July 2016 moms



  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    I run too, but there is no way I could run now (20 weeks). I always show really early and now with the fourth even more than before and I find it really uncomfortable to run. I also get SPD which gets worse with lots of walking/running. I really miss running :(
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    @joviwan that sounds so simular to my milage! Totally sporadic first trimester, aiming for about 50 miles this month. I hope you (and i!) continue to feel better!

    @EmmaDetermined this is my 3rd pregnancy and only the first one I've been able to run at all. And I'm only 14 weeks, so each week I can keep going, I'm thankful! But even after not running at all for 9 months last time, I still PR'D in the half marathon 5 months after baby, and did my first full when she was 11 months old! So, like you probably already know, we can get back into it, even after the break!

    Thanks for sharing gals, super fun to hear from other mommas :)
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    PR 5 months post-partum is really good going! I did a half marathon in my first trimester with my third, but then stopped, and this time I did 10ks but got ill around 9-10 weeks and was so poorly for 2-3 weeks that it completely put me off. And yes, it is possible to retrain but it is a bit annoying to have to restart every time - but at least progress is faster in the beginning. I have put so much weight on during the last year so I need to try not to gain too much during pregnancy and loose it all after as having tipped into the obese category does not help my running at all! I am hoping all the cycling will help maintain some fitness and leg muscles, even if it is not running.
  • joviwan
    joviwan Posts: 9 Member
    Just generally checking in as we are about to start a new week!: how is everyone feeling? I hope everyone is feeling well enough to eat the things they want, and the energy levels to do the things they want! Anyone have any exciting appointments coming up?
  • novembergirl26
    novembergirl26 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm hoping that this blog is still active because I need some major encouragement right about now. My due date is July 28th with baby #2 and I hate to say that I've had horrible eating habits! Ugh...before my daugther was born (she's 19 months old now), I was really active and healthy but I have sadly not been able to get into a good routine. Can anyone relate?? I got pregant again with 10 pounds still to lose. I'm now 15 weeks and I've gained about 15 pounds!
    Can anyone give me the specifics to using myfitness pal when pregnant? How many calories do you add (I know you need about 300 extra) and any tips would be awsome. My goal is to start walking 4 days per week, but even this feels like a task with a toddler and a husband who has a crazy work schedule.
  • joviwan
    joviwan Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, novembergirl :-) I don't have a lot of *experience* to share, since this is my first pregnancy. But here's how I've been using the app: I was a bit over my goal weight before becoming pregnant, as well. So for 2nd trimester I am shooting for 0.5 lbs gain per week (and I find that I don't have to eat as much as mfp suggests to get there! Call it a gift!? :-P). So I'd suggest: start tracking and adjust as you go when you see how it is working for you. It seems the "everyone is different" philosophy is especially true for pregnancy! I also now pay more attention to the "nutrients" section of the app, not just the calories consumed/burned: make it about quality as well as quantity. I hope you have gotten off to a good start and are making time for your walks!! Welcome to the group :-)
  • LaurenBraddy
    LaurenBraddy Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm hoping that this blog is still active because I need some major encouragement right about now. My due date is July 28th with baby #2 and I hate to say that I've had horrible eating habits! Ugh...before my daugther was born (she's 19 months old now), I was really active and healthy but I have sadly not been able to get into a good routine. Can anyone relate?? I got pregant again with 10 pounds still to lose. I'm now 15 weeks and I've gained about 15 pounds!
    Can anyone give me the specifics to using myfitness pal when pregnant? How many calories do you add (I know you need about 300 extra) and any tips would be awsome. My goal is to start walking 4 days per week, but even this feels like a task with a toddler and a husband who has a crazy work schedule.

    I just put my calories to maintenance, and add 300. I don't stress about the number itself, and eat when I'm hungry/craving something! Mainly I use it to help me identify bad habits....namely my first trimester habit of eating doughnuts or breakfast tacos or kolaches every morning on my way to work! Or realizing that my favorite Schlotzkey's meal was over 1000 calories.....and eating out 3 meals a day is the devil.

    Now we're making a family effort to cook 4 nights a week, and my breakfast is now apples and peanut butter. I think that the baby thanks me...I feel better already. But man that first trimester is rough!
  • LaurenBraddy
    LaurenBraddy Posts: 65 Member
    I just put my calories to maintenance, and add 300. I don't stress about the number itself, and eat when I'm hungry/craving something! Mainly I use it to help me identify bad habits....namely my first trimester habit of eating doughnuts or breakfast tacos or kolaches every morning on my way to work! Or realizing that my favorite Schlotzkey's meal was over 1000 calories.....and eating out 3 meals a day is the devil.

    Now we're making a family effort to cook 4 nights a week, and my breakfast is now apples and peanut butter. I think that the baby thanks me...I feel better already. But man that first trimester is rough!

    I also started 15 pounds up from my goal weight.....and put on 10 lbs in the first trimester.....

  • noodleeatspie
    noodleeatspie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new here and due 25th July. I have maintained my weight mostlyso far (only gained a lb.) I'm struggling to get in to a good eating routine, I really can't stomach much! I have also been trying to increase my iron levels.
  • joviwan
    joviwan Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats, noodle! Sorry to hear your stomach is still off. Have you come across any new/favorite high iron foods you'd recommend?
  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone, how many of you have been told about gender of baby,?? Any possibility that these scan can be wrong?? I m told that this time we r having girl, already mom of a 3 yrs old son. Can I start doing shopping for wait little more???
  • joviwan
    joviwan Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi everyone, how many of you have been told about gender of baby,?? Any possibility that these scan can be wrong?? I m told that this time we r having girl, already mom of a 3 yrs old son. Can I start doing shopping for wait little more???

    I think most of us are far enough along that the scans can be trusted. At 20 weeks I was told we are having a boy. I think that call is usually more a sure thing than girls, for anatomic reasons :-P But I think that the anatomy scans are good and thorough enough these days that you should be safe to shop. I'd like to think if they were uncertain they would tell you that they can't determine it. I have heard of that happening to some people, if the baby is in an uncooperative position. But if they didn't mention anything like that, and the view was clear: congrats on your baby girl :-)
  • melnikn
    melnikn Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone, how many of you have been told about gender of baby,?? Any possibility that these scan can be wrong?? I m told that this time we r having girl, already mom of a 3 yrs old son. Can I start doing shopping for wait little more???

    With my first baby at 17 weeks the technician guessed it was a girl. Baby was not in a good position to show true identity. Lol when we went for a private ultrasoundat 28 weeks we found we were actually going to have a boy. With my 2nd and 3rd it was confirmed both girls around 18 weeks. I had follow up ultrasounds those pregnancies for placenta previa. My 4th baby now we went for an ultrasound at 18 wks and they cldnt see good. Baby was also in a bad position legs crossed. So we decided to leave it a surprise. There are rare occuances they are wrong. But if baby was in a good position. Ita safe to start shopping for pink stuff.
  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    I hope everyone is doing great...