Motivation/Why you commited to the winter challenge

Mollyaweiandt Posts: 2 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
I am wanting to get to know everyone and what their motivation is to complete this challenge. I hope to share some positive energy and feedback for us all to put into our will power at the gym and in the kitchen. So I will start by telling about myself.
I am 21 years old. I am married and have a little girl who is 5 months old(Hadley). My husband(Terry) and I have known each other for a little over two years and we have never lived together because we were separated by our military duty stations. I am no longer in the military and my husband is currently deployed. When I was pregnant with my daughter I gained 50 pounds and since my husband last saw me I have lost all of it while working two jobs and taking care of our daughter. It has been rough! He has no idea I have lost a single pound. I am trying to surprise him with a whole new me before he gets back. So I have searched and searched on new diets and exercise plans and I decided that this one may be my best shot to surprising him. When he gets home we will finally get to live together as a family for the first time. He got to come home for a week when our daughter was first born so the excitement is building for us. Getting into a new body for me would make me more confident to go out and have fun with my husband and daughter. I would not worry about how big my arms or legs are in shorts or tank tops or my stomach showing through shirts. I would enjoy taking family photos and photos of myself. I mostly want this for my family because since high school I have never felt happy with the way I look so I never ever wanted to go out. I want to make sure that we can go out and have fun. I am TIRED of being depressed! I want to love myself again!
I really hope to read everyone's stories and get some more motivation! Good luck everyone!(:

"They can't stop what they can't catch"
"Cowards never start. The weak never finish. Winners never quit"
"Defeat your enemies with success"
"Your stomach shouldn't be a waste basket"
"Your body is not giving out, your head is giving up. KEEP GOING"


  • tavarcat
    tavarcat Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on your 5 month year old daughter!!! Thank you for sharing your story. It is amazing that you lost all that weight while working two jobs and raising and caring for your little girl. That in itself is inspiration right there! Your husband is going to have a great surprise on his return back! That is something to be excited about along with everything else you have to look forward to. I have no doubt you will accomplish your goals and be able to be confident and feel happy and pleased with your new look. You should already love yourself for having the strength to pull through something that hasn't been making you happy and fighting to making changes about it! You are only going to love yourself more afterwards.
  • bes268
    bes268 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow your story is incredible! I am excited for you, and have no doubt that you will reach your goals. And congratulations on your daughter as well! I am 23, and still at university, and I have always enjoyed fitness and working out but have never really been able to reach my goals. I have always fluctuated with weight, and have never fully committed to healthy eating and working out. I wanted to do this program to hold me accountable and help me figure out what and how much I should be eating, and hopefully at the end of it all, reach the body I've always desired!