Happy New Year

Thinking that as its a new year will take a look at my fitness again. Lost 4lbs since October - not a lot, but was the last time I checked my weight! Glad to have not gone up especially with Xmas just being over. But I need to shift some weight this year, not massive amounts!

Good luck all with your weight loss & healthy eating & fitness!


  • sarahnutter
    Hello Kat and to the rest of the Pompeyians ;)

    I joined in september last year, a month before abdominal surgery, my aim was to lose as much as I could in a month weightwise and around my middle. Weigh more now than when I started, as I heal I think more about what exercise I can do. I eat healthily and I can manage a walk of around 4 miles a day, thats if I dont do too much housework or pottering.

    I live in Locks Heath (SO31 post code) with my husband (pompey fan, his hat is nearlt falling to bits) and my youngest two of three girls all born in st Marys (as was I). Eldest works in Southampton, younger two at college in Eastleigh and Portsmouth.

    Happy New Year and Good luck to everyone in their endeavours!!
  • DeeMac33
    DeeMac33 Posts: 5 Member
    Its a year later but Happy New Year x x
  • DeeMac33
    DeeMac33 Posts: 5 Member
    2016 my weight isn't that different from when I started all those years ago lol. Happy New Year everyone X