Introduction Section!

istarith Posts: 71 Member
My name is Sarah, and I've been steadily losing weight since my highest at 210 .lbs in October!

My starting weight: 210 .lbs
My current weight: 193 .lbs
My goal weight: 155 .lbs
My total loss: -17 .lbs in 3 months
My Goal: 2 pound loss per week

This goal will mean an optimistic 8 pound loss per month, so I SHOULD see that loss around June, or even earlier! FINGERS CROSSED!!


  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    My name is Behnybaby been losing since coming out of hospital in June at my highest of 227 No clue what I was before that week of IV. A few false starts but began constant and seriously on MFP in September at 222.

    My starting weight: 222 .lbs
    My current weight: 198 .lbs
    My goal weight: 135 .lbs
    My total loss: 29 .lbs in 6 months
    My Goal: 2 pound loss per week would be lovely

    This goal of 63 pounds is going to be a lot of hard work, but I will work my darn butt off. LOL
  • Leesani16
    Leesani16 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Leesa. This is the most I've weighed since I was pregnant with my daughter in '07. I lost some after that, but steadily gained again during many life changes. 2016 is my year to take back control of my weight, my eating, my lifestyle!

    Starting weight: 159.0
    Current weight; 159.0
    Goal weight: 114.0
    Total loss: -
    My goal: 2 lbs per week!

  • itstime2016
    itstime2016 Posts: 129 Member
    Hello All!

    I am taking back my health this year!! Its time for me in 2016!

    Starting Weight: 230
    Current Weight: 226
    Goal Weight: 175
    Total Loss:4 lbs

    My goal is to lose 2 lbs/week and stay committed to my health and wellness!
  • SharoninBeaufort
    SharoninBeaufort Posts: 27 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! I am ready to get rid of this extra 50 pounds dragging me down once and for all.
    Starting weight: 165.2
    Current weight:164.9
    Goal weight: 115
    Total Loss: 0.3 lbs in 4 days
    My goal: Lose 2 lb./week
  • chloe2300
    chloe2300 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Chloë. I'm from England and am training to become a teacher.

    Starting weight: 198lbs
    Current weight: 159.2lbs
    Goal Weight: 125lbs

    My goal is definitely to lose 2lbs a week. Losing at this rate will get me down to my GW just in time for a weeklong course in Belgium and my birthday so there's lots of motivation.

    Happy New Year!
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member

    Hi I'm Kay. 29 years old living in NY. I am currently 279 pounds this morning. I actually started my journey in August of 2015. I weighed in at over 330 lbs. My overall goal weight is 180. So a little under 100 pounds to go. I managed to get 50 pounds off from August to December of 2015 by working out AT LEAST 5 days a week 30 minutes a day. Keep my calories under what ever the mfp diary goals were. I count everything in my diary including sticks of gum lol. Looking to lose those 100 steady but surely with the 2 lbs per week. Good luck everyone

    Starting weight:330+ (not sure)
    Current weight : 279.8
    Goal weight: 180
  • Brin1956
    Brin1956 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm joining but find it hard to lose 2 lbs a week. I'm going to try like crazy though to come as close as possible. I will be 60 yrs. old Feb 10 and I am tired of carrying this weight the last almost 40 yrs.. I need to take it off and get off of the meds. I have 10 yrs. left the way I am or 20yrs. if I move my butt. I want to lose 60lbs by my 60th birthday and be 170 lbs the end of March when I go home to hubby. I should reach my goal weight I hope by Sept.

    My starting weight: 240 .lbs
    My current weight: 191.6 .lbs
    My goal weight: 140 .lbs
    My total loss: 48.4 lbs since August
    My Goal: To get off of the meds.
  • elcastro2015
    elcastro2015 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Emil, my objective is to stay consistent and maintain a healthy lifestyle this year!

    My starting weight: 186 lbs
    My current weight: 171 lbs
    My goal weight: 160 lbs
    My total loss: 15 lbs in 6 months
    My Goal: 2 pound loss per week

    Good luck to everyone and cheers to 2016 for new and better beginnings!
  • jailyn3
    jailyn3 Posts: 56 Member

    My name is Jaime. I've been looking for a good challenge and this is it! My goal is to consistently lose weight, 2 .lbs per week would be great but I look forward to any loss.

    My starting weight: 190 .lbs
    My current weight: 190 .lbs
    My goal weight: 145 .lbs
    My total loss:
    My Goal: 2 pound loss per week
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all - I'm Michelle. I've been on and off MFP for a couple of years. The first time through was amazing and I stayed very on course, and lost 88 pounds in 10 months. Some medical issues intervened and I found myself back up about 65 pounds, so I have tons and tons to lose.
    But I know from personal experience that if I stay strong, I can DO this. So here I am. However - just as a heads up - I'll be out of town for the entire month of March and that's going to be difficult. I certainly won't be able to log in while we're on the road. But I'll be back in April, and back on the program.
    I'd love to lose 2 pounds a week but am not sure that's feasible at this point.

    Starting weight (as of 1/1/16): 202.4
    Goal weight (as of 3/1/16): 185.0
  • KoshVorlon
    KoshVorlon Posts: 31 Member
    Hello! My name is Tom. I will be 63 in March and weight not withstanding, am in pretty good health. I am determined to get back to my early years weight of 180. I have along way to go but think I am off to a good start. You all are inspirational and I like your enthusiasm about exercise, which I loath. As the only guy in this group, I am committed to succeed as I know how competitive you guys are!!

    My original starting date of Oct 1, 2015
    10/1/15: 290
    12/30/15: 272 (-18)
    1/1/16: 270.4 (-19.6)
    1/6/16: 269.2 (20.8) [1.2 lbs so far this week...]
  • ForMe2No
    ForMe2No Posts: 235 Member
    Hi @istarith thanks for starting this group. I was in the 20lb by 2016 group. This will be a nice continuation.

    My name is Angela and so far I have lost over 80lbs. I saw a picture that disgusted me and my following check up with my doctor wasn't good. I originally set a goal of 110lbs by April my fitversary month. But I think my ultimate goal is going to be 140lbs loss. I don't know. It depends on what I look like when I get there.

    Starting Date: April 12, 2015
    SW: 286.9 lbs
    CW: 203.1lbs
    Total loss in 8/9 months 83.8lbs

    I normally weigh in on Fridays but I will be weighing in 1 day early this week as I will see my doc tomorrow and I'm hoping to have medication decreased or taken away completely.
  • dipadova
    dipadova Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Eileen I am 51 years old and have struggled with my weight my whole life. I have 4 beautiful children who are now either married, living on their own or in college. I need major motivation so I can hopefully get off blood pressure meds and be around for grandkids someday . ☺️. I have been successful several times before and have lost lots of weight only to lose focus and gain it plus some back. I need accountability.
    SW 306
    CW 299.6
    Goal: 150ish

    Thanks and hope to connect with you guys to help all of us stay motivated
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    Hello Sarah!!! I absolutely loved our end of year group- and I hope all of us are back and join your group here.....

    My name is Beth and I have lost 65.7 lbs.
    My motivation is my health and yes now I may like how I look in the mirror.
    And just walking into my closet and throwing an outfit on is such a plus!!

    I set my loss into phase goals. My next phase goal is 30 lbs by May 15th.

    My ultimate starting weight: 245.5
    My current weight: 179.8
    My next phase goal weight: 155
    Ultimate Goal: 145