Team 9



  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Issy: Great job! You just keep a personal log of the extra challenges that you do.
  • lang111
    lang111 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm Michelle, from cold Michigan. Two kids, ages 16 and 14. We are headed to Oceanside California for spring break, so I have huge motivation to get that little bit of winter weight off. This challenge looks like a fun way to do it. I vote for Dream Acheivers. Good Luck to everyone this week!
  • doodledoo92
    doodledoo92 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm Megan, from Pennsylvania. Mom to 2 cats. This is my second MFP challenge. Looking forward to it! :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good Morning Team 9 ... I'm off to the Races today right along with you all. I had a water weight issue last week that has partly resolved itself over the last couple of days, however, sad to say, my scale weight is up a little bit from last Monday ... here's to planning that week 2 with all it's additional activity and no sugar/white wheat baked products will clean that up and I come in with a big loss on the next weigh-in. I know the weigh-in day is Tuesday and we have until Thursday to get it on the sheet, but my weigh-in Day has been Monday since 2011 when I first started a presence on MFP and tha's one habit I don't want to break.

    Here is a quote that I find particularly fitting as I start this week with many more challenges than I had last week ...

    “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” ~William James
  • angelious
    angelious Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Ria 31 based in Hong Kong at the moment so some time differences for certain. I'm looking forward to this first challenge as a big accountability push as work and part time study have taken over my focus for too long. I vote for Dream Achievers !
  • littlekatryn
    littlekatryn Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!! My name is Katryn and I'm a 34 year old therapist in the Boston area. I recently changed jobs and am starting to try to focus more on taking care of my personal life instead of sacrificing everything for my career. My boyfriend and I recently adopted a puppy, so while there are no kids, I'm definitely working on less sleep than I'm used to. :) So excited to be on this journey with you all. My overall goal is to lose 60 lbs (I'm 6'), but for this journey it's to get as close to onederland as possible (about 25 lbs) and be healthy about it. Feel free to add me on Fitbit!
  • jenniferstavich
    jenniferstavich Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jen 30 and motivated to hit my goals. I've always tried to be healthy but now that I am trying to start a family it means so much more! I'm down to 140 from 156 in thanksgiving. Shooting for 130 and helping my siestas and cousin hit their goals too! Go Iss, cry, & latta!
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Here's to starting the week off right!

    I had a so-so weekend. We had a birthday party for my son and I had more cake and pizza than I should have. Also we were so busy I didn't get any workouts in.

    BUT this week will be better! The sun is out and the snow is melting so I will definitely get out and run today (I prefer running outside over a treadmill.) I think I will be down about a pound for the weigh-in tomorrow. I was hoping for 2 but we'll see.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Okay, I thought I was on top of the game but I am somewhat behind. I thought I had seen a spreadsheet to post our time for the Amazing race. But I cant find it. So, today I did 60 min. of exercises, ate some olives, encouraged some team members, have had no sugar, will do the arm and squat challenge later tonight. Am I missing something?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2016
    Okay, I thought I was on top of the game but I am somewhat behind. I thought I had seen a spreadsheet to post our time for the Amazing race. But I cant find it. So, today I did 60 min. of exercises, ate some olives, encouraged some team members, have had no sugar, will do the arm and squat challenge later tonight. Am I missing something?

    No sugar or white flour products ... that's a tough one as there are so many products with hidden sugar in the ingredients ... and who can get by a whole week without a slice of sandwich bread? (I can, I can! :)

    The spreadsheet is on Google Sheets ... the link is

    instructions for it on the announcement LINK TO SPREADSHEET AND SUPPORT. I made a bookmark of the sheet so I could get to it more easily.

    The way I understand it, not everything goes on the spreadsheet day by day and has to be kept track of some other way, then reported one time at the end of the week.

  • lang111
    lang111 Posts: 22 Member
    Did 60 minutes of Crossfit, 5 minutes on arms this morning. Stayed clear of sugar - stuck with meats vegetables and eggs today.

  • mindse
    mindse Posts: 13 Member
    Hi All! Today was tough because I flew from LA to NY, but I got out and walked a ton when I got here and did Day 2 of the Squat challenge and Day 2 of the Arm Challenge! Plus, I had some delicious feta in a chopped salad for dinner. Go team!
  • lmdsmiles
    lmdsmiles Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I'm Lisa. I'm in the New Orleans area and new to using MFP. This is my first challenge. I am getting back to tracking what I eat after an extended break during which I gained 30lbs I had worked really hard to get off... I joined the challenge hoping that joining a team would help me motivate myself and get some support as well. I did the day 1 arm challenge and the dance roadblock today. I jazzercise 4x a week and occasionally walk/jog 5K & 10K races. I like Heart and Sole for team name. :)
  • jenniferstavich
    jenniferstavich Posts: 18 Member
    100 min workout
    No sugar or flour
    Team 9 we are gonna kick *kitten* - posted to
    Posted my intro
    Accepted everyone's friend request
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wow, that "Mama Mia" is sure a catchy song and dance routine! I just enjoyed myself immensely doing 2 more rounds of it just now, and shared it with some other friends I have here on MFP community pages thread I have been a member of since October 2014.

    As a matter of fact, this morning, when I was doing some exercises in my kitchen that are fast paced, the song came into my mind and I found myself trying to do the dance right there without the video up in front of me.

    Today, for Greek Food, I am going to use Spinach again, because I don't want to grocery shop yet. It's going to be Lemon Garlic Chicken breast stuffed with spinach and feta and finished in the oven, served with a side of cucumber and tomatoes with olive oil and lemon ... really looking forward to this dish for my main meal.
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Today, for Greek Food, I am going to use Spinach again, because I don't want to grocery shop yet. It's going to be Lemon Garlic Chicken breast stuffed with spinach and feta and finished in the oven, served with a side of cucumber and tomatoes with olive oil and lemon ... really looking forward to this dish for my main meal.

    That sounds delicious! My Greek food yesterday was spinach Today I'm planning pork souvlaki for dinner but with brown rice instead of a pita. I'm going to have to do some planning to come up with Greek foods for the rest of the week. But I'm looking forward to the challenge!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Okay thats weird. When I use the laptop I can't access the spreadsheet for our team but on my phone I can but on the phone I can't edit it. Oh well. I am going to keep score the old fashion way....pen and paper baby.

    @Nikion901 that sounds so good! I am in the same boat as you. I have not gone grocery shopping but I have black olives. So that has been my "greek" food. I love black olives, I could eat a whole can in one sitting. But can't stand green. Go figure.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    laurab384 wrote: »

    That sounds delicious! My Greek food yesterday was spinach Today I'm planning pork souvlaki for dinner but with brown rice instead of a pita. I'm going to have to do some planning to come up with Greek foods for the rest of the week. But I'm looking forward to the challenge!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    I've never made Souvlaki, but do want to give it a try one day. One thing I want to make this week is the Greek Lemon Chicken Soup ... you need rice for that and I will use brown rice instead of Arborio. I have a few Greek recipes in my files, got most of them off the internet. I could watch YouTube recipes all day!
    Okay thats weird. When I use the laptop I can't access the spreadsheet for our team but on my phone I can but on the phone I can't edit it. Oh well. I am going to keep score the old fashion way....pen and paper baby.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day!

    Are you using the link from the MFP thread in announcement of using Google Sheets? Don't have any idea if that would make a difference, but was wondering.

    Ditto on your 'I hope everyone has a fantastic day!'
  • issy62087
    issy62087 Posts: 19 Member
    Sweat is just fat crying. Get your sweat in today!
  • lang111
    lang111 Posts: 22 Member
    60 minutes of Crossfit
    Did the arm challenge day 2
    Failed at sugar challenge today