Regained my weight

SAHM2one Posts: 8 Member
edited February 2016 in Social Groups
I had RNY 14.5 years ago and went from around a 26/28 to a 6/8....However in the last 3 years I have gained all my weight back....I have several medical problems that make working out almost impossible but I'm still eating the same....yet I'm gaining so fast....Please help! Would a revision help?


  • Myrtle1309
    Myrtle1309 Posts: 14 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? It seems to me (but I'm no expert) that if you are taking in the same number of calories but gaining weight that something is amiss. Are you weighing and measuring your food and logging everything? I had RNY 4.5 years ago and struggling to keep weight off. Add me as a friend and maybe we can figure this out and support each other. :)