New hope

Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
edited February 2016 in Social Groups
Well it has been 9 days and I have lost 11 lbs !! After doing some hard self evaluation I decided to get healthy and fit . I have over come many obstacles in my life and achieved many things and that has taught me that if you have the drive and determination that you can accomplish anything. I am 38 and 5'11 and when I started I was 241.8. Over the last year I have developed sleep apena and high BP and high cholesterol. Around Jan of this year I decided that it was time for a change..

I now have a new job, just moved to a new location, Albuquerque NW, and so now is the perfect time for a new start. My job lets me work out for an hr 3 times a week and counts it as a part of my duty day. I have free access to a gym and the flexibility to utilize it. So the way I look at it I have the tools and the talent to make this happen.

I had a journey back in 2011 with Adipex and lost 40 lbs in 3 mo. Unfortunately, I did not make the necessary life changes to keep the wight off and slowly over the last 4 years gained it back. I have never had the beach body or ever been very muscular but I intend to make that happen this time around. Unfortunately last time I came to MFP I found a lot of people spewing hate at me because I was using adipex. I was told that I was a paid sponsor for adipex and than I would end up an addicted drug user.

SO the plan for 2016 is to use Adipex to jump start my wight loss and then gradually begin incorporating light exercise into my routine and after a certain point start strength training. I plan to join a martial arts DOJO and even go as far as to use a trainer to get to where I need to be. I think the key is an active lifestyle and healthy eating.. I have always said that you can achieve your dreams ..I am living proof... you just have to be determined and willing to work hard enough.. It can be done !!


  • jpchaney3b
    jpchaney3b Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like you have a solid plan for yourself this time around. Hopefully this group will offer more support than the last experience you had on MFP.
  • stacicali
    stacicali Posts: 137 Member
    I commend you. Quick question: why not start weight training now? I have had great results in just 3 weeks from 2 30 min sessions with a trainer using the heaviest weights I can handle. You can do it yourself with some research and weight machines at a gym. As women, we don't bulk up. You will only slim down (and have more muscle mass to handle extra calories once you go off the Adipex.) One other question - have you been evaluated by a good endocrinologist for PCOS and/or hypothyroidism? There could be underlying issues that are challenging you. Best of luck and good for you for using this boost for lifestyle changes!
  • jennahiggins782015
    jennahiggins782015 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been on phentermine for almost 3 months (I'm about to fill my last refill on my first prescription). I still haven't been released to exercise any more than light yoga. This past month I have gained 7 lbs, but it's my own fault because I haven't been practicing mindfulness. Yesterday was a decent day, and today will be the same. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have found the more support we have, the better we do.
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    @Tsartele, Welcome! It sounds like you're off to a great start!! You've got your motivation going and that's sometimes the HARDEST thing to do.

    I think all of us understand the venom that gets spit at us as people who have found the need for a medical solution to lose weight. You won't get that from any of us.

    I do agree with Staci about starting weights earlier. Especially since you're male, I suspect you'll get some really positive results from lifting rather quickly. There's a lot of training that's possible at home with body weight or some inexpensive weights. There's a lot informational material out there and people around here are willing to talk about it. And if the facility you have available includes weights, that's just the best thing ever because it's hard to have all the stuff on hand that I wish I had for lifting!

    But the key is definitely to find something that you enjoy to do and stick with it as often as possible, without getting burned out. And to eat mindfully. Logging food is a pain sometimes, but it does work. Calories in, calories out. I've read that weight loss success is 80% what you're eating and 20% how you're exercising.

    I'm glad that you're here!
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement ladies.. I work on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque NM so I have access to the base gym. I am a civilian so I need to see a Doc before they will let me use it but after that its free. So far I have lost 13 lbs and 1.5% body fat in the last 2 weeks. I am pretty strict when it come to following my calorie intake and I have been hovering between 1100-1350 a day. Most days I'm right at 1350. I have also started taking a Karate class. They meet 3 times a week for a 1 hour class and man it is a great workout.. I also started walking around my neighborhood for about 20-30 min at a time.. Once I am cleared to use the base gym I will probably alternate between light weight training and cardio.

    I was getting kind of frustrated because I lost almost 10 lbs the first week and then it has been slow since but I had a memory on Facebook today and it was this exact same time 5 years ago that I started the first time on Addipex and I am on pace with what I lost back then so I feel better. I need to remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint...
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    I haven't lost more than a couple every week, but it's been a couple every week for the last three months and that does add up! It does feel like this will take forever (I'm trying to lose about 105 pounds) but at this rate I'll do it within this year and that's impressive! It took me 8 years to gain 70% of the weight. Losing it in one world be awesome. :)

    Checking in with the doctor is a good idea. The classes sound like loads of fun, and hard work. It sounds like you're off to an excellent start! Well done!
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    I haven't lost more than a couple every week, but it's been a couple every week for the last three months and that does add up! It does feel like this will take forever (I'm trying to lose about 105 pounds) but at this rate I'll do it within this year and that's impressive! It took me 8 years to gain 70% of the weight. Losing it in one world be awesome. :)

    Checking in with the doctor is a good idea. The classes sound like loads of fun, and hard work. It sounds like you're off to an excellent start! Well done!

    Thanks.. you too. It sounds like you are rocking it !!!
  • babymamab
    babymamab Posts: 3 Member
    I am wondering if I should eat more. I eat under 1200 calories and I fitbit..(count my steps) The Phetermine does not work like it used to but I primarily want to jump start and lose 15-20 lbs. It seems as though when ever i eat less and move more there is no process. I am only on day 3 and said I was not going to weigh myself but I could not help it. No lbs yet. I know it takes time but how often do you eat and what? They say cut out the carbs,the fats, and increase water but that to me will help you lose weight anyways.
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I had to eat more to lose, for sure. 1200 was way too low for me, and is for most people. It definitely is if you workout.
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    I've heard more than a few people who didn't lose once they got under 1200 calories, especially considering exercise, because their body just held on to every single bit of food that it did get. EATING is NECESSARY. What you choose to eat is important.

    My nutritionist has encouraged me to eat 6 times a day, approximately 200 calories per meal, more if I'm working out.

    I eat approximately 200 calories for breakfast. I usually don't get morning snack in. I eat about 250 calories for lunch, maybe 300. I eat a snack in the afternoon for 150 - 200 calories. I eat a bigger dinner, around 500 - 600 calories (up to 800 - 900 on high days). And then I'll get a snack in if I'd like, for another 150 - 200 calories.

    I try to never be below 1200 calories, but I don't always eat back all my exercise calories. Sometimes my afternoon workout is more of a burn than I'd planned with my dinner menu, and I should have eaten more earlier in the day. And I can usually feel that because I get super tired and grumpy. And I feel burned out the next day. And I try to eat more the next day.

    I think what I eat is about 50% carbs, 25% fats, & 25% protein. I'd like to do another 10% protein and less other stuff, but I don't really care that much about my macros as long as I'm working to find more nutritional options, more vegetables, more lean meats, less saturated fat, less white carbs (flour, sugar).

    Day 3 is too soon to be thinking that it's not working. If you're logging your food, getting out and walking or something to get your heart rate up and sweating a little bit, you should see results in a little while. Drink more water, for sure, if you're like the usual person who doesn't drink nearly enough water.

    Give it time. Some people have the whole "I lost 16 pounds in 3 days!" and some of us (me!) have a much more slow response. Especially for me, I see the most loss on days when I've been active the day before (long walk or something) and then gotten a lot of sleep. I've had other active days that didn't show the same results. The extra sleep is somehow the extra kicker for my weigh-in.
  • BecLBe
    BecLBe Posts: 12 Member
    Tstartele- I just my script today. I'm 240, 5'10 and 37 AND an Army Veteran. We have so much in common. The great thing about you being AF is the free gym, also you can utilize the nutritionist on base as well. I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis last year. I was had just ran my first half marathon and was lifting mad heavy. I was (in my mind) a beast. Now I'm just round and fluffy. My goal for this first month is to build a habit. Everyday, 60 mins of activity. I also ride horses 4 times a week, so with the two combined and sticking to my macros I should be solid. Make sure you're drinking crazy water, and sticking to your diet. I'm still staying at 2000 cals per day for a couple weeks to see how I do. And then adjust from there. Short term goal is running a 5k April 23rd, Long term fit into size 14's LOL

    Good luck battle and stay with it. Oh and if you want a lifting program that is on point for a beginner, check out Live Fit Trainer for FREE on Lost 20 pounds just lifting heavy and 90s and literally like no cardio.
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    BecLBe wrote: »
    Tstartele- I just my script today. I'm 240, 5'10 and 37 AND an Army Veteran. We have so much in common. The great thing about you being AF is the free gym, also you can utilize the nutritionist on base as well. I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis last year. I was had just ran my first half marathon and was lifting mad heavy. I was (in my mind) a beast. Now I'm just round and fluffy. My goal for this first month is to build a habit. Everyday, 60 mins of activity. I also ride horses 4 times a week, so with the two combined and sticking to my macros I should be solid. Make sure you're drinking crazy water, and sticking to your diet. I'm still staying at 2000 cals per day for a couple weeks to see how I do. And then adjust from there. Short term goal is running a 5k April 23rd, Long term fit into size 14's LOL

    Good luck battle and stay with it. Oh and if you want a lifting program that is on point for a beginner, check out Live Fit Trainer for FREE on Lost 20 pounds just lifting heavy and 90s and literally like no cardio.

    Hey thanks for the tip on the free program I have not gotten a solid program down yet. This was my first week using the 2 different gyms on base and my local. I will work out a routine that works for me.. 2k cals is a lot I personally am on 1350 but dont be surprised if you see a big weight loss your first week. Best of luck !!