A Little About Me

istarith Posts: 71 Member

Alright: My name is Sarah, and I live in Pittsburgh, PA with my husband. I don't do anything more terribly special than work in a retail store, but I'm always making or playing something in my downtime (what little of it I have), and we both stay pretty busy! Now, I am overweight - not by a horrible amount, but my highest point was during my wedding when I topped out, home from the honeymoon, at 210lbs! I've been steadily working that weight off since October and sticking to a pretty rigorous diet/fitness regime.

I really wanted to make this group to hold myself to what I say I'll do: it doesn't have to be the whole world, but you've gotta keep pressing on! I hope that anyone else who could use some support and self-discipline would find a place like this pretty helpful!


  • amarz298
    amarz298 Posts: 36 Member
    My name is Amber and I am a special education teacher in Illinois.

    Sw 205
    Gw 150

    I would like to stick to the 2 lbs a week goal :)
  • Leesani16
    Leesani16 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm Lisa, and I'm a fundraiser near Philadelphia. I appreciate this group -- I really need the support of a group to help reach my goal. I've been at this weight for years and haven't had success in keeping off weight.

    SW/CW: 159
    GW: 114
  • SharoninBeaufort
    SharoninBeaufort Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I am Sharon and a health researcher who is lucky enough to live on the beautiful coast of North Carolina. I have been successful losing and keeping weight off in the past but the last 5 years have been more about gaining than losing weight. I am ready to build the habits and momentum to get the extra weight off. It is not making my life better so 'be gone with you!'
  • jenifer2625
    jenifer2625 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi I am Jenn, just turned 40 and live in NY. I am fulltime Accountant and mom/wife and this year I know it will challenging to loose weight during this time of the year. I always fall off the wagon during the tax season and figured joining a group like this will help me stay motivated! This year with turning 40, my husband and I are both concerned and need to loose the weight. The next 4 months are very challenging and need the help to get me through a long winter! I lost 100 lbs-11 years ago and I gained most of it back. Need to get it off again. I have been working out every day and I brought my calories down to 1500 per day. Its gotta work!!!!
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    Hi I'm Kay. 29 years old living in NY. I am currently 279 pounds this morning. I actually started my journey in August of 2015. I weighed in at over 330 lbs. My overall goal weight is 180. So a little under 100 pounds to go. I managed to get 50 pounds off from August to December of 2015 by working out AT LEAST 5 days a week 30 minutes a day. Keep my calories under what ever the mfp diary goals were. I count everything in my diary including sticks of gum lol. Looking to lose those 100 steady but surely with the 2 lbs per week. Good luck everyone.
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    Wow, @kaysday that is SUCH a loss already!! I'm sure you'll strip what you want off this year!
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you!!! @istarith I hope to keep the momentum
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi - I'm Michelle. 61, retired, and needing to stick to this. We're planning a looong trip overseas for the month of March, and frankly, I just want to make sure that I don't have issues with the seat belts on the planes. And then, of course, when we get back, I'll need to get rid of what I've gained overseas. So this group will be a huge help. I did great with a group last fall until I fell off the wagon - and put it all back on. So I'm starting again, hopefully for the last time.
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    deety3 wrote: »
    Hi - I'm Michelle. 61, retired, and needing to stick to this. We're planning a looong trip overseas for the month of March, and frankly, I just want to make sure that I don't have issues with the seat belts on the planes. And then, of course, when we get back, I'll need to get rid of what I've gained overseas. So this group will be a huge help. I did great with a group last fall until I fell off the wagon - and put it all back on. So I'm starting again, hopefully for the last time.

    EEE!! Hi again, Michelle!! :smiley:
  • KoshVorlon
    KoshVorlon Posts: 31 Member
    Good Evening and Happy New Year to everyone. @kaysday, you are my new hero! Wow!

    I finally decided to do something about my weight (in a serious way) this past fall. My wife is pre-diabetic, so I want to support her new eating habits (low-carb, etc) even though she is not over weight. I tipped the scales at 290, standing 5'11". I was comfortable in my skin, but secretly have longed for an easy way to shed the pounds. I will be 63 in March this year though I am told I look about 10 years younger. The weight I have dropped since October has given me more energy.

    I keep thinking that I am still carrying around more weight than my English bulldog, Monty, who weighs 66 lbs and is svelte with a nice tight waistline! Oh well, one day at a time, right? Ms. Kay, you are inspirational for me. Thanks. I wish I could start the exercising bit, like you have. I have been thinking about taking up jumping rope. I need to act on it. Good luck everyone and thanks again.
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    istarith wrote: »
    EEE!! Hi again, Michelle!! :smiley:

    Hi Sarah!! Looks like we're back at it... Or in your case, STILL at it. I felt HORRIBLE for crashing and burning last time, and then dropping out of sight...
    It's so so good to be back doing this again with someone I kind of know! ;)
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    deety3 wrote: »
    istarith wrote: »
    EEE!! Hi again, Michelle!! :smiley:

    Hi Sarah!! Looks like we're back at it... Or in your case, STILL at it. I felt HORRIBLE for crashing and burning last time, and then dropping out of sight...
    It's so so good to be back doing this again with someone I kind of know! ;)

    Pssh. Crashing and burning, really now... :wink: Sometime's, stuff is hard enough or poorly timed enough to take a break, that's all. And then you hop on that svelte, diet-friendly horse and grab the reins once more, and gallop towards hummus and carrots and no candy bars even though you want them! All of which is to say, I hope your "ride" goes a bit smoother for this round!!
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    Yayyy!! I'm IN!
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    Yayyy!! I'm IN!

    Where is the "Like" button for this?
  • vsoffen
    vsoffen Posts: 190 Member
    Hi, I'm vanessa, I am a working mum in Southampton, England. For my wedding in 2012 when my youngest son was 9 months I was around 125lb using Mfp. Maintained this for a while then my dad became ill & sadly passed away this summer and over the past 2 years my weight has crept up & up, even though I have had spells back on mfp. My stress levels have decreased, I have already started exercising more & I feel in a really good place to get back to where I want to be. I'm 159lb today and before I found this group I calculated that I can be at 120lb by the end of May at a steady 2lb a week loss. No crazy fads, just sensible food choices & upping my exercise.
  • KoshVorlon
    KoshVorlon Posts: 31 Member
    edited January 2016
    We are all in this together, Vanessa! BTW, my wife is from Lincolnshire. We were living there until 2010 when we had to move back to Houston for family reasons...I am pleased and honored to have you as a friend.
  • ForMe2No
    ForMe2No Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Sara thanks for starting the group! Hi everyone my name is Angela. I started my weight loss journey in April of 2015 after seeing how horrible I looked in a photo at a bridal shower for a friend. Followed by a not so good blood work at a doctor's visit. I'm type 2 diabetic and my A1C level had increased and the doc increased my medication. So far I have lost over 80lbs and my meds have been decreased. I will see my doc tomorrow and I'm hoping for another decrease and hope this year I can get off the medication period... along with hypertension meds as well.

    I wish everyone well and to those just starting just keep in mind it is possible you can do this. You owe it to yourself and you will feel so much better. I can tell you I feel so much better physically and mentally and bonus...I look better.