Introduction for myself

AliUnrau Posts: 405 Member
Hey everybody! My name is Ali and I found out 3 weeks ago that my husband and I are expecting our third baby! So as of today I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant! I'm trying so hard to keep up with safe exercise and eating nutritious foods to keep baby and myself healthy. I did have a scare a week and a half ago where I pushed myself too hard during a jog on the treadmill and I started bleeding and cramping. Went to the hospital and we were unsure for a week and a half if baby was ok or not. Finally had an ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great! I am so thankful to God for that! I'm looking for tips on healthy eating and how to say no to cravings and also on good pregnancy workouts. Have a splendid day everybody!!


  • Bordingrl19
    Bordingrl19 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on the pregnancy! And I am so glad to hear that everything has been checked out and looking good!! I have found many great workouts on youtube but I currently only walk every day. As far as diet, the thing that works best for me is cooking the entire week's meals on Sunday and trying to only eat what I made. I have to admit I have not been as successful as I would like since I give into cravings way more than I should. I have found that talking with my husband and co-workers about helping keep me accountable has been helpful too (well sometimes, the hubby also get's blizzard cravings and asks me if the baby is craving a blizzard too- usually the baby is :smiley: ) Good luck and congrats again!