Anyone can't sync MFP <> Fitbit right now?

Carpercia Posts: 134 Member
I seem to be having issues with this today. Always worked perfect for me in the past!


  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    edited February 2016
    Same issue here. After all the issues lately, I've just come to expect it.
  • ChrischiMainz
    ChrischiMainz Posts: 1 Member
    Same here. No matter what I do, it doesn't show up.
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    snap, glad it's not just me. I've uninstalled both apps and reinstalled but all to no avail :( Does it just come back of it's own accord usually?
  • Mark3380
    Mark3380 Posts: 1 Member
    My last calorie adjustment was at 4:30pm yesterday and MFP hasn't synced Fitbit activity since.

    This happened recently and it just atarted working again once the problem was corrected. Syncing and unsyncing your accounts probably won't help.
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    Ok thanks, I'll be patient. It's good to know it isn't something I've done as I'm not very good with these things.
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    I had this issue starting yesterday morning. I'm super impatient, so I did everything - uninstalled/reinstalled apps, unsynced/synced accounts, restarted my Fitbit, even reset my phone's settings, and nothing. I gave up at about noon. Then, at about 3:00 in the afternoon, POOF, it was working again.

    It cut out again for a few hours this morning, but has since come back. It seems totally random, but it does appear to resolve itself eventually. For now.
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    I hope so, I've manually added my walking etc for now until it decides to sync - if it ever syncs I'll remove the exercise I've added manually
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    Same here for last few days. Mine is random and intermittent and isn't correcting retrospectively even if correct for "live" activity. Done all the usual fixes - no idea whether it's Fitbit or MFP. Fitbit did update today but hasn't helped - might not have been meant to though of course!
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    i have nothing the past 2 days. really annoying
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    I've found things are syncing to fitbit just not from fitbit to mfp which seems to suggest the problem is mfp. Doesn't seem to be everyone.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I'm having the same issue. It wouldn't sync on Monday, was fine yesterday and now it won't sync again.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    How many rely on Fitbit app to determine their calorie intake levels and calories left to eat? vs obviously using MFP?
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    I've just added my activities manually to make up for the fact it won't work today. It's surprising how used to it you become when it is syncing and you miss it when it won't play!
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    edited February 2016
    MrsJ1210 wrote: »
    I've just added my activities manually to make up for the fact it won't work today. It's surprising how used to it you become when it is syncing and you miss it when it won't play!

    Have you looked at the fitbit website? where you can set your goals and it recommends calories left to eat based upon its tracking of your activity levels? Granted, this does require recording your food either in MFP or Fitbit but it seems less prone to this syncing issue as now you are looking at Fitbit for the food to be synced from MFP which seems to work without much issue. then based upon your goal set in Fitbit, it recommends your food intake level to get you to your calorie deficit goal.

    Just curious anyones thoughts on this approach instead of trying to get Fitbit activity to sync to MFP which seems to have problems fairly frequently.
  • Carpercia
    Carpercia Posts: 134 Member
    The fix is - open the app More -> Steps -> Fitbit tracker.
    Problem solved.

  • dbvirago
    dbvirago Posts: 33 Member
    That did fix the problem, but how did it get unselected to begin with? That part has been working fine until today.
  • ChristyB1117
    ChristyB1117 Posts: 51 Member
    edited February 2016
    Carpercia wrote: »
    The fix is - open the app More -> Steps -> Fitbit tracker.
    Problem solved.

    Unfortunately this doesn't work for all users.

    Specifically, I log nonstep exercising in Fitbit, and because it's not based on steps, this method doesn't work for me
  • ChristyB1117
    ChristyB1117 Posts: 51 Member
    Carpercia wrote: »
    The fix is - open the app More -> Steps -> Fitbit tracker.
    Problem solved.

    Unfortunately this doesn't work for all users.

    Specifically, I log nonstep exercising in Fitbit, and because it's not based on steps, this method doesn't work for me

    I stand corrected. This didn't work last week with the miscalculation issues, but fixed the non syncing issue. I'm just glad it's working now.
  • Carpercia
    Carpercia Posts: 134 Member
    yeah, I believe it was an update to the app. Perhaps someone doesn't like fitbit being that dominant in the market? .... just a thought.
  • gibbsedward
    gibbsedward Posts: 11 Member
    I've stopped using MFP to analyze calories in and out - I just use the Fitbit app. MFP never syncs correctly anymore, prolly 'cause UA has their own tracker now (I'm just saying...). But I do track food with MFP, because their databse is better than Fitbit's. Calories consumed seem to sync FROM MFP to Fitbit OK, it's just the exercise calories that don't transfer from Fitbit to to MFP right.

    OTOH if you believe the recent study any burn over 200 calories or so is not real because your body adjusts. So maybe it's better not to sync those 800 calories from walking the mall all day...