CHALLENGE!! (Week of 1/3)

istarith Posts: 71 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
Hello, everyone! I hope you're excited and invigorated about starting (or restarting, or even continuing!) your weight loss journey this year! I know everyone's formulating plans of attack, or even just grabbing the reins and trying to take control - I have utter faith in everyone, and I'm thinking good thoughts at all of you this week for your own successes!

AND NOW, THE CHALLENGE, which is a two parter!! These challenges aren't mandatory, but you might gain some use out of them if you try - and post your results at any stage of the week! ALRIGHT LET'S GO:

1. Try out a new, unfamiliar, high-energy exercise and add this to your routine for an extra 20 minutes each session this week! The real challenge here is to find new exercises and utilize them! Do you look at the treadmill in trepidation? Try a brisk walk or even a jog for an extra 20 minutes after your strength training! Do you just not get aerobics, or does the rowing machine make you nervous? Tackle it every work-out session this week for an extra 20 minutes!
If of course you have not added exercise to your weight loss plan, I challenge you to start! 20 minutes, 3 times this week, of anything you like that will get your blood pumping!

2. Post something about your body that you love. For some people I know, this is actually a harder challenge than adding 20 minutes of exercise. I believe it's healthy to want to transform yourself to what you want to be and be perceived? But it's equally important to come to terms with that this is your body, and it's wonderful! What about it do you love?

Good luck, everyone!!


  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    Can't wait to start this tomorrow. Monday being day one of "2016 new me"
  • itstime2016
    itstime2016 Posts: 129 Member
    For me, I love that there are rocks under my mud. Once I lose my extra weight (mud), I will get to see my muscles (rocks) again. I used to weight train and be a very strong person. I am looking forward to getting back to that strong woman I used to be.
    So far this week I have exercised 30-40 min each day which is a great start for me as I was not exercising at all before. I am feeling stronger already!!
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    That is awesome @gcox01
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    WELL, it's Saturday - and I regret to say that this challenge completely bowled me over. Stress at work and home meant that I didn't go to the gym near as often as I would have liked, and when I did I just ran. BUT THIS IS A CHALLENGE I want to do again for myself! >.< Very, very annoyed with myself about this...

    But I will button my non-challenge with the second parter: I love my legs.
    They used to be the number one spot on my body I knew I didn't care enough to look at to really notice (chubby, cheesy, etc.). When I was in college I took back up the self-harm that I'd done in high school, and my legs seemed like as good a spot as any, because it wasn't as if I was showing off my legs, so who would know? Of course now, I run, and my legs look great and toned, and yet my past is pretty plain in dozens of clear and obvious places. And the nice thing is that I don't think of it as "what a waste," I think of it as my beautiful legs! They're mine, and fat or toned, they display a road map of challenges that I got through. And I was right, no one would ever know or see (I still wont wear shorts), but the day will come I suppose when I just wont care who sees! And anyway, who would cover up these gams? They're so hot!! :wink: