Day 7: 1/17/2016

Frigs Posts: 745 Member
Yesterday hit my metrics on nutrition. Water was a little low.

Today: Rest Day. Yoga at 10:30. STAY within calories. Water it up. Go for 12!

Make it count!


  • helensingssongs
    helensingssongs Posts: 202 Member
    Yesterday was a good day, though I too was low on water. Today I am 48 and my challenge is not not use this as an excuse to over eat, to drink 20 oz of water, food prep of the week, yoga and the allotment if the rain holds off. Sunday's are my favourite day
  • deejkush
    deejkush Posts: 116 Member
    Great day yesterday! Today: yoga, spinning bike, stay within calories
  • lmanes1
    lmanes1 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm upset with myself. I am sick and for some reason this makes me crave and allow myself foods I never eat.

    Goals for today:
    Steps= 10000
    Food: Back on track
    No grains, no added sugar
    Macros- 94g protein, 80 grams fat, 24 g. Carbs

  • CourtLloyd
    CourtLloyd Posts: 128 Member
    Good morning! Goal for the long weekend is to enjoy my mini vacay at the beach, exercise, and eat pretty well...need to enjoy life sometimes without too many restrictions!

    Happy Sunday!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Another long day at work
    eat well
    stay within calories
    protein protein protein
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,391 Member
    edited January 2016
    Yesterday goal
    1) Body Works (I ended up doing an Aqua fit class instead)
    2) ONLY tea in the evening
    3) under sodium
    4) ONLY fruit after 8

    1) Morning run!
    2) 6th 30 Day Shred
    3) under sodium
    4) figure out meals for the week!

  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!
    Yesterday we decided to enjoy the snow since starting today the temp will be under 0. It was fun, especially for my daughter. That's little extra cardio gave me a serious appetite for dinner; I didn't have extra snacks after but before dinner is a whole different story.
    Plan for today is to stay warm and cozy in the house, eat good, drink lots of water, push-ups and chin-ups and lots of rest.
    Let's have a fabulous Sunday!!
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    @helensingssongs Happy birthday! Great job at giving yourself the gift of good health!

    My calorie goals were met yesterday but at the end of the day I realized my water intake was way too low. I'll be dong better on that today for sure! Today's plans are to;
    1- log/stay in my calories
    2- get in a workout (it's been a bit since I am recovering from a bad cold)
    3-plan my dinners for this week -done already this morning
    4- healthy grocery shopping and then prep the veggies for easy eating
    5-pack my gym bag so it is easy to head out the door in the morning
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Happy Sunday and a happy birthday to @helensingssongs!

    Had a good day yesterday but really low on fluids but on point elsewhere. This afternoon is going be a nice day with hubby.
    Today's goals:
    Grocery shopping
    Easy afternoon
    Try and up my water
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    worked out all week so today I am going to take a rest day. My goal is to be aware of what I eat,
  • bechoe
    bechoe Posts: 14 Member
    Was not a good weekend, made no goals and lived guilt free, one bad day and one good day. Back on track tomorrow so keeping with exercise, hydration and no chocolat!