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  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Happy day everyone! I've been MIA this past week because I've been out of town. I had my Kindle so I could log into MFP, but it doesn't access the Community forums or groups, so I wasn't able to check in.

    Similar to what Aliza said, what's age got to do with it? I'm almost 56 and not sure what that's supposed to feel like. I have aches and pains every morning, but I just get up and stretch and move and it gets better. The more you move, the more you can move!! My mother is 77 and she swims or does the elliptical at least 5-6 days a week. If she can do it, I can do it!

    Off to aquasize class this morning. Have a wonderful day ladies!
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Had a piece of lemon pound cake and some popcorn for lunch. Ay yai yai.
  • Jstalgitis
    Jstalgitis Posts: 7 Member
    You guys are so right. I want to feel my best and I have to move to feel that. I am giving my lungs until Feb 1st to recover and then it is off to the gym and I will start yoga. I am looking forward to it after not moving for so long.
    Aliza, you lunch sounds yummy. We all have lunches like that once in a while. Wow Rae, your Mom does swimming or elliptical 5-6 days a week. Your right, I can do that also!
    Have a great day everyone.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Today was a glorious day! Unbelievable for mid-January in Oregon. It was 60 degrees and sunny! Plus, it's Friday and I can look forward to a couple days of my husband being home. He's been working long hours all week, so I know he needs a break.

    This morning I started out with about 10 minutes of yoga stretches, a quick breakfast of yogurt, granola and raspberries, then off to the pool. I did 60 minutes of aquasize, swam a few laps and a bit more stretching in the pool. When I got home I just couldn't stay in the house, it was so pretty outside! I took the dogs out and we puttered around in the yard for a couple hours. I trimmed a few bushes, then decided to weed my garden boxes. I have a dozen raised beds of various shapes and sizes, so I weeded most of them and then planted kale and cilantro. It may still freeze in Feb or Mar, but the kale at least should make it through. It felt great to get my hands in the dirt and feel the sun on my face. B)

    Tomorrow I am going to a historical society meeting in our town. I've never been before, but a lady I met at the swimming pool told me about it and it sounded interesting. There's going to be a lecture about a house/cabin that was recently discovered in the hills above our town. They think it's one of the oldest still-intact buildings in the state, so I'm really curious to hear about it and what they may have planned for it. There's a house designed by Frank Lloyd Write that was moved to our botanical garden in Silverton a few years ago. Perhaps they'll try to move the newest find somewhere in the garden, as well.

    It's supposed to rain again tomorrow (a record rain year here), but possibly sunny again on Sunday. Hubby and I are planning to play disc golf, so I'm really looking forward to that. It's so fun! Great exercise, too!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    My weekend (which started out with lemon pound cake and popcorn) went downhill from there. I did get in an hour on the elliptical machine last night to try to recoup. Today I hope to be back on track.

    The past couple of weeks have been a struggle, as I mentioned. I renew my commitment and promptly cast it aside. Sigh. No serious bingeing. In fact really non bingeing at all but eating a bit more of everything than I should. Just sort of sloppy about keeping track and keeping within my own guidelines.

    It's rainy and gloomy out and we're expecting snow tomorrow night.

    Rae - please remind me about the kind of place you live in. Is it a small rural village? What's the population? Pretty mixed age groups or lots of middle-aged and older families? Do you live outside of the village/town/city? How far? How far away are your closet neighbors?

    Your yoga plan sounds good, Joanne. Maybe you could add some of Rae's water exercise if there's a heated pool somewhere convenient for you. I'm guessing that would be good for your lungs and really for all of you. Personally, it's hard for me to get myself to the pool, change, get wet, change again and deal with wet hair. My hair is halfway down my back. But I know that any kind of exercise in the pool is great.

    Teaching a private yoga student in half an hour and then off to spend the afternoon with my two small grandsons. My son and his family are moving to Silicone Valley for 2-3 years as a work relocation for him. The movers are coming to pack them up today so they're happy to have their 3 year old and 18 month old out of the house for the afternoon. And then I get back just in time to teach a group class at 8 p.m. Busy day.

    Hope you guys are planning a nice Sunday.

    Cheers :)

  • marlajc88
    marlajc88 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone, sorry to be MIA for nearly the entire month. I've went back to work after 4 week off at Christmas, (that was slow going!) . . . then got hit with bronchitis (thankfully it didn't turn into pneumonia like it has before). Good news is that I joined a gym this month and was killing it, exercise wise . . . I'm talking 30-60 minutes of cardio a day with bike/treadmill.

    And then. .. bronchitis . . . bleah! So I backed off exercise since it was hard to breathe and just when I started feeling better, this week my state (Tennessee) got hit with a huge ice/snow storm, which we typically don't see. Everything has been closed since last Thursday, but it looks like we'll finally warm up and I can drive to the gym today. Needless to say, I kept eating and gained some of my weight back and got to feeling pretty down about it. I'll be 53 this year and I really, really want to be 30 lbs lighter and have more energy. Health-wise, I'm very thankful not to have any chronic conditions or be on any meds, so this shouldn't be so hard to do, right? Then why does it feel like an uphill struggle? . . .. <sigh>

    O.K., so I've been reading up on the posts I've missed and it's just great to "see" everyone again! Aliza, your trip to India sounds so amazing. Take lots of pics and maybe you can share them here! Rae, I love hearing about your water aerobics classes -- I may have to investigate and see if something like that is in my area. I'm not a good swimmer, but I think getting into that warm water would feel so good on my joints (Aliza, you mentioning your hair makes me think of my younger daughter when she took swimming lessons several years back; she had hair all the way down her back but wouldn't let me braid it until after her first swim lesson and she ended up with a tangled mess! After that, braiding it happened with no discussion ;-)

    And it's so nice to meet you, Joanne! I think you're doing a wonderful job of caring for yourself after such a close call (I have a dr. misdiagnosis story as well, with my 2001 back surgery, but nothing as dramatic as yours). It's really up to each of us and our families to care for ourselves, isn't it? And I think yoga sounds wonderful! I have several Rodney Yee DVDs which I like b/c I can pause them whenever I need an extra few minutes to get a block or blanket.

    Finally, Rae, your mom is an inspiration-- 77 and swims or does elliptical! I want to be her when I grow up!

    Take care,
  • marlajc88
    marlajc88 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh, and you all were talking about food and cravings . . . way back in 1993, when I first lost weight while in graduate school, I really learned about portion sizes, food groups, meal prep, the whole 9 yards, thanks to Weight Watchers. Since then, I've felt like I've tweaked things but . . I hate to say it . . there are foods I just really crave. I guess I could chalk it up to growing up as a Southern girl, but about once every 3 months I really, really want some fried chicken and biscuits. Nothing else will do and I guess, really, once every so often isn't so bad.

    However, I've noticed that if I eat well for a span of time (salads, low cal, low fat, high fiber, etc.) and then I have that one fried thing, it's like my taste buds have hit "reset" and that's really all I want again. I usually resist, though, and don't eat tons of fried stuff after but it does take time to get over the craving.

    I did do pretty well over the holidays but that was before I started exercising (pre-brochitis) in earnest. Time to get back at it, huh?

    Talk to everyone later!

  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey, Maria, glad you're back. Sry to hear that you haven't been well, though.

    When I give in to eating fried foods (and let's face it - EVERYTHING tastes better fried, right?), I generally get a queasy stomach. It's enough to get me back on track even though that fried food tastes so good. Haven't had fried chicken in donkey years and, actually, it doesn't even sound all that good anymore but biscuits? Bring 'em on.

    Carbs in general are my downfall. But I love meat, too. Funny that I was vegan for almost a year recently and it didn't particularly bother me not to be eating meat. Growing up in Texas, I often had steak and eggs for breakfast and meat at every other meal. Meat and carbs - lots of calories there.

    I've been feeling happy not to be gaining weight. Still hovering between 155.5 and 157.5 most of the time. 156 this morning. But it dawned on me today that the point is to be going DOWN, not happy to stay in the same place. (duh) I started this round of MFP at 167.6 so I'm happy to have lost almost 12 pounds (in 4 months!) - yay! - but it may be time to get strict again and lose another 10. It's so hard in winter (but then I hit spring and think - it's so hard in spring :p )

    We had some snow overnight. Only a few inches. We were hoping for more. We usually have one good snow a year. All the kids in our community are probably very sad this morning to be trudging off to school when they expected a snow day. I know my husband is disappointed to be off to work. (funny, since he's self-employed :# )

    How was the historical meeting, Rae? Interesting? Think you'll keep going?

    Did you find a yoga class you like, Joanne?

    Time for breakfast. I entertained the notion of oatmeal (which I love) but am having my usual egg white and whole wheat toast after my epiphany about needing to actually LOSE weight instead of maintain....a fat weight. lol.

  • Jstalgitis
    Jstalgitis Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning everyone. I had some wonderful news yesterday. I finally, after two years, got my A1C (Blood sugar)
    below 8.0. I am now at 7.8. Doesn't seem like a lot but it has been a challenge. And I did it not by drugs but by Tumeric. I added Turmeric to my daily pills and it brought my blood sugar down. Increased my HDL and lowered my LDL. Or is it the other way around. Anyway, it was the good way to go. I am sooo happy.
    I went out to a really fine dining restaurant last weekend which broke my resolution of not eating out for one month, which led my husband and I to eat out all weekend. I am paying for it now as my stomach is very fussy. I am not sure what they put in restaurant food (salt, fat, flavour) but it just does not agree with me. Lesson learned.
    It is very nice to meet you Marla. Looking forward to learning more about you. Hope you are feeling better.
    The Historical Society is so exciting. I would love that Rae. Love to hear more about your area.
    Aliza I think you are doing wonderful. I would love to have your commitment to exercise. It must be hard for you with your grandchildren moving so far away. That would send me into a tailspin.
    I will be starting my Yoga Feb 1st and I will also start going to our community centre where I can either swim or take advantage of the gym. I love to swim but I will need to build up to doing lanes. I also hate the getting wet and then coming out into minus weather but I have very short hair that I can dry in 5 minutes and as long as I am not in a rush I can do this. Looking forward to moving my body again.
    Have a great day everyone. TTYL.

  • marlajc88
    marlajc88 Posts: 24 Member
    Joanne, way to go on your blood sugar numbers -- that is exciting!! And don't be hard on yourself re: your resolution not to eat out for a month . . . it's nearly the end of January, right?

    Let us know how the swimming and yoga go, too. There's a community center about 20 miles away with an indoor pool; I may have to check it out when all the ice/snow finally melts here. I can't wait for spring!

    Hope everyone has a lovely Thursday,
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Bad eating day yesterday. I've been building up to it with mildly bad eating days off and on for weeks. Went out to dinner last night and got an Asian rice dish with way too much rice. I started feeling a little queasy in the middle and just kept on eating. Shared a piece of apple pie with my husband after having a few bites of my granddaughter's pastry at lunch.

    In short...ARGH!!!

    Up to 158 today. Enough to get me back on track, I hope.

    250 calories worth of elliptical machine today and keeping my food diary carefully again.

    Great news about your blood sugar, Joanne. Wow! Tumeric! Who knew? I'm going to try those tumeric pills for my cholesterol. It's a little over the normal range and my doc and I have been thinking about whether or not I should start with meds. I'm not big on the idea so I'll try tumeric first. Thanks for the idea.

    Time for a hot bath.

    I sort of thought I had the good eating habits down and the portion sizes, too. Guess I was overly optimistic.

  • marlajc88
    marlajc88 Posts: 24 Member
    Aliza, don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you enjoyed the meals yesterday (well, except for the queasy part). We all need recalibration sometimes -- I've even dug out my digital kitchen scales again so I can spot check my portion sizes.

    But I do understand what you mean -- I thought January was going to be great for me, weight loss-wise, but I can't let it get me down or further stall my progress forward. We have a brand new month coming up with February and new opportunities, right?!

    Hang in there,
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    You're so right! And just the message I needed. Thanks.

    Yesterday and today were much better.

  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Two days of being really strict and sticking to the program and I'm down to 155.2. That's with an hour on the elliptical machine at a pretty high level (250 calories as opposed to my usual 200) and at least half an hour of energetic yoga every day.

    Think I can lose 3.2 pounds in two weeks? Then I'll be down (before I leave for India) to the weight I was when I first thought "Uh oh. I've gotten really fat" about 10 years ago. ;) That was the first time I joined MFP.

    Remember the question about cravings? Here's another question for you guys -

    What's your "go to" option for when you want to overeat but don't want to overeat?


  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Had a binge night last night. Haven't had one of those in a very long time. Gained 2 lbs. from it. Yep. 2 lbs. in one binge night. And it wasn't even as bad a binge as it might have been. Sigh.

    Did well today, though, even though it was a struggle.

    How are you guys doing?
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Hey everybody! I know I haven't checked in for awhile. I joined a bunch of fitness challenges right after the first of the year and I've been having a hard time keeping up with everything. I had to drop out of a couple of them, but still doing 3 big ones. It is keeping me stellar on my exercise, but my weight is still the same as before Christmas. I eat really well about 95% of the time, but I can't seem to stay away from the wine. I know the empty calories are keeping me from losing. It's just something I really enjoy. Oh bother!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Two days of being really strict and sticking to the program and I'm down to 155.2. That's with an hour on the elliptical machine at a pretty high level (250 calories as opposed to my usual 200) and at least half an hour of energetic yoga every day.

    Think I can lose 3.2 pounds in two weeks? Then I'll be down (before I leave for India) to the weight I was when I first thought "Uh oh. I've gotten really fat" about 10 years ago. ;) That was the first time I joined MFP.

    Remember the question about cravings? Here's another question for you guys -

    What's your "go to" option for when you want to overeat but don't want to overeat?


    Your India trip will be so fun! I think you can do it!

    "Go to" options for me when I want to eat everything, but don't want to overeat - veggies and hummus. I can eat a ton of veggies (low calorie) and quite a bit of hummus (moderate calorie), get pretty full and not break the calorie bank. I also like air popped popcorn. Sometimes I'll eat a huge bowl with a tiny bit of butter or coconut oil and salt. High carb, but pretty low cal.
  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    I try to keep my wine intake to 2 glasses over the weekend (sometimes 3) and only in the middle of the week if we're out somewhere special for dinner. Popcorn is my "go to" munchie food. Sometimes nothing will do but crunchy and salty.

    Two meals out yesterday. OMG! Two desserts to die for. I ate 1/4 of one and almost 1/2 of the other. One was worth every single calorie (and there were undoubtedly LOT of em) and the other one not so much (the 1/4). A big bowl of pasta, which I almost never eat, and wouldn't have ordered if there had been anything else on the menu. I didn't choose the place and it was a fresh pasta place with nothing else available. (except pizza :p )

    Oh well. Back to basics today.

    Maybe I'll join a challenge when I get back. Which ones do you do, Rae?

    Joanne's been MIA for almost 2 weeks. I've IMed her but...no response. I hope she's okay. She was having some health issues. Joanne - if you're reading this - how about a sign of life?

    Bought some new jeans yesterday (size 29!) and it was amazing to have just about every pair I put on in a 30 or 29 fit me well. All skinny jeans. Admittedly, they were all the kind that have some stretchy material in them and the ones that didn't weren't a good fit but, hey, I'm still ecstatic. Sure made my day...week.

    You never mentioned how that historical meeting went. Curious what it's like.

    And what's up with your family? Daughter? Father-in-law? Did I miss something? :/

    About to teach a class.


  • AEPHubinc2015
    AEPHubinc2015 Posts: 127 Member
    Off to India!!
  • burstintobloom
    burstintobloom Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! I'm brand new BACK at MFP for about the 5th time. The biggest change now is that I'm active, specifically started daily yoga. Taking off weight is SOOOO hard now that i've hit menopause so I'm going to have to go hard core fit -- there apparently is no in between. I didn't get to read all your stories but looks like a great supportive and nice and small group. I can definitely relate to out of control eating and cravings!