
Red13 Posts: 287 Member
Does anyone take a magnesium supplement? Does it help with mood?


  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    I take Magnesium citrate 250mg/day (I take the Nature Made brand ones ). I see a lot of improvement in my GI tract with added magnesium, but I do also think it helps out my anxiety a bit.

    A big mood helper for PCOS (in my opinion), is Inositol. I take 4g/day of this Jarrow brand, 2 g in the AM & 2 g in the PM mixed with water, but I worked up to that dose slowly. There are a lot of feeds in this group on the topic of inositol that you might want to check out. I notice a huge difference in my anxiety & general mood when I'm great about taking my inositol regularly.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks! I guess my worry with inositol is that I think I read it interferes with birth control. I've had 2 children without much trouble and I don't need anymore! Maybe I will research it some more
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Inositol only seems to mess with birth control if you are on it to not have cycles - continuous birth control. As far as I know, I'm the only person that has ever had that side effect due to being one of the only ones on pills to stop the cycles completely (due to pelvic organ prolapse and psychological side effects). It just tried to give me periods when I was intentionally trying not to have them. And honestly, my guy is like super fertile (fathered 6 children, at least one conceived while using BCP), and so if getting pregnant was a side effect of getting spotting/cycles, I would likely be expecting right now, but thankfully, that is NOT the case...

    So please do not hesitate to take inositol for that fear. It is supposed to level out your hormones, so if you're level on your pill, you will probably have no problems. I was even able to take a 500 mg pill for a year before I switched to a more absorbable form (the powder linked above) and started having any issues with it all... So low levels could work perfectly for you, @Red13.... Don't give up without trying.

    That being said, I take Magnesium Citrate (chelated) 135 mg, 2 capsules at bed. I have not noticed any mood effects.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Good info to know, thank you! I will try to incorporate both supplements and see what happens!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Red13 wrote: »
    Good info to know, thank you! I will try to incorporate both supplements and see what happens!

    Make sure on the magnesium that you do not get oxide....magnesium oxide is not very bioavailable and any decent sized dose will cause bathroom troubles.

    any of the -ates are supposed to be good - Citrate, Glucinate, and there's another...

    And start with the lowest dose and at bedtime. I can sometimes make you drowsy.
  • umrebelbelle
    umrebelbelle Posts: 19 Member
    It seems to help my moods. I didn't realize how much until I recently slacked off on my vitamins.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I take magnesium calmed I have had.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Red13 wrote: »
    Good info to know, thank you! I will try to incorporate both supplements and see what happens!

    Make sure on the magnesium that you do not get oxide....magnesium oxide is not very bioavailable and any decent sized dose will cause bathroom troubles.

    any of the -ates are supposed to be good - Citrate, Glucinate, and there's another...

    And start with the lowest dose and at bedtime. I can sometimes make you drowsy.

    Ditto! No magnesium oxide, it's bad news!!
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »

    Ditto! No magnesium oxide, it's bad news!!

    I was so mad because I got a buy one get one free bottle of magnesium only to come home and realize one was oxide! It was behind the citrate on the shelf. Too bad I opened it first.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Red13 wrote: »
    Deena_Bean wrote: »

    Ditto! No magnesium oxide, it's bad news!!

    I was so mad because I got a buy one get one free bottle of magnesium only to come home and realize one was oxide! It was behind the citrate on the shelf. Too bad I opened it first.

    I would still attempt to take it back. Explain the situation... Might work.
  • stefne888
    stefne888 Posts: 113 Member
    It helps me sleep! I was also getting leg cramps when I laid down and once I started taking magnesium, they stopped.
  • stacicali
    stacicali Posts: 137 Member
    Natural Calm is the best for magnesium absorption that I've tried. If you're looking to <ahem> move some things along, Twin Labs Magnesium Oxide will definitely make you go. That's because it's not absorbing well though