Tlilfrog66 40lbs weight loss journey

tpiercy66 Posts: 7 Member
I started at 171lbs on jan 23rd.
Hoping to lose 40 by our trip to Jamaica in october.
The trip isn't the trigger to lose the weight. But it's a good measurable visual to give myself.
I'll be 48 in march. This is the biggest I've been.
I want to be able to be more active to show my 11 and 12 yr olds there is more than just video games and online role play games.
I love being outside but with thy weight I get over heated quickly. Not dressed in summer comfortable clothes since I don't like what I look like in shorts.
I'm usually the one falling behind when my family does go out to do something active.

I need to get my mindset right this time. That this isn't something that is fail or pass. It's a journey. That I need to change "my story" . That i'm not the person who is just gonna be stuck here in this weight bc my mom was over weight, that moms my age are just over weight, that it's just my older metabolism and thyroid and I'll have to accept it.
My story I'm telling myself today is I'm a person who thrives on growth. Growth emotionally and mentally. You can grow in this as well.
I need to envision myself in the future as active, swimming, walking, maybe playing sports.
Maybe a vision board is needed? Hmmm.


  • HennHaus
    HennHaus Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! You are starting at a lower weight than me, but we have the same goal # for our weight loss journey! I think that a trip would be great inspiration. I think your suggestion of a vision board full of ideas to get you on that beach being proud of your accomplishments is a great idea! Best wishes on achieving your desired goals!
  • tpiercy66
    tpiercy66 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you.
    I should have put in there in only 4'11" lol
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    My daughter is your height. She is currently working on being the fittest she can be. I've also started in my own journey. I like the vision board too. I've been to Jamaica and you'll have fun there.
  • tpiercy66
    tpiercy66 Posts: 7 Member
    I actual have 11 fiber so far for today! Which is odd for me lol. Still have dinner to go. Was thinking of some black beans with chicken with blackened seasoning. ..have such a bad head ach right now.
    Still feels like saturday.