Next 30 day challenge:

tcpletc Posts: 5 Member
Our challenge for the next 30 days is to commit to exercise 3 days/week for 45minutes each day.
Anyone who wants to join us, please do!


  • zimm2014
    zimm2014 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in!!
  • manders01k
    manders01k Posts: 3 Member
    Me too
  • vwright78
    vwright78 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in too! Will check back in a few days to let everyone know how I'm doing.
  • bunnyhoney2
    bunnyhoney2 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm all in :smiley:
  • tcpletc
    tcpletc Posts: 5 Member
    Hi bunnyhoney2! Glad to see you're going to join us.

    If you have a fitness tip, a recipe, or words of encouragement for the group, feel free to share them here.

    Saw this quote today, thought I'd share it with everyone: "You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." – David Viscott -
  • vwright78
    vwright78 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Guys! Today marks one week since we started this challenge. Any comments to share? I'm doing good keeping the commitment for working out, but am still struggling entering what I eat consistently.
    Nice pic Amanda!
  • zimm2014
    zimm2014 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm doing well on the fitness challenge, but it has been hard staying under my daily calorie goal because I have had a lot of out-of-town company so there has been a lot of tempting food in the house. Back on the right track the last couple of days!!
  • manders01k
    manders01k Posts: 3 Member
    Hello!! Hoping to get back on track today. Our house has been not so healthy this past week and 1/2 - with a sick kid that had to spend a night in the hospital - who then shared her illness with my husband and myself!! We are all finally back to work/school and on the mend! Time to get back on track.
  • vwright78
    vwright78 Posts: 7 Member
    Right now, my focus is on making my workouts a habit. I'm going to look at one of the articles about how to plan a menu and begin working on what I'm eating and how much. I think I'll have to do like you Sandy and write out menus at least a week in advance...write before I bite. :-) Sorry to hear sickness has hit your household, Amanda. But glad that everyone is better now. The important thing is to not let temporary lapses keep us from getting back in the game! Right?
  • manders01k
    manders01k Posts: 3 Member
  • bunnyhoney2
    bunnyhoney2 Posts: 2 Member
    Still working on just getting exercise routine down, and am trying to cut down on soda. Thought I would share my motivation for joining. Cedar Point opens in 91 days and I want to be able to fit on all the coasters!!! RIDE ON :smiley:
  • vwright78
    vwright78 Posts: 7 Member
    Thumbs up bunnyhoney2!
    I am doing well w/the workouts...I've been able to make it to the gym three days/week. My struggle is STILL w/eating habits. I don't know why I'm not motivated...