Being sleeved December 10 2015

Would love to here some pre op and post op stories and suggestions


  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Good luck! The main tip I have is just to follow your doctor's orders/recommendations. Also, on the internet you tend to hear all the horror stories and your surgeon's office is probably telling you all these bad things that can happen. Personally, my biggest issue has been constipation, but no other digestion or tolerance issues. :)
  • HealthyMe2016
    HealthyMe2016 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi MissChoc72. I'm getting my sleeve on the 14th. you're almost there!
  • kimbetat
    kimbetat Posts: 4 Member
    I'm getting my sleeve on the 14th, too! =)
  • crogers9189
    crogers9189 Posts: 41 Member
    I was sleeved November 9th, best decision ever! Follow your doctors orders, is the biggest piece of advise I can offer. They won't steer you wrong! If you like y'all can friend me and we can keep up with each other's journey!
  • kkindle23
    kkindle23 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone is there a way to set this to the fact that you had the sleeve because 2310 cals seems like a lot
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @kkindle23 there's no option to set things for any WLS, unfortunately. You have to go in and manually change your calories and macros. If you consume less than 1000 calories a day, and you try to "end" your day, MFP will yell at you and tell you you're not eating enough. Just ignore it. :smiley: I think all of us need to start contacting MFP with requests for alterations according to WLS.
  • MandyVSG
    MandyVSG Posts: 46 Member
    I was also sleeved December 10th!
  • shanel1886
    shanel1886 Posts: 5 Member
    I got mine on November 16th. It has been hard at times, but as I am learning it is trial and error with the foods that I can eat. I can't eat ham. But it is a learning process.
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Congratulations to all the November and December "sleevers"! What a way to start 2016!
  • jaymug424
    jaymug424 Posts: 1 Member
    I was sleeved on December 8th !! Feel amazing but I thought the weight would come off faster ( from what I saw on you tube.. Lol) . How is everyone doing ? What was surgery weight and where are you now ? So happy I found this group !
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @jaymug424 My surgery was on 10/15/15, I am down a total of 44 lbs. I am losing slower than I had anticipated as well, but I'm happy. Everyone is different. I try not to compare myself to others anymore. I really got myself worked up for a bit, but now understand my body is different and will lose at the rate it's comfortable. I follow my nutritionists' plan, I work out regularly with both cardio and weights, I do everything I need to I'm happy when I lose. Glad you're doing well!
  • mommy2jude
    mommy2jude Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! I was lapband to sleeve revision, had my surgery on December 8th. I've lost 16 pounds, and finally had to step away from the scale, because I was making myself crazy with it! Seriously, like weighing multiple times a day, and being hard on myself when it would creep up a few ounces, even knowing full well this can happen. I'm glad I found this group :-)
  • HealthyMe2016
    HealthyMe2016 Posts: 9 Member
    jaymug424 wrote: »
    I was sleeved on December 8th !! Feel amazing but I thought the weight would come off faster ( from what I saw on you tube.. Lol) . How is everyone doing ? What was surgery weight and where are you now ? So happy I found this group !

    I had surgery 12/14/15. my surgery day weight was 227. my weight today is 203.0.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Wow, that's a great loss! At 3 months out I was just over 50 lbs...
  • Lambofgoth
    Lambofgoth Posts: 2 Member
    I was sleeved 12/28/15. Just wanted to say hi to my December Sleeved Sisters!
  • HealthyMe2016
    HealthyMe2016 Posts: 9 Member
    @Lambofgoth Hello!... you can friend me if you want! anyone can friend me :smiley:
  • PaulyLB1
    PaulyLB1 Posts: 2 Member
    Sleeved 12/14/15- So glad I did it! I feel more and more like the old me.
  • mg_89
    mg_89 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello ladies.. I don't remember if I introduced myself here.. I'm Marci and I was sleeved on 8/25/15. Today I hit the 80lb weight loss mark.. Woohooo! I'm feeling great. Trying to get my protein in every day is a challenge for me, and I've just started losing my hair, but it's not too bad. My before and after pic is my profile photo for now.. Best wishes to all!!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @mg_89 80lbs is AWESOME! I'm so close to that I can taste it! About your is your fat? A lot of times people go too low on fat and that can have an effect on your hair. We need protein, fat, and certain minerals to help protect our hair. Try to add avocado (guacamole), cook with coconut oil, use hummus in salads (chicken, tuna, etc), to get your fat up to about 40 grams a day. (if it's lower) I'm only 3 1/2 months out and struggle getting my fats in, but try really hard because I don't want to lose my hair!!!!

    Good luck to you!
  • mg_89
    mg_89 Posts: 189 Member
    NicoleL874 wrote: »
    @mg_89 80lbs is AWESOME! I'm so close to that I can taste it! About your is your fat? A lot of times people go too low on fat and that can have an effect on your hair. We need protein, fat, and certain minerals to help protect our hair. Try to add avocado (guacamole), cook with coconut oil, use hummus in salads (chicken, tuna, etc), to get your fat up to about 40 grams a day. (if it's lower) I'm only 3 1/2 months out and struggle getting my fats in, but try really hard because I don't want to lose my hair!!!!

    Good luck to you!

    Thanks! Not too bad, actually.. Really, feeling great. My first week out from surgery, I had major buyer's remorse... But after the first week, I felt so much better and definitely keeps getting better. Thanks for the tips.. And best of luck everyone!