Just started!

ktrey487 Posts: 6 Member
I just started yesterday and I haven't cheated so far. I have about 65 lbs that I need to lose. I have read a lot of the threads and I see that a lot of people are solely on shakes. My dr said I could do two replacement meals and a regular dinner (3-4 oz meat and cup of veggies) and a snack like nuts or two eggs. I'm super tired though, does that pass?


  • motherhen03
    motherhen03 Posts: 9 Member
    Glad to have someone here! I think most of the people in this group have come and gone. I've been on the diet for 38 days and have lost 26.6 lbs. I have 3 meal replacements per day. My dr doesn't like us preparing meals because it leaves too much room for "chipping" aka cheating. Not that you'll cheat, that's just his reasoning
  • ktrey487
    ktrey487 Posts: 6 Member
    Yea that makes sense! I'm doing well so far, I'm on day 3 and super tired still. Should that pass soon?
  • motherhen03
    motherhen03 Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes! The tiredness will pass. You'll soon feel full of energy. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself moving.
  • okeefe01
    okeefe01 Posts: 10 Member
    I just had my two week weigh in. I've lost 20lbs. I am really struggling with only having shakes. I am supposed to drink 6 a day and exercise 30 minutes. I can only get 5 shakes in, but other than that I have not cheated.
    I can get the chocolate and vanilla shakes down, but the others make me gag. I was really excited today, because they told me I could also choose from the puddings and soups. I just tried to Lemon pudding. YUCK!! Some people say they really like them, but I hated it. That's $25 down the drain ($25 per box at my Dr). I hope the soups are better.

    My goal is to lose 100lbs. I don't know if I can go without any real food. How long is it before they start to let you eat a meal of your own food?
  • ktrey487
    ktrey487 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in my second week now and my dr told me one regular meal a day was fine as long as I kept my entire day under 50 carbs. I guess it's different with every dr bc I was given a sample box the first visit so I could try all the different flavors of pudding, soup, bars, and there were even a pack of pretzels. I hated the chicken soup though. I was barely able to choke it down. I think it was more of a texture thing for me though bc the taste was ok, I just couldn't get past the dried carrot pieces and other stuff in it. The puddings are great though bc I put about 10-11 oz of water in it to make more of a shake and it fills me up more!
  • ktrey487
    ktrey487 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes! The tiredness will pass. You'll soon feel full of energy. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself moving.

    I'm feeling much better the past two days. You're right. I have a burst of energy and I feel like I can start exercising more now bc I don't feel so sluggish and drowsy. I'm assuming that I'm in ketosis now!
  • motherhen03
    motherhen03 Posts: 9 Member
    Yay! Glad for the boosted energy! You can pick up some ketone test strips to know for sure if you are in ketosis. I started adding exercise in week 3 and started with a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds video set. It was great and got too easy quickly. I just started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and it is great! The pounds have slowed down slightly but the inches are still falling off. Especially in my waist. It's exciting! I'm almost to a weight I haven't seen in almost 10 years!!
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey everyone,
    I started my program on December 4th, 2015. And it's seriously changed my life. I've lost a total of about 69lbs so far. You will see that every clinic isn't ran the same way. Like my clinic they really focus on behavioral and cognitive therapy to help us identify our issues with food and help us build that better relationship with food which is why I joined in the first place. Some clinics don't do that. Others allows exercise some don't. But keep going everyone. This is a hard journey but it's so worth it.
  • motherhen03
    motherhen03 Posts: 9 Member
    Well said
  • nhuntah
    nhuntah Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! I just started a week ago and Im feeling pretty good. I am allowed to have 3 shakes/puddings/soups per day plus a meal consisting of "a piece of lean protein the size of your hand and half a plate of vegetables." I am also allowed to have one bar if I need to.

    The second and third days I was feeling like I was in a fog but I haven't been hungry at all. Ideally I'd like to lose 80 lbs so I'm hoping this works! My starting weight is 250. For women I hear it can be much slower... I've been exercising 2-3 times a week for about 45 minutes of cardio and walking to and from work (4 miles total).

    So far I've had the vanilla and chocolate shakes, the lemon and chocolate pudding, and the cheddar broccoli soup. Man was that soup bad. BAD! I'm also not a huge fan of the vanilla shakes but the rest I find to be okay.

    My doc never mentioned bullion to me which everyone else seems to be swearing by. Any particular brand or serving size?

    I won't be weighing in for another 2 weeks. I am on the "trial" at the moment to see if I like it (but I'll be continuing for sure). Fingers crossed!
  • ktrey487
    ktrey487 Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome nhuntah! I haven't had issues with the part you said about women struggling to lose faster. I have lost about 4-5 lbs a week and I am also doing two shakes a day and a meal that is lean meat and veggies. I feel incredible and have been on it for almost two months now. I have struggled with cheating though. Has anyone else had these issues? The first three weeks were great and didn't struggle at all. I went on vacation and went down hill that week. Jumped right back on and was fine for a week and then had a cheat meal the week after. What do you guys think of cheat meals? Is it so terrible to have a cheat meal once a month or so? Or has any struggled with a cheat meal here and there?
  • nhuntah
    nhuntah Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you! I haven't had problems with cheat meals. 2 weeks in and Im down 20 lbs but Im wondering how much of that is water weight/glycogen weight loss. It seems like a lotttttt and I know its definitely not all fat.

    Im hoping to keep weight loss around 5lbs per week :)

  • amanditaroa
    amanditaroa Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I started the diet today. I am really excited for this. 2 babies and 50 pounds extra. My goal is to lose 25 pounds. I am hypothyroid and traditional way didn't;t work for me at the moment.
    I am on 4 meals replacements. My dr. allows me to eat celery with lemon and olive oil and broth. and when I think is necessary 1 boiled egg. Also she recommended 1 tsp of olive oil daily to protect gallbladder and fiber supplement to prevent constipation.
    If there is someone doing the diet, I would like to stay in touch. I am receiving support form my husband. but I have two little ones to feed.
    I am really committed to this. I will keep posting!
  • amanditaroa
    amanditaroa Posts: 4 Member
    About the broth (someone was asking about it) I went to the store, got a piece of beef to make soup and I cooked with lots of water, I add herbs, celery, garlic and salt. After cooking, I took the piece of meat for my husband and the broth was delicious. I ate 1 cup of beef broth , the rest for tomorrow.
  • ekstacey
    ekstacey Posts: 3 Member
    I am on the LCD with 2 shakes and 1 meal and 1 bar. I have been almost 3 weeks. Some days are good and some are bad. I tried the Pineapple/Apricot shake and love it. I don't taste the apricot at all. I do you a little extra water (11oz) because it was a little to sweet and overpowering at first. Tastes like a good pineapple milk shake. I am having it every morning.

    Any idea how to get the graininess out of the puddings?