Friends with Fibro wanted

Hi everyone I have fibromyalgia and recently joined My Fitness pal to start tracking and working on my health. Would be awesome to get to know some of you with fibromyalgia and get some support :smile: Please feel free to add me if you would like :smile:


  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Hi! Saw your message & will add you!!! I've been diagnosed for 2 years but reckon I've had it for a lot longer!!! I use MFP now to help manage my fibro. I've found low carb suits me better. Have started going to the gym again after years but not been much because of the pain!!! It's a vicious circle really. I'm still finding it hard to get used to the great reduction in activity, not just gym time, but just in general life.
    Anyway, I'll add you, you can add me & we can encourage Waco other