Check in #5!

groversa Posts: 450 Member
Hello all! Happy Sunday! For this check in you are just going to simply tell us about how your week went and if you lost anything. ☺️ Go!


  • Jenn112358
    Jenn112358 Posts: 16 Member
    Happy Sunday! I'm down exactly 1 lb. I think I'm getting the hang of pre-logging my food. :)
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    Awesome Jenn! That sounds like a great idea!
  • cemons
    cemons Posts: 21 Member
    Normally I weigh in every Sunday morning, but I was at my bro's & his kids, and no scale. But delaying weigh-in til tomorrow cuz of a bad weekend with a lot of salt intake which I think is causing water retention weight. Had a decent week, but on weekends I seem to go off kilter. And less water, as I don't have a constant cup of water at my side as I do at work during the work week. Something to focus on.
  • jmfloyd2014
    jmfloyd2014 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm down 0.7 lbs this week! I do well tracking during the week but not on the weekend. Got in yoga every day but one this week which is cool since I haven't consistently exercised like this Ever.
  • cemons
    cemons Posts: 21 Member
    Same here, @jmfloyd2014. I do better during the week than the weekends. But good for you on the consistent exercise! Yay!
  • jmfloyd2014
    jmfloyd2014 Posts: 15 Member
    I did not see a loss this week but am hopeful that the extra calories I spent shoveling snow this weekend will help me in the coming days. The yoga felt really good on my sore muscles. Thanks @cemons for the words of encouragement!
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    My week #1 I sm back again! One pound weight loss a week is doable.