Mom new to this group. Looking to make some mom friends!

Hello Everyone!

I'm a mom of two girls (ages 3 and 1). I've had a weight problem... mostly my whole life. It got much worse after pregnancy weight gain and struggling with taking care of myself while being a wife and mom (no time, attention on home/family).

I got a Fit Bit for Christmas and had been thinking of seriously addressing my weight. I am so so much bigger than I have ever been! Pretty much daily I feel like quitting and just eating whatever makes me feel good, but at the same time I know if I don't change then the situation will get much worse.

So I'm busy trying to get everything together.. my eating.. my exercise.. being a wife.. being a mom. You know.. the stuff most moms born without a perfect metabolism are worried about. Ha!

So if you some non-judgemental weight loss companionship I'm happy to be friends.


  • carolerunsalot
    carolerunsalot Posts: 96 Member
    Hi. I am new to the group as well. My biggest motivator was the a health tracker I got last year. It made a huge difference in what I did. I started parking further from the door, walking to deliver papers instead of email, etc. So good for you for making a start.

    My son is 12 so I think I am past the point where I can blame anything on baby weight but that is definitely when my body changed. After that it just slowly crept up on me while I wasn't looking.

    I started watching calories in Oct and have had some success. I am down 12 lbs since then with 10 to go before I am at my first goal. I might change once I get there but I have found that if I make my goal to far away, I'll do nothing.

    I'd be glad to cheer each other on.
  • getrealmommy30
    getrealmommy30 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks cd! I feel like the fitbit is really motivating. It gives me credit for all the mom/wife/professional running around I do that normally gets left out in the cold (how do you track calories burned while grocery shopping? chasing a toddler?)

    I feel like making a smaller goal might help me as well. Right now to get to my ideal weight I have to lose a little less than 50 lbs... wow. That is daunting, and 1 lb a week seems like nothing in comparison. I may consider a 10lb goal or something similar. I'm thankful you shared that.

    I'll send you a message/friend request.
  • mltyrrell27
    mltyrrell27 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to be friends! As I stated in my intro, I have a whopping 100 lbs to lose. My goal is to lose in 4% increments monthly. So, I'll subtract 4% from my starting weight each month to be my goal. It seems fairly realistic. I have lost 7lbs so far this month just from changing my eating habits. I have 4 to go to meet my goal - hopefully I'll exceed my goal! Tomorrow I'm starting spin class, which is far out of my comfort zone.
  • mltyrrell27
    mltyrrell27 Posts: 6 Member
    Also I have a Fitbit - you can find me with if you'd like to be Fitbit friends too!
  • getrealmommy30
    getrealmommy30 Posts: 28 Member
    Sounds awesome Molly! I'll friend you. I think my username for FitBit is just "Rachel"? I guess? I'm not really sure. I just started.
    Great job with the weight loss and the spin class! Keep that up!

    How many calories a day does your fitbit give you? Mine has been giving me between 2800-3200! This is shocking. I'm doing a little experiment with eating a according to my fitbit calories (subtracted for weight loss of course!)
  • mltyrrell27
    mltyrrell27 Posts: 6 Member
    Fitbit gives me about 1800 calories, but I go by myfitnesspal calculations. I think I have the settings fixed for my deficit though. I'm not sure, I've had a fitbit since 2013 and haven't adjusted it. It's very effective as long as you pay attention to it. I slacked off in 2015 and gained about 40 lbs after I had lost about 25 in 2014 :( I recently got the Fitbit Aria Scale that I really like too.
  • Layama
    Layama Posts: 17 Member
    Hi. I am in a very similar situation to you. I have two kids (3 and 15 months) . I have also had some weight issues since high school but they have gotten worse over time. I now have about 70lbs to lose. I've had success on here before, but got stuck at the same weight for a while and then gained 7lbs back. I am almost back to where I got stuck before and I am hoping I can break through this time.

    I am asking for a fitbit for my birthday, but for now I am using a simple pedometer. It is motivating to see your steps add up. Feel free to friend me! I'd love to have/give motivational support!
  • getrealmommy30
    getrealmommy30 Posts: 28 Member
    That sounds great Layama! It's good to meet you. I am really loving my fitbit. It is very motivating to be able to see everything you do. I did discover, however that it is counting me doing dishes as steps lately... not sure what to do with that, but I'm gonna figure it out!
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me moms! My daughter is 10 months old and I've struggled with being overweight my whole life. I'm 250 lbs and looking to drop 20 lbs to get back to pre pregnancy weight and then losing a lot more!