am seeing my daughter adopt poor eating habits. Started losing seriously in September, thanks to my primary doc referring me to a weight management specialist and a great nutritionist. I struggle with accountability and can't resist food if I'm near it. Not doing any fad diets, just long term shift of mindset re: food and working to set a better example for my daughter. Haven't been exercising but am working on strengthening my knees to do more. Looking forward to this group (the first I've ever joined) and checking in with others who are also working toward the same goals!

  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I'm really enjoying reading everyone's introduction. I think this is going to be fun!
  • thenewmissusmommy
    Heaviest weight: 255

    Starting & current weight: 246

    Goal weight: 199 (One-der-land!)

    Height: 6'1

    I'm 43 years old and live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I'm a married Mom of three kids (1 adult and 2 teens) and although my husband, friends and kids are very supportive I'm an emotional eater. I'm working on my own personal wellness on many levels and recovering from a recent depression (in which I packed on some additional poundage) but have had success with MFP in the past. I love the structure, the simplicity and the "If you ate this every day you'd weight 037.5 pounds in 5-weeks" feature.

    I've never joined a group on MFP before and I may just sit back quietly but I'll still participate and I'm happy to be here. :)
  • timetochange52
    timetochange52 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm Tammy and I just turned 54. I'm from Upstate New York. I have a desk job. I'm 5'6" and my weight is currently around 223. I was down to 180 at one point and then gained back up to 198 and maintained there for years. Over the last three years, I've managed to gain all of my weight back so I'm basically starting over. Again. My goal is to reach 170, and although that's still above all of the charts, I think I will look and feel just fine there. I have a Fitbit and I just bought a treadmill and a mini stepper and I'm determined to make this happen. Thank you for the challenge. The support is sure to help.
  • mrethy
    mrethy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 25M, about 6'4. Heaviest weight was 268, then dropped down to 205, and then over the past 3 years gained back to 255. Sitting at 248 as of Monday morning.

    Height 6'4
    SW: 248 (27% BF)
    HW: 268 (33% BF)
    GW: 205 (15-18% BF)
  • MercyOxendine
    MercyOxendine Posts: 105 Member
    Hi group!

    I am a 51 year old 5'4 North Carolinian.

    The absolute most I have ever weighed was when I stepped on the scale last Thursday and weighed 302 pounds.

    Let's do this together! :)
  • Donnitchell
    Donnitchell Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Donna, i'm 45 & live in England.
    Heaviest weight: 212
    Current weight: 182
    Goal weight: 147
  • Lucy020679
    Lucy020679 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 4'10 don't know my weight currently but I'm was around 220lb a couple of months ago!

    I work 2 jobs, a full time day job and 3 nights in a pub, which makes it easy to come up with excuses not to exercise.

    I eat when bored.

    I hope this group will keep me on track and give me an end goal.

    I know I'll have bad days.
  • jenniferstavich
    jenniferstavich Posts: 18 Member
    Hello, My name is Jen. I just turned 30 in Nov and my husband and I are working on starting a family. No luck over the last 6 months so I decided its time to get a bit healthier. I will keep busting my but till I get pregnant and hopefully it will make it easier to lose the weight later.

    Highest 158 in June 2015
    Today 146! (Lost 10lbs since Thanksgiving from limited Gluten and Dairy)
    Goal (ideal height chart says I should weigh 104-135 based on 5'2") so 135
  • schmalien
    schmalien Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, I'm Alison and I just turned 27. My height is 5'6" and I currently weigh 169lbs.

    Heaviest weight: 198
    Starting weight: 183.8
    Goal: around 135

    I've never really used the community aspect of myfitnesspal so I hope this gives me more accountability! Good luck everyone!
  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member
    Highest weight - 173
    Today's weight - 161
    Goal weight. - 147


    I am 5'4". I have been married 25 years. I have three great kids. I have a desk job and work very long hours. I want to make exercise and healthy eating a normal part of my life. Most of my life I had a reasonably normal weight, but the pounds inched up over the years. I also gained about 20 pounds after my mom died and never permanently dropped those pounds. I want to get healthy, look nice during vacations (in shorts and a swimsuit!), and look good for my oldest daughter's wedding. Thanks for the support and encouragement! :)
  • Underconstruction2016
    Underconstruction2016 Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone,

    I'm 24 years old 5'7. I'm from London. I have office job and have become so sedentary in the last 2 years.

    I've lost about 26lbs from February to Summer....I recently gained back 11lbs. Really unhappy about and I exercise a lot but I'm struggling to shift the weight. My biggest obstacle is diet, especially sugary treats. I'd like to lose 14lbs- anyone think this is possible to do in 8 weeks?

    Lightest : 127 lbs
    Heaviest : 156 lbs
    Current: 141 lbs

    Ideally I'd like to back to 127 :)

    We usually weight in kgs or stone in the UK lbs make me feel heavier....

    I think this group will be great for me and good to meet others working hard too. Please feel free to add me...I need the collective accountability.