


  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    I always start with Sun Salutation (and add in an extended child's pose after the cobra and before the downward dog because I view it as a warm up flow). You can find tons of great clips of Sun Salutation on youtube. One of my personal favorite teachers is Yoga with Adrienne.

    I often go from that to a Warrior vinyasa flow.

    Mountain Pose
    High Salutation
    Forward Fold
    Leg back to Warrior II stand
    Warrior II
    Fierce Warrior
    Extended Side Angle Pose
    Warrior II
    Half Moon
    Warrior I
    Warrior III
    Mountain Pose

    You might find the Warrior Vinyasa on youtube, too. Never tried.

    If you do those
    two flow vinyasas, add
    a couple of twist poses (Half Lord of the Fishes and Bharadvaja would be nice choices, I think), and
    a few poses that seem appropriate for whatever issues you have going on that day (shoulders? Maybe Eagle Arms. Lower back? Maybe Turtle Pose or a modified - less intense - version. Knees? Maybe Bodokonasana in the air (lying on your back) or legs up the wall poses.)

    End up with some meditation or just go straight into a nice, calming Savasana for 5-10 minutes.

    I try to do 30 minutes of yoga followed by 10 minutes of meditation and 5 minutes of Savasana every morning and it makes my day so much more full of intention and serenity that it's just ridiculous to skip it.

    When I said I'm BARELY in my size 10 jeans, I meant it. I have one pair that's actually comfortable and the rest really aren't. Maybe in another 5 pounds...if that ever happens.

    Virtual hugs

    Btw - if you send me your real email, I can send you some links for good yoga clips on youtube. :)
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Thank you! I will have to look up some of these poses, but some of them I know. I might even do some of them already without knowing what they're called. LOL

    I actually got my husband to do about 20 minutes of yoga with me yesterday. I had already done about 20 minutes and he came into the room and was asking me about it, so I convinced him to try. It was fun! Not sure if it's his "thing", but glad he gave it a shot.

    I know what you mean about the pants! I was wearing about a 14 when I first joined MFP a year ago and am now comfortably wearing most of my size 12's. I tried on a pair of smaller jeans the other day and could get them on, but really not comfortably. They are junior size 11. I normally don't wear junior sizes, but found these at the thrift store and thought they'd be good "incentive" jeans. I've also noticed that my yoga pants and other workout gear are getting too big. Mostly I wear yoga pants at home these days and I keep having to pull them up all day. Could it be possible I could get into a Medium instead of a Large?? What a wonder!

    My email is Anything you want to link me up to would be awesome!
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm guessing you're a definite Medium in yoga pants. Hard to figure in the height thing (I WISH!) since I'm a short person but I've worn a Medium for ages and ages and often buy Small these days. The saleswomen always make fun of how I start off trying on large sizes and work my way down.

    Going to send you some links now.

    Going out to dinner tonight and hoping I make good choices. I had another bout of gum surgery yesterday and can only eat on one side of my mouth and even that is a little dodgy so maybe there;'s hope. (how pathetic is that? :s )
  • marlajc88
    marlajc88 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry to be away for a while, but the whirlwind of the holidays were in full swing for me (in a good way!). I got to see family, travel a bit, cook and eat (a lot!) and take off from work. Overall it was very nice . . . but . . . my plans to "lose" weight did not come to pass. In fact, I gained a bit of weight. Oh well <sigh>.

    So, for the new year I would like to (as in plan for) lose about 30 lbs. I'm not very tall, so every extra bit of weight really shows. On one hand, it's tiring to think about tracking and exercise and blah, blah, blah again. but. . on the other .. . if I don't do something differently and stick with it, I'll be a bowling ball by the time I'm 80! "Here's Granny, let's roll her out to the back yard". . . lol

    Aliza, congrats on the size 10 jeans -- that is a major victory! Way to go!

    And Rae, I don't practice yoga regularly (another thing I want to tackle in 2016), but I have used several really nice yoga DVDs -- I like being able to pause when I'm a little slower getting into a position.

    Hope you all had a lovely holiday -- I'm looking forward to the new year!

  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Glad to see you, Maria! Sounds like you had a great holiday season! Where did you travel to?

    I've been struggling for the last week. Somehow seeing 156.2 on the scale made it harder to stick to my healthy eating plan. I've been sticking to it by the skin of my teeth and, as a result probably, not losing anything more. Every day I say "Okay, this is the day I re-commit to absolutely no straying." and every day I stray just enough to sabotage any weight loss.

    So, it's 7:30 a.m. I taught my twice weekly sunrise class (yoga) and am about to sit down to breakfast. Good example. My husband makes breakfast and it always includes cut up fresh fruit. When I'm not struggling, I have a minimal amount. When I am struggling I have about twice as much. Yep, fruit is healthy but it has LOTS of calories. A little bit of fruit goes a long way.

    My goal for 2016 weight-wise is to lose another 20 pounds and keep it off. I'll be happy with 10 and ecstatic with 15.

    Have a great day all!
  • Jstalgitis
    Jstalgitis Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I am going to turn 60 next week and after 40 years of being obese and unhealthy I am trying very hard to take control of my actions and how they effect me and my family. I have suffered from many illnesses, mostly diabetes, and how it affects my body. I have tried every diet under the sun including lapband surgery which changed my life forever (not in a good way). My heaviest was 299 and now I am 193. Done by diet and exercise (go figure). I am trying to eat whole foods and watch my portions. What I struggle with the most is exercise. I recently tried yoga and found that I am flexible but I could not keep up with the class as I was very new.
    My goals are to loose about 50 pounds by July so I can go shopping with my daughter for a Mother of the Bride dress as my beautiful daughter is getting married in August. I am so excited for her and I am excited about having grandbabies some time in the future. But to get to that goal, I need to get healthy. To get healthy I have to get fit. Big struggle there.
    My interests are my children, my husband, cooking. See a problem there? Being a wife and Mom for 25 years, I seem to have lost who I am. Don't really know what my interests are as so many years I have been fighting my health. I love to read, watch TV and talk to my best friend. My family has decided to make all our next years Christmas gifts so that is something I am looking for ideas for. I also like ancestry and would like to start doing that.
    I am looking forward to meeting you all and sharing ideas and thoughts.
    Here is to a wonderful new year.
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Joanne and welcome aboard!

    Good for you for coming back to the basics - healthy eating and exercise - and just in general for making a commitment to get healthier.

    Sounds like you've had great success so far. Wow! Over 100 pounds gone! Amazing. Truly!

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding. You didn't mention how tall you are but I can tell you from the personal experience of a short person (5'2") - that at 150 lbs. you can buy a beautiful mother-of-the-bride dress and look gorgeous enough to fit your happiness glow. If you're taller than I am you can probably do that at 160 or 170, too. (and, truth be told, at your present weight you'll undoubtedly look gorgeous from inner glow alone! so I wouldn't stress too much about it)

    After a long career in public relations and NGOs, I closed up shop and studied to become a yoga and meditation teacher. I now have my own small studio and a thriving business. You didn't mention if you live in a city or a rural area but I'm guessing you might be able to find a yoga teacher who's more appropriate for you. You might try making an appointment to talk to the director of the yoga studio nearest you to find the right class. Yoga isn't the best way to burn calories but it's great for flexibility and stability and getting to know yourself (at least the integral yoga I teach is great for getting to know -and appreciate-yourself) And the mindfulness you gain does tend to help you to form and maintain healthy habits - eating and others.

    Isn't it just THE BEST having a best friend? You're lucky there!

    We're not a big group in here but we're a supportive group and happy to have a new member.

  • Jstalgitis
    Jstalgitis Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much Aliza. Yes you were correct, I am only 5'2 and my husband and son are 6'4". I am always looking up. I still have to shop in plus sizes as my bottom half is small (size 16/18) and my top is 2X. I used to be all over 4X so I am not complaining. My weight is in my Diabetes tummy. But that too is downsizing. I still can't comprehend I have lost that much. My mind to space ratio is still out of whack. Unfortunately, a lot of my weight came off in muscle, so that is what I need to improve. I still have some of my old bad habits as stated in my food diary yesterday. But they are becoming more and more infrequent than the norm.

    I did enjoy yoga. I live in Southern Alberta. Chinook country. In a small town called Okotoks. It is really beautiful here. I am originally from Montreal, Quebec, which I miss but I truly love living in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I look forward to actually walking some of the parkland around here this summer. A goal of mine. We do have a really nice yoga studio here but it seems 30 somethings go mostly and I am 60. Last time I went I thought I was going to pass out and vomit. Scary. I do have some introductory yoga DVDs that I am going to start Monday. I work from home doing books so don't get out too much so I should get involved in a class. I will keep my eyes open for a senior yoga class at our recreation centre. I also enjoy swimming, so when I get brave enough to put my bathing suit on and when the temperature is not -28c outside I will take up swimming again.

    I am going out today with my daughter to look for dresses. Not to buy, but to see what would suit me now. I have no idea. Excited though to spend time with her.

    Yes I am very lucky to have a best friend. She lives in Toronto but we seem to manage to see each other once a year. But with free long distance and Skype I get to talk to her regularly. She has been such a blessing in my life.

    I have read some of the posts in this group and feel such a connection to everyone. I look forward to meeting each one of you and becoming friends with the whole group. Thank you for welcoming me in.
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    After over 3 months of super diligence, I went from struggling to...crashing. Thursday wasn't so great. Friday was much worse.

    Woke up this morning having gained one pound of the 11 pounds I'd lost and re-committed to diligence. :|

    One of my best friends lives in Toronto, too. We're not great at communicating other than her two visits a year to Israel when she comes for about a month and we spend TONS of time together. She's coming on Feb. 1st.

    Most of the women in my classes are also late 20's to mid-30's but there are a sprinkling of women in their late 50's and into their mid-60's, too. The thing is to do what feels right for your body and not pay attention to anyone else. But, having said that, I still think you might speak with the director of the studio and she if they offer a "therapeutic yoga" class or integral yoga class....or if they'd be up for offering one to see if there's demand for it. I'm guessing there would be. It's not only the over 50 crowd where there's interest in a more nourishing yoga.

    What's the weather like where you are? I went to graduate school in Madison, Wisconsin, and that was super cold for me. :s I'm happiest in a much more temperate climate.

    I may go trolling for a few more members to join this group. It's pretty quiet in here a lot of the time.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Hello ladies! Welcome Joanne! I haven't posted for a couple days, so just getting caught up reading your posts. I've been doing pretty well with exercising since the first of January, but my food (and drink) are another story. I had gained a couple of extra pounds over the holidays and they're still hanging around. Ideally, I'd love to drop about 10-10 before my birthday in April. I am planning to give up alcohol for Lent this year (as I do most years) and I'm sure that will help a lot with dropping those last few pounds.

    You ladies were talking about wedding attire - My youngest son got married about 3 years ago. At that time I weighed about 170 and I was worried about finding something that looked right. I did find a beautiful dress that looked very nice and was super flattering. It wasn't available in the "wedding colors", but my future daughter-in-law said it would be fine. Although I wasn't at my ideal weight, I was determined to enjoy the day and I felt really pretty in the dress.

    My husband and I are taking a little mini-vacation (3 days) going to the coast tomorrow. We're going to Astoria, Oregon. It's a quaint little port town where my mother grew up, so lots of memories there of time spent with my grandparents. It's a very hilly town (like a mini-San Francisco), so I plan to get a bit of walking in, plus we are going to play disc golf at least once and planning to also go clamming, which I haven't done since I was a kid.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Have a great time!
    Btw, what's disc golf?
  • Jstalgitis
    Jstalgitis Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Aliza, glad that you are recommitted to diligence. I also had an over the top weekend with food. But weekdays are always so much better for me. Do you weigh yourself every day? I found that so defeating, so I started doing it once a week. Usually on Tuesday as that gives me Monday to restore myself from the weekend.
    Isn't it wonderful to have a friend that you can pick up exactly where you left off with after a full year!
    I certainly will ask about therapeutic yoga and integral yoga. I will call tomorrow.
    We have just come out of the deep freeze of -28 centigrade. Today was -1 and by Wednesday we are suppose to be up to +6 which is wonderful. We have quite a bit of snow which is pretty but sometime hard to drive in. As I get older I get more nervous in icy situations. I love cool weather. When I was so heavy I had a hard time dealing with humidity. So if it is a dry heat I love it but my favourite is fall weather. But here in Alberta is is 90% of the time sunny and that is what I love. They call it big blue sky country.

    Hi Rae, I very much enjoy reading your posts.
    I tried on some dresses yesterday. I am a size 18/20 depends on cut. I would like to be down to a 16 for the wedding. The dresses that looked the best were A-line empire with flare skirt. Hides my belly. I think I was choosing clothing that was too young for me but it was such a treat not to have to try on size 24 and black dresses. I am going to try again in March or April when the spring/summer line is out. I think I will do best at a bridal shop.
    Hope you enjoy your mini-vacation. I would love to see Oregon. My husband has family there. One day we will get down there and out to the ocean. I have seen the Atlantic and Gulf but not the Pacific yet.

    Well everyone, here is to a wonderful, happy and healthy week. Talk to you soon.
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    I can't even imagine living in such cold weather again. I remember mornings so cold in Wisconsin that we'd hear on the radio that any exposed skin would get frostbite and to COVER UP! ARGH! Not for me.

    We went to Patagonia and I loved standing and gazing at those huge icebergs. I've been to the very tip of Peru at an isolated hill station where it snowed in the summer. I loved that, too. Dressed properly the cold can be beautiful...for a visit.

    I try to weigh myself only once a week. Usually on Friday a.m. The farthest away from the previous weekend as possible. :p But I weighed myself on Sunday to shock myself back into diligence (it worked) and then today to reassure myself (and that worked, too)

    I don't know about where you live but in the places where I've bought our girls' wedding dresses, the "mother of the bride dresses" were way more expensive than the same kinds of dresses were in regular stores. By a lot.

    I took a quick look online - googled 'mother of the bride dresses plus sizes' and saw some beautiful dresses. Do you have access to a Nordstrom or Macy's? They usually have a wide selection of evening gowns. I've bought dresses for 4 out of 5 of our weddings at those places.

    Here's a question for everybody -

    Since eating healthy, what has been the biggest positive surprise for you?


  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Oops, didn't answer my own question...

    So, I'd say that the biggest surprise is how little I crave unhealthy food.

    How bout you?
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Happy Monday! We had a surprise yesterday with an absolutely gorgeous day with nearly 50 degrees and sunny! Beautiful drive from our home to Astoria. We played a fun round of disc golf, then went to the cemetery. My grandparents are buried here so we always pay our respects and put flowers on their graves whenever we're here. Our hotel is just lovely, right on the river with a view of the fishing boats and one of the oldest piers still being used. It used to be a tuna cannery where my grandma worked for 40 years. Now it's a brew pub and a little museum but they've preserved quite a bit of the buildings. We ate dinner there last night and you can definitely feel the spirits that must still be hanging around.

    Aliza - disc golf is a game you play where you throw frisbee type discs across a course and into a metal basket. It's played with the same rules as regular golf. The discs are smaller than regular frisbees and you have different weights - drivers, mid-range and putters. It's great exercise because some of the courses are fairly rugged terrain so it's walking, hiking and throwing.

    Joanne - I'm sure you'll find a lovely dress for the wedding! I looked at bridal ships, too, but found they were pretty expensive and didn't find anything I absolutely loved. I found my dress for my son's wedding at Nordstrom. It was under $100 and not even on sale!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Oh and to the question about eating healthy. I've pretty much eaten healthy for the past decade but I just ate too much of everything and drank too much wine.

    The surprise for me is that I actually can be satisfied with less food and don't need to keep eating until I'm stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey! In fact I really hate feeling that way now so I find it much easier to stop when I'm almost full. Still working on the wine issue. ;)
  • Jstalgitis
    Jstalgitis Posts: 7 Member
    Missed everyone yesterday. Have come down with a bad cold in my chest and with my health issues I have to be careful it doesn't turn into pneumonia.
    I would have to say both your answers are my answers. I do not crave greasy foods any longer. Still working on sugar, and I don't need as much food as I used to. Though I at times I forget and boy do I pay for it later.
    I looked at Nordstroms and I liked what I saw. I will give it a couple of more months as they still had their winter line out. We don't get Macy's here in Canada.
    So even after eating 6 shortbread cookies, eating out and over eating I did not gain anything. Thank heavens, I was really worried about that. Now I have another challenging week ahead as it is my birthday on Thursday. My daughter is cooking me dinner and my family is taking me to the House and Home Show here in Calgary. Good walking but also going out for lunch. I have to remember quantity and choice.
    Aliza you have been all over the world. Sounds so wonderful. Oh the things you must have seen and experienced!
    Well I am going to try to do some paperwork but I am still feeling pretty punky. Wish me luck. Have a great day.
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Happy birthday, Joanne! Sounds like you're going to be doing some fun celebrating!

    What kind of health problems do you have? You may have mentioned it, but I've forgotten.

    Going to a wedding tonight of one of my best friends' son. I only have 685 calories left and what's the chance that I'm not going to go over? I'll try not to. Maybe I'll just spend all the calories on wine.

    Did I mention that my husband and I are off to India for 5 weeks on Feb. 14th? I'm not sure how much I'll be able to be online but I'm actually hoping to check in pretty often. Indian food is sort of indistinguishable. I love it and am going to have a hard time not overdoing it. I have no idea how/if I'll be able to keep a food diary.

    I'll be able to tell from my jeans, though, if things are going sideways and maybe that'll help me tow the line.

    Astoria sounds lovely. How long is your vacation?

    Sitting with wet hair, wrapped in a towel. I guess it's time to get dressed for the wedding. Ya' think?
  • Jstalgitis
    Jstalgitis Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, Well my chest cold did turn into pneumonia. It was pretty rough. I am just now moving around. Spent my birthday in bed. Funny thing, my husband got me a fitbit for my birthday. I put it on, and it said I was dead. Just kidding.
    My daughter had arranged a surprise party for me and had to call everyone and cancel it. I felt so bad for her.
    Aliza, I have had poor health now for about 20 years. I had been in a car accident which lead to fibromyalgia which morphed into Diabetes with foot neuropathy and all the other wonderful side effects of Diabetes. High Blood pressure, high cholesterol, and gerd. I tried everything to lose weight including having a lap band 4 years ago. The thing never worked on me properly. Then I caught the flu and because you cannot vomit because of the band, the band pierced my stomach wall. No one could figure out what was wrong with me for 9 months. Test after test (except the one I really needed) to actually being told by an ER doctor to wait in line for a specialist like everyone else. Two days after that I was seen by an internist who took one look at me and admitted me to the hospital. One day later I was having emergency surgery to have the lap band removed. I was septic and the doctor told me one more day I would have died. That was two Christmas' ago. It has been a long haul. I lost so much muscle that I was extremely weak. The doctor sees me every three months. They are very good with me. Everything is improving but my blood sugars are not where they would like them to be so they keep changing my meds which my body cannot tolerate. I asked them to not change them last October and I was doing so well until I got pneumonia. But I will get over that also. I now need to build up muscle and strength and keep losing weight. Another 50 lbs. would be great.
    Sorry for the long boring tale of woe.
    I would love to be going to India. I love the food. A lot of the food is vegetarian with spices. Dahl is chickpeas or puluses which are really good for you. If you eat like the Indians I don't think you will gain any weight. I hope you have a wonderful time.
    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. OMG I am 60! Last time I looked I was 50 but felt like 80. Now my goal is to be 60 and feel like I am 40. I know I can do it.
    Take care everyone.
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Wow! I hear way too many stories of doctor error. I once read an article about some ridiculously huge number of medical personnel error related deaths in the United States. Very scary. Glad that, even though you've had a rough time, you're alive to tell the tale!

    I'm 63 and no longer have a clue what it even means to feel any certain age. I'm not at all sure what being 63 is supposed to feel like. I have friends my age who seem quite old, set in their ways, with increasing (self-imposed?) limitations and friends who seem quite fit, active and interested in new ideas. Go figure.

    Bummer to spend your birthday in bed but I'm in favor of making a different (healthier) day your celebration day this year.

    Glad you seem to be getting back to yourself. And glad to see you back here.
