What's your Goal and Plan?

rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
My goal is to feel well, lose 15 pounds and increase balance/flexibility.
To achieve this my plan includes yoga and palates on Mondays, Goodlife (rowing and elliptical) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, getting my 10k steps on my Fitbit each day and eating according to my MFP diary. I also make room for "ZEN" time. For me that's pottery. I LOVE POTTERY! I'll be going at least twice a week. I know if I do all of these things I am taking control of being as physically and mentally well as possible...and I will reach my weight loss goal.
My mantra for 2016...
I've got this!


  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    My ultimate goal is to lose between 10-15lb (will see how my jeans fit when I lose the first 10). And to strengthen up my core muscles because I think I will be a better runner.

    The plan is:

    Cut out processed carbs
    Stick to calorie goal of 1200 a day
    At least 10 mins core strength work a day
    At least 45 mins cardio a day
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    Today's where it begins! B)
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    How are things going for you?

    I've posted in the main forums about my calorie goal and been told that it's too low. I was wondering why my calorie goal for 2lb loss and 1.5lb loss a week were the same- it's because that's the total minimum. I don't have much trouble sticking to it and 1lb loss a week jumps up to 1400 calories so not sure what to do.

    My core strength is going OK. Too early to say if it's working though!

    Hope yours is going well!
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    Things a good! Thanks!
    I got two hours of pottery in today!! ?..and I'm in multiple Fitbit challenges. I think it's going to be pretty easy to get and stay on track as long as I stay focused.
    As got daily cals, I've been instructed by my naturopath to get 1600cals in a day. It's a struggle. I usually get in about 1300. 20% carbs, 55% Fat, 25% Protein is the goal. That's my breakdown though. I don't know if it would work for someone else. For me 1200 would be too low on a regular basis. When my cals are too low I simply loose lean muscle instead of fat...and that sucks. If I put anything back on, it's fat not the lost muscle. Have a great 1st Monday of 2016!! :)
  • slhalvorson1
    slhalvorson1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, my goal is to increase endurance, gain strength and flexibility... In the process I am hoping a few lbs will drop off, although that is not my primary concern. My plan is to stop eating christmas cookies (done), and get back to my active life, which includes the gym 4 days a week, karate 2 days a week and off season cycling.

    I would agree that 1200 calories is too low, especially if you are doing strength training, you need fuel to build muscle! Although I am not a nutritionist, and of course there are many variables that go into the calculation.

    good luck all!
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Argh, my exercise goal won't be easy for the next couple of weeks... my puppy's come into season so no walks for the time being! Will have to have a look on youtube for some exercise videos I can do at home.
  • slhalvorson1
    slhalvorson1 Posts: 6 Member
    Try the Nike app, there are a bunch of great workouts that do not need any equipment!
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi again Shannon
    Sounds like you have a plan! :) Are you working up to 4 times a week at the gym etc. or are you jumping in with both feet?
    I had planned on jumping in with both feet, but life and overdoing in on my first day back to the gym dictated that I'd better slow it down a wee bit. I'm okay with that.
    This week- gym x2, Wii Fit x3.
    Next week- gym X 2, yoga/palates X1, Wii Fit x2...
    How long has it been since you were at the gym? Do you have a set routine? I do more cardio then strength...'cause I don't want to look silly on the weight machines. I think I need to add more strength though.
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    EauRouge1 wrote: »
    Argh, my exercise goal won't be easy for the next couple of weeks... my puppy's come into season so no walks for the time being! Will have to have a look on youtube for some exercise videos I can do at home.
    You could always walk without said pup though, no? :#
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    By the way Shannon, thanks for the Niki app tip!! I'm going to check it out.
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks all, I have managed to keep up running regularly and I will have a look at the Nike app. I've been using the yoga sessions on Sworkit and found that I actually really enjoy yoga. I've only been to a class a few times and it was a bit too spiritual for me, but I'm enjoying the stretches at home.
  • slhalvorson1
    slhalvorson1 Posts: 6 Member
    Prior to my massive relapse 2 years ago, I was a fitness fanatic, exercising 1.2-2 hours a day, 7 days a week (one day yoga, one day stretching)... The workouts were tough (p90x), but I felt so emotionally amazing all the time (if not incredible sore!). So, since my relapse, I have slipped into a major depressive state, I think it has a great deal to do with my inability to work out the way I used to. Consequently I gained weight and picked up bad habits!

    My MS has also started eating away at my cognitive skills, specifically memory. So, it is important for me to have a set routine I follow. So, I have started out with a busy, but somewhat consistent exercise schedule.. Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's I hit the gym for 1 hour (I have a gym at work). Right now it has been 30 minutes on the treadmill walking, 30 minutes stretching and light strength... Tuesday's and Thursday's I have my karate class, so there is my exercise.my goal now is to reinforce the habit of attending, and gradually increase the intensity of my workouts.

    I als started using this great app called Strides, which allows you to set and track all sorts of goals. I have goals like "track nuteition". "Exercise 30 minutes", "soda n more than 3 a week"... Gives me something to focus on and feed my self competitive nature!

  • slhalvorson1
    slhalvorson1 Posts: 6 Member
    Let's talk diet....

    I am embarking on an anti-inflammation diet, which I think will help me with some of my physical symptoms... the anti-inflammation diet with a combo of Mediterranean diet is what I am attempting to follow.. I do not so much restrict calories, as I make wise food choices and portion control... I track my meals to gauge the macro nutrient level...

    I a, also a vegetarian, which is making this thing a challenge for me... I do not eat seafood, and the lack of soy based, and dairy based products is making it a challenge for me to get anywhere close to my protein goal... I know how important protein is when building muscle, so although I do not want to go overboard, I need to get closer....

    Tess, sounds like you also follow the anti inflammation diet plan... Any suggestions????
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm a vegetarian too! I find myself eating a lot of pulses and egg whites to boost my protein. Nuts are good but higher in fat so you end up going over your calorie goal to get your protein intake if you rely on nuts.
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    That Strides app sounds great, but i can't find it. Is it android or iphone?
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    EauRouge1 wrote: »
    Thanks all, I have managed to keep up running regularly and I will have a look at the Nike app. I've been using the yoga sessions on Sworkit and found that I actually really enjoy yoga. I've only been to a class a few times and it was a bit too spiritual for me, but I'm enjoying the stretches at home.

    I know what you mean about the spiritual aspect of yoga. I struggle with the too. My BGFF (best girlfriend...I have. BBFF too. It's important to give credit where credit is due! ;) ) found a very good hatha yoga class. It's a bit repetitive and spiritual, but I've decided the benifits far out way the cons. We quit going for a time and I physically really missed it. We're back at it tomorrow and I can't wait. I have 4 small pets and not of them give me an inch if I try stretching at home. It's very funny, but not at all productive.
  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
    Let's talk diet....

    I am embarking on an anti-inflammation diet, which I think will help me with some of my physical symptoms... the anti-inflammation diet with a combo of Mediterranean diet is what I am attempting to follow.. I do not so much restrict calories, as I make wise food choices and portion control... I track my meals to gauge the macro nutrient level...

    I a, also a vegetarian, which is making this thing a challenge for me... I do not eat seafood, and the lack of soy based, and dairy based products is making it a challenge for me to get anywhere close to my protein goal... I know how important protein is when building muscle, so although I do not want to go overboard, I need to get closer....

    Tess, sounds like you also follow the anti inflammation diet plan... Any suggestions????

    I really struggles with getting my protein in at first. I never touch articulate sweeteners, so protein shakes were out of he question. I did found a completely clean protein powder though. I have 2 scoops in unsweetened vanilla almond milk every morning and theirs my first 60grams of protein licked up. Sometimes I have it just like that. Others I throw it into my nutribullet and add a few strawberries, kale...The powder is nothing buy whey.... I mean nothing! If I don't make a smoothie I also have 2T of plain full fat Greek yogurt and 2T chia seeds. That gets a few more grams of protein, but it also (more importantly gets me a hit of fibre) My diet is very clean (for the most part).
    Do you eat eggs or tuna? My new favourite lunch is a wrap made with a big collard leaf stuffed with a bit of egg salad or tuna or I use meat and cheese but that wouldn't obviously apply for you.the collard is a bit bitter but I love it! :D
    Protien snacks; hummus & veggies, almonds and a small pear, an egg (assuming I haven't already had one), I also choose pre-cooked chicken or yogurt or cheese and fruit but again I'm not vegetarian...yet anyway.
    Because of the powder I tend to exceed my 100gm of protein goal a day. If you're interested you may be able to locate some at a health food store or even a Bulk Barn -(that may be a Canadian chain?! ) or a naturopath's clinic. That's where I get mine. My naturopath actual created the one I use.

  • rbluyz4
    rbluyz4 Posts: 35 Member
  • Fhoover
    Fhoover Posts: 62 Member
    Hello everyone. I just found out today that I have diabetes and I want to fight this head on. I have started on the road to losing weight even before I found out. I have lost 12lbs and hope to continue what I'm doing. I want to be healthy and finally be able to get pregnant. I am going to start waiting my sugar intake and what I ate more closely. Anyone who can give me advice please add me.. Or anyone else feel free to add me..
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Hello :) I don't know much about diabetes I'm afraid, but I have heard people following a low-carb diet have a lot of success in controlling their blood sugar. Replacing refined carbs with wholegrains would be a good start. Did your doctor give you any dietary advice?