What is your "plan" ?

Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
Hi everyone. I would like to know what everyone is planning on doing in order to reach their goals.
I don't live near a gym, I work 120 kms from home and commute to work 4 days a week so getting exercise in is a challenge.

Here is my plan - and I am always looking for new ideas to add to it:

- walk everyday - Minimum 3.5 miles (with wrist weights)
- curling - once a week. plus bonspiels
- trampoline - 10 - 15 minutes per day (with hand weights)

- Maintain 1460 calories per day ( no I don't lose on 1200 calories per day)
- No added sugar (Medical coming up in January - numbers were borderline bad last time)
- No added fats (Medical - numbers were borderline last time)

Water... water ...water.... 8 - 10 glasses per day (8 ounces each)

What is your "plan"?


  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Hi @Lilymay2 :) Ok my goal is to get my exercise back up to 500 min a week to progress it up to 700 min a week, Which as soon as they cut my hours should be feasible. right now I'm doing 350-450 min a week. I walk mainly for exercise plus I like Richard Simmons.

    I attempt to eat 1200 calories a day. I do not have the best of appetites.
    Water is my beverage of choice so I'm good there.

    My plan is to be down at least another 5 lbs by my next dr's apt so I can knock my Dr's socks off. Granted we will see how I do on all the testing at that point. My reports always came back normal and I was obese so we shall see.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I just joined a gym (too cold to go walking) so my plan is to get 30 minutes of cardio in a day and alternate working upper body & lower body with weights 6 days a week.

    Food: limiting (not totally cutting out) simple carbs, sugar and dairy. Eating healthier.

    It is easier for me to eat healthier when I work out. I think its a mental thing. :)
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    My 'plan' is to attempt a 100 days of fitness challenge for myself. Starting on jan 1st and ends on april 9th. A minimum of 10 minutes of activity daily.

    Continue breastfeeding. Eat an average of 1800-2200 calories daily.
    Cut down on sugar, dairy and caffeine.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 487 Member
    My plan is to cut back on carbs and sugar a little at a time so as to hopefully be able to stay with it, cook a lot more at home, drink ALOT more water and get some exercise on my treadmill and other equipment I have at home and workout DVD's, try to mix it up and not get bored doing the same thing every day. Luckily I didn't put any weight on over Christmas but I didn't lose any either. I also received a fit bit for Christmas so I'm excited to see what all it can track and to give me incintive to keep trying to do better.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Awesome plans everyone. :)
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member
    My plan is to keep my calories under 1800 and my carbs below 150 gms. This has worked really well before, so fingers crossed.
    I will continue dancing 3 times a week, but add in Body Pump, Spin and Swimming. I am waiting for my gym to open after a refurbishment, so need to check the new timetable to see how many sessions I can make.
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    Here's my plan:

    Apply for financial aid at the Y so I can do water exercise to lessen my pain levels.
    Continue at the gym.
    30+ active minutes a day, at least 5 days a week.

    Eat between 1500-2000 calories a day.
    Make healthier choices within those calories.

    Cut back on soda consumption until it's nonexistent (may allow one can of Coke per day, not sure yet)
    Up water intake slowly until it hits half gallon per day.
  • Lesly_Barrett_1209
    I do not have a gym membership and find it difficult to exercise outside my home with two young boys. I just purchased a workout program that I plan on following (cardio and weight lifting)

    I will follow the meal plan provided with the workout program. Calories between 1500-1800 and eat more protein and veggies.

    Drink half my weight in water each day (91oz) and try really REALLY hard to cut soda out of my diet all together. So far I have went from 2-3 32oz cups a day to 1 20oz cup. So I'm doing much better but would like to cut it out completely.

    Go to bed a little earlier at night. Right now I am going to bed around 11 and getting up at 6 for work. Plus a couple times throughout the night I get up to check on my 7 month old so I'm not getting the sleep I need to.
  • just_special
    just_special Posts: 99 Member
    edited December 2015
    My plan is to get back to normal routine. I have a running scheduled already: run Mon, Wed, and Sat, and I am currently trying to increase my distance and speed. Trying to get to a 'regular' run distance of 6 miles. Currently in an interval plan that has me up to 4 miles each run. I will be running an 8K in March with my sister, so I have motivation to be at 5 miles by then.

    However, I now have to run inside on a treadmill *grumble* due to ice and snow, and that does affect my speed and stride. I will just have to work through it.

    Getting back to my normal routine also means quitting with the excessive desserts and salty restaurant food. I also need to quit with the carb overload that just leaves my body tired and bloaty. I will be back to focusing on a high protein cleaner diet that provides me with energy and stamina.

    I am actually really looking forward to getting back to normal and seeing how quickly that gets me back to maintenance!

    Let's do this!

    P.S. I know this group starts on the 2nd of Jan, but I will be starting on Jan 4 due to being out of town for one last holiday this weekend.
  • Irv2015
    Irv2015 Posts: 15 Member
    For me it's controlling the emotional eating at night. I am going to clean up from dinner and shut the kitchen down by 8 pm. I am going to try to journal - not sure if this will work.
  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    My plan is to 1. consistantly weigh and log all foods and drink, within my 1200 calories 2. drink half my weight in water or herbal tea, 3. work within paleo diet plan, 4. continue with my usual 5 days of 1 hr class Silver Sneakers or Zumba Gold per day and at home videos the remaining 2 days 5. build walking up from struggling to make a mile to 2 miles. 6. Substitute any missed classes or walking due to weather with at home videos *No days off* 7. Lose at least 15 pounds. 8. Stay Happy and focused
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good plans everyone, as everything comes together for each of you and you feel better it makes it easier to move onto the next change you want to make.

    Happy New Year!!
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    Walk at least an hour every day and make sure I get at least 10k steps as well. Going to cut back on sugar and junk food.
  • lindadprice
    lindadprice Posts: 150 Member
    My goal is to start eating healthier again after all the holiday treats. I started a 30 day yoga challenge today Adrienne yoga on YouTube. I am continuing to do strength training 4 days a week. I do 2-3 cardio sessions on the indoor bike. In between my strength days I do an hour yoga at my work. Drink plenty of water. When it gets nice out I want to walk on my strength rest days. I need to stop trying to have special treats all the time because it's hard to stop. I'm also hoping to mostly shop out of the produce isle.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    I joined a challenge called Run the Year 2016 (http://www.runtheyear2016.com/). I'm doing it as a team with 2 other people. It's about running, walking, or crawling 2,016 miles in the year 2016. Since I'm doing it as a group I don't have to do all of the 2,016 miles by myself. I hope it's going to be good motivation to keep me walking and running :)
  • carowilsonadf
    carowilsonadf Posts: 12 Member
    I'm so devastated at having put on 10lbs over Christmas :( Basically all of what I lost on the last challenge. I know what I need to do. Aim for 10000 steps a day, commit to at least 3 gym visits a week, cut down on sugar and carbs and stick to my calorie limit each day. I can do this!
  • acia90
    acia90 Posts: 74 Member
    Tracking everyday is a big part of my plan. My plan includes a daily walk (min of half hour), a half hour workout video/program 5-6 days/week (first up is PiYo) and no treats at work.
  • yobeme
    yobeme Posts: 169 Member
    My plan:
    1. Keep within my calories for the week
    2. Sprint intervals 3 days/week and walking on other days
    3. No sugar and alcohol in January to break the habit
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    My plan is to work out 4 days per week and pack healthy lunches for work and definitely cut down on the sweets. I have a terrible sweet tooth.
  • lesliewynn14
    lesliewynn14 Posts: 130 Member
    My plan is to log food every day and walk 5 days a week.